'2000 Mules'... 'TRUEtheVote' figured it out... more than 54,000 mules used in the 2020 election... Zuckerbucks worth $350M stole the election


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
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54,000 mules

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For anyone who watched that tonight ask yourselves this:

What were those "mules" doing with all of those ballots?

Why hasn't anyone in Law enforcement, a legislator or amazingly the media even bothered to investigate what those people were doing and for whom?

Why were those vote counts shut down in all of those States where the Mules were charted as operating in?

What does it say about your vote seeing it trashed the way it was depicted in that film?

This is a sad day in America, and it will be sadder if we don't do all in our power to make sure this NEVER happens again.

I think the most important part of this movie begins @ the 20:00 mark and runs to the @ 35:00 minute mark, where the methodology of tracking these so called "mules" is detailed, explained, and illustrated. Then later from roughly the @38:00 minute mark running up to the @43:30 mark where the corresponding video footage actually validates the tracking data! It's 20 minutes of "the smoking gun" that this election was stolen!

It is the basis of the hard evidence that blows a hole directly into the Left's entire false narrative about the alleged "most secure election in history", and it exposes the obvious fraud that demands a further investigation. Make no mistake, what is documented in those roughly 20 minutes was a well organized, criminal conspiracy of illegal ballot trafficking. It is irrefutable hard evidence, and I 100% guarantee not one mind numbed Leftist can refute it. Not one.

In the coming days and weeks I sincerely hope we see more aggressive efforts from Federal & State election officials to:
  • find out who these mules are, and prosecute them
  • understand how many illegal ballots they were responsible for trafficking, and should now be invalidated
  • demand accountability from State & county election officials who accepted these illegal ballots
  • find out why the vote counts in the areas where these mules operated were all suddenly suspended
  • find out who was behind the non profits collecting ballots for the mules to deliver
  • trace the money payments to the mules, and the organizers of the ballot collection points
  • track the owners of the private drop boxes, and who they were working for or how they were funded
This film is devastating, and the presented evidence is irrefutable. We cannot let another election like this be stolen ever again! NEVER!!!!!

Outrageous!!!!!! :mad:

The post election proof of how badly he was beaten is how rapidly his 80 million "supporters" have abandoned him!

Trump is still drawing overflow crowds to his rallies, while Biden doesn't even know where he is at in his own news conferences!

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Think about how they got this phone data.

They purchased it from a 3rd party firm. A group of nobodies went to a data harvesting company and just dropped some $$ for peoples personal information and combined it with security footage.

If these people could do it then imagine what the government has/could have done. Imagine who the authorities could have caught already.



That's a point that should really be driven home.

All this info was publicly available to the point of it basically being OSINT. It took what is, in the grand scheme of things, a very minimal amount of time and effort to produce what is a smoking gun when it comes to Democrats stealing the 2020 election.

Our intelligence agencies have ignored all this, and instead, continued to plot terror and entrapment schemes against America's citizens.
I helped stuff them ballot boxes then I got some help stuffing my face!

Here Stacy...want some more?


Oh right over here girl... do I look like I ever turn down a good meal?

Actually NO don't! :joy:
Just shooting the shit here a little bit.....

What is the problem with mules? If I am an employee at an assisted living facility, why shouldn't I be allowed to deliver the ballots of every competent resident to a dropbox?

Personally, I think if you can't get your ass to the voting sites, you shouldn't vote (unless you are employed by the federal, state or local government and stationed outside your district) because mail-in-votes are too easy to fake. But since mail-in votes are authorized, why can't we have mules? If the vote is legit, why does it matter who dropped it off? For example, what's the problem with moetard dropping off my ballot I handed to him in his trailer park a day earlier?
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Just shooting the shit here a little bit.....

What is the problem with mules? If I am an employee at an assisted living facility, why shouldn't I be allowed to deliver the ballots of every competent resident to a dropbox?

Personally, I think if you can't get your ass to the voting sites, you shouldn't vote (unless you are employed by the federal, state or local government and stationed outside your district) because mail-in-votes are too easy to fake. But since mail-in votes are authorized, why can't we have mules? If the vote is legit, why does it matter who dropped it off? For example, what's the problem with moetard dropping off my ballot I handed to him in his trailer park a day earlier?
That's funny but it's illegal in some States. (ballot trafficking)

As of August 2020:[1][2]

  • 24 states and D.C. permitted someone chosen by the voter to return mail ballots on their behalf in most cases
  • 12 states specified who may return ballots (i.e., household members, caregivers, and/or family members) in most cases
  • 1 state explicitly allowed only the voter to return their ballot
  • 13 states did not specify whether someone may return another's ballot
  • Nine states that allow someone chosen by the voter to return mail ballots have exceptions specifying who is not permitted to do so. Eleven states specify a maximum number of voters for whom a person can return ballots or a maximum number of ballots they may return. And in seven states and D.C., only voters meeting certain criteria may have their ballots returned by someone else

In the case of the so called "mules" depicted in the film, those States had specific restrictions on who or how many ballots could be dropped off by someone other than the voter. Just as no one can fill out a ballot for you, or pay you to deliver a ballot (also depicted in the film) it is illegal to drop multiple ballots other than your own or family member's into absentee voting boxes. Trump warned against the very potential for abuse the film documented.

