1 in 19 Americans is a veteran and was willing to die to uphold and defend the US Constitution.


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
1 in 19 Americans is a veteran and was willing to die to uphold and defend the US Constitution.

What if an army of veterans (1 in 3 veterans or 1 in 57 Americans) canvassed every single home in America and proved out how many illegal votes took place in 2020 once and for all.

How many non-voters voted (a phantom mail in ballot vote slipped into a real person who didn't vote voter file)?
How many "illegals" are on US soil?
How many Americans there really are?

Our Census figures are more than likely overstated by beteeen 10 and 30 million people (think of the hundreds of billions being stolen annually)

Our Veterans and Active Citizens are our True Last Line of Defense to prevent this Bush/Clinton/Obama Backed Communist takeover of our Nation that we are experiencing.

I'll see what I can get organized. What do we have to lose?


and you think We'll DO NOTHING ?

like these Ukrainians ?


and you think We'll DO NOTHING ?

like these Ukrainians ?

I think what we’re doing is closing the loopholes with tighter voting laws. When we sweep back into power next year, how are you going to reconcile the results against the rhetoric?
I think what we’re doing is closing the loopholes with tighter voting laws. When we sweep back into power next year, how are you going to reconcile the results against the rhetoric?
Be vocal local. My little community is Republican, but I work & stay In mostly blue state . I have noticed the locals in the individual towns are becoming more & more vocal about local policies , the policies that Democrats do but dont talk about.

The 2nd Amendment is the only thing keeping America from becoming Australia.

Since there are now a wide range of legitimate subjects that cannot be candidly discussed in the public sphere, we cannot any longer claim we live in a free country.

I wouldn’t say we’re living under a tyrannical regime either, but we’re definitely headed in that direction
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I believe the DSA (dnc) played their ace in the hole to get rid of Trump. Local officials & people will be on their toes to protect elections
I think what we’re doing is closing the loopholes with tighter voting laws. When we sweep back into power next year, how are you going to reconcile the results against the rhetoric?
Here are 3 I'd close right now.

1. No mail in votes or absentee votes. You must appear at your district to vote or you don't vote. The only exceptions are federal/state employees stationed outside their areas of residence (ie, servicemen, ambassadors, etc). Not private government contractors.

2. Election day should be the 1st Tuesday in November. No early voting. Period. (subject to the exceptions in #1).

3. No government issued ID, no vote.