“There are only two options: Make progress or make excuses” ~ Tony Robins

I do support the team and have supported the team since I was old enough to pay attention. The thing is, Neil Brown is not the team. Brown is an outsider and the biggest mistake WVU has made in over 50 years. I support everything about WVU football except for the coaching because they are holding this team back. I support every player, even Greene, because they are all subjected to very bad coaching. I paid way too much for tickets to two games this season and I won't be doing that again until Brown is gone. I won't be sending them any of my money through the Mac or Country Roads Trust until Brown is gone. That is my right as a fan. WVU has a very expensive game day experience and we are absolutely not getting our money's worth.
I'd never give a red cent to CRT either. Let the power brokers who blew up college football pay them
I don't think that's what that means...
Say no more, say no more, nudge nudge wink wink

I can't blame anyone for feeling that way. This new system is bullshit. The nil is hurting all of college football.
What's really hurting is there are no rules for NIL. NCAA needs eliminated and a commissioner with a staff in place. If you're going to pay to play you need real leaders.
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you need to face reality and just support the team..Brown will be back because WVU simply does not have the money.

So was it a mistake for admin to put themselves into this situation where the buyout for Brown is too high? It was and this is not hindsight. The results of this year was the most likely outcome based upon what he had shown up until both extensions. Regardless of the finamcial reality, can you not understand the fans frustration that the program was put in this spot in the first place?