Hey, I was right, no one listened to me, so we ended up with creepy Joe 'ya see?
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For anyone who watched that tonight ask yourselves this:

What were those "mules" doing with all of those ballots?

Why hasn't anyone in Law enforcement, a legislator or amazingly the media even bothered to investigate what those people were doing and for whom?

Why were those vote counts shut down in all of those States where the Mules were charted as operating in?

What does it say about your vote seeing it trashed the way it was depicted in that film?

This is a sad day in America, and it will be sadder if we don't do all in our power to make sure this NEVER happens again.

I watched it with my wife last night. Pretty amazing how easy it could have been done. Sure looks like it was stolen
I watched it with my wife last night. Pretty amazing how easy it could have been done. Sure looks like it was stolen
One thing I’ve gathered from the film is, this likely wasn’t the first fraudulent election. If anything, I’m assuming there has NEVER been a fair and honest election in this country. We’ve all been hoodwinked for generations.
Given that True the Vote is going to be releasing all their data, and it heavily implicates both Stacey Abrams and Brad Raffensperger... my money is on whoever is controlling them throwing Abrams under the bus.

You know, if she could fit.

Under the train, or under the super tanker, maybe.
Given that True the Vote is going to be releasing all their data, and it heavily implicates both Stacey Abrams and Brad Raffensperger... my money is on whoever is controlling them throwing Abrams under the bus.

You know, if she could fit.

Under the train, or under the super tanker, maybe.
Abrams is untouchable due to racial politics. Raffensperger would take the fall first. My money is on neither.
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If none of these so called "mules" identified in that film is never even so much as questioned by the FBI let alone arrested and charged with a Felony for ballot trafficking then we know the fix is in. Same with all of those 501(C) 3s identified as collection points for the fake ballots. If administrators of those non profits are not hauled in before Congressional fact finding committees or GAO auditors to explain under oath their illegal electioneering activities, we can assume nothing will be done about these gross violations of the Law.

That to me is a signal to the rest of us to prepare for anarchy. That's the logical end result when the folks charged with enforcing the Laws ignore them.
If none of these so called "mules" identified in that film is never even so much as questioned by the FBI let alone arrested and charged with a Felony for ballot trafficking then we know the fix is in. Same with all of those 501(C) 3s identified as collection points for the fake ballots. If administrators of those non profits are not hauled in before Congressional fact finding committees or GAO auditors to explain under oath their illegal electioneering activities, we can assume nothing will be done about these gross violations of the Law.

That to me is a signal to the rest of us to prepare for anarchy. That's the logical end result when the folks charged with enforcing the Laws ignore them.
If it’s not registered with the major of Americans yet, it never will. I mean our DOJ is opening an investigation of Musk for buying Twitter. Let that sink in. Musk wants to allow free speech and they want to stop him. Every federal branch is compromised.
If it’s not registered with the major of Americans yet, it never will. I mean our DOJ is opening an investigation of Musk for buying Twitter. Let that sink in. Musk wants to allow free speech and they want to stop him. Every federal branch is compromised.
When they get the lawless anarchy they are promoting, they can't blame anyone but themselves.

Allegations arising from the True the Vote investigation featured in the documentary "2000 Mules" have prompted a call by Michigan Republican lawmakers for a new investigation into the 2020 election.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party in Spokane County, Washington, is calling for a 2020 election probe, and a case in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has been assigned a judge, reports Just the News.

Allegations arising from the True the Vote investigation featured in the documentary "2000 Mules" have prompted a call by Michigan Republican lawmakers for a new investigation into the 2020 election.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party in Spokane County, Washington, is calling for a 2020 election probe, and a case in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has been assigned a judge, reports Just the News.

None of this means the election will be undone, but if we at least get an official declaration that it was won fraudulently that should be enough to undue all the damage from all the cheating. Folks will be at least aware of how bad that was and they will support ongoing reforms and safeguards to make sure it can never happen again.

That will be worth it because Dems can't win unless they cheat. If they can't cheat, they'll never win anything again.
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