Trump vs. Harris - Tuesday Night. Who ya got?

1. Will ABC moderators be even and fair (I have to admit I though the CNN moderators did a balanced job during the Trump/Biden debate).

2. Can Trump remain disciplined and even keeled?

3. Will the moderators ask the relevant questions that Americans want to know about?

4. Can Harris avoid word salad answers and can she actually make some salient points?

5. Can Trump illuminate the fact she has flipped-flopped on so many issues these past few weeks?

6. Can Trump tie her to this disaster of an administration (Biden)?

lol @ the 'leftist' nfl....


So the NFL has rolled out what it calls a “non-partisan” NFL Votes initiative.

The only problem?

All the orgs it partners with are Democrat, leftwing GOTV groups!

- Rock the Vote is a leftwing group packed with former Obama officials in leadership.

- Voto Latino has close ties with AOC and Julian “we’re going to turn Texas blue through immigration” Castro.

- I Am A Voter was funded by leftwing Hollywood nut job Debra Messing and fashion industry leftist Mandana Dayani.

- Rise to Vote’s board includes left-wing NBA commissioner Adam Silver, LeBron James’ business partner, and Michigan’s Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

Why is the NFL lying about being nonpartisan?

Why does the NFL despise over half of its own fan base?
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Does anyone else notice that the left and Harris are in reaction mode? They aren't being proactive, just reactive.


Does anyone else notice that the left and Harris are in reaction mode?

They aren't being proactive, just reactive.

Trump gets RFK endorsement, Harris goes out and gets Cheney endorsement.

Trump shows lead in a battleground state, the left releases a poll showing Harris up.

Trump mentions illegals eating cats and dogs. The media reacts by claiming bomb threats.

Trump holds a rally, Harris, and crew bus in people for her rally to "match" his

Trump calls for no tax on tips, and Harris matches it.

Trump calls for a closed border, and Harris and Biden pretend to get tough on the border.

Trump calls for lower taxes, and Harris pretends to call for lower taxes.....

On and on and on.

They are reacting to Trump's moves.

Playing defense.

They have no vision.

They have no plan except to counter Trump.

In other words, Trump is the leader in the race.

He is the idea guy.

He is the person setting the narrative.

She is following his moves.

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COMMITMENT New WVU baseball commitment from another pitcher

West Virginia has received a commitment from Blake Krushinski. He's a 2026 RHP from Fox Chapel Area High School in Pittsburgh, Pa.

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"I want thank the Lord for always being with me and guiding me in the right path. Thank you for your continued blessings.
I wouldn’t be here with out my mom and dad and the full support of my family behind me.
I would also like to thank the @richmondbraves and @mmball25 for getting me to this level. A very special thank you to Brian and Jack Graham @HardcoreElitePA for the time and effort they put in for my development and seeing something in me. Also thank you to my home crew at @fcfoxesbaseball.
With that being said, I am happy to announce I will continue my academic and athletic career as a Mountaineer."

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