Where is that commitment to “rule of law” and the Constitution on the right when discussing what happened a year ago?


Mar 14, 2014
It seems the things I admired most about conservative Americans (fiscal responsibility, unrelenting commitment to the rule of law, and unbiased adherence to our Constitution) all went out the window with your last party leader.

I love the passion for this nation that was exhibited on Jan 6th last year, I love the showing of political power by the people, I love the “damn the torpedoes” sentiment by everyday people when they feel like our elections are not honest.

Truth is….there a lot about Jan 6th last year that makes me feel good about our country. That is, until I realize that the end goal of many of the protesters (and the loser ex-President himself) was to overturn the election, and destroy the most important process of our democratic nation.

Over the last year, all ive heard is an argument that these actions were justified, without ANY actual evidence of election fraud. An argument supported by only a flailing desire to support one man’s bs claim of being the only real patriot in DC. A man that has cut every corner possible to build a financial empire based on the illusion of quality, and a political movement based on the illusion of truth and intention.

Please Republicans, find a leader that better represents that passion that makes me feel good about our nation, that actually has an unbiased commitment to law, and seeks to re-establish a government of the people, for the people, and by all the people - left and right.

Biden isnt the answer, neither is Harris (as much as i liked her previously - her tenure as VP has proven she is no different than the rest of the shifty, slimy, empty soul fools on hill). And i dont see the democrats going for someone positive for our nation like Gabbard, when “beating Trump” keeps getting pushed to the top of the priority list.

The nation really needs conservatives to be actual conservatives right now.
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Thread 'So tomorrow the left gets to try to stir the pot up again but I think USA is catching on' https://westvirginia.forums.rivals....-again-but-i-think-usa-is-catching-on.266832/
Catching onto what exactly? The desire for Bannon and the like to establish chaos and fear, so they can arise to power and destroy those that dare go against them?
You are backing the wrong men here. Im not saying to “go liberal”, im just saying these guys are not in it for you, or this nation.
Catching onto what exactly? The desire for Bannon and the like to establish chaos and fear, so they can arise to power and destroy those that dare go against them?
You are backing the wrong men here. Im not saying to “go liberal”, im just saying these guys are not in it for you, or this nation.

Only Bannon huh? Shewww.



Roots of stolen-election claims and other commentary​

By Post Editorial Board
November 10, 2020 | 7:19pm

Democrats, like House Speaker Pelosi, whined that Trump wasn't legitimately elected.AP
From the right: Roots of Stolen-Election Claims
Wherever would President Trump’s supporters get the idea that Joe Biden “hasn’t been legitimately elected?” The Wall Street Journal’s William McGurn asks sarcastically. “Maybe from those who spent the past four years undermining” Trump’s legitimacy. Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter called Trump “illegitimate.” Biden agreed. Rep. Jerry Nadler (and a third of House Democrats) boycotted Trump’s inauguration because he wasn’t “legitimate,” while Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the president tried to “corrupt” the 2016 election. Nor are Trump’s backers different from the 33 percent of Clinton voters who denied that Trump was legitimately elected. As for demands Trump provide evidence, they’re from “the same people who spent years” accusing him of “being a Russian agent without any evidence whatsoever.”
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Only Bannon huh? Shewww.

“And the like…” i said. Sowing seeds of mistrust, so that their control of content will flourish. It is an old con, US got very good at it. It is an old CIA playbook. And you guys are buying it…hook…line….and sinker.
“And the like…” i said. Sowing seeds of mistrust, so that their control of content will flourish. It is an old con, US got very good at it. It is an old CIA playbook. And you guys are buying it…hook…line….and sinker.

And you call Trump supporters conspiracy theroy nutjobs? Sheeew. Let's just agree our Intelligence Agencies need reformed. Badly.
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It seems the things I admired most about conservative Americans (fiscal responsibility, unrelenting commitment to the rule of law, and unbiased adherence to our Constitution) all went out the window with your last party leader.

I love the passion for this nation that was exhibited on Jan 6th last year, I love the showing of political power by the people, I love the “damn the torpedoes” sentiment by everyday people when they feel like our elections are not honest.

Truth is….there a lot about Jan 6th last year that makes me feel good about our country. That is, until I realize that the end goal of many of the protesters (and the loser ex-President himself) was to overturn the election, and destroy the most important process of our democratic nation.

Over the last year, all ive heard is an argument that these actions were justified, without ANY actual evidence of election fraud. An argument supported by only a flailing desire to support one man’s bs claim of being the only real patriot in DC. A man that has cut every corner possible to build a financial empire based on the illusion of quality, and a political movement based on the illusion of truth and intention.

Please Republicans, find a leader that better represents that passion that makes me feel good about our nation, that actually has an unbiased commitment to law, and seeks to re-establish a government of the people, for the people, and by all the people - left and right.

Biden isnt the answer, neither is Harris (as much as i liked her previously - her tenure as VP has proven she is no different than the rest of the shifty, slimy, empty soul fools on hill). And i dont see the democrats going for someone positive for our nation like Gabbard, when “beating Trump” keeps getting pushed to the top of the priority list.

The nation really needs conservatives to be actual conservatives right now.

I am trying to follow your logic. The Republican Party needs to save us from the very people who you voted for? Are you saying that the party you support needs to be held in check and you continue to vote for them? We got Trump because of Obama. We got Biden because of Trump. To me, the root cause was the liberal policies of 8 years of Obama...and you still want to blame Trump?

Your views are what's wrong with America. You only want change when it gives you what you want. The current POTUS is destroying America and you want to talk about Trump. Priceless.
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And you call Trump supporters conspiracy theroy nutjobs? Sheeew. Let's just agree our Intelligence Agencies need reformed. Badly.
A “conspiracy theory nutjob”, to me, is someone that seeks conspiracy theories to make reality fit their narrative. Conspiracies exist, but simply the suggestion of one, doesnt make it so.
A “conspiracy theory nutjob”, to me, is someone that seeks conspiracy theories to make reality fit their narrative. Conspiracies exist, but simply the suggestion of one, doesnt make it so.

You like the one's that push your far left narrative. Including the far right Anti Government one's that assist in that. We all agree the Government needs fixed. Most of us are concerned though with what you want to replace it with.
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You like the one's that push your far left narrative. Including the far right Anti Government one's that assist in that.
One thing I have always hated about being on this discussion board is that most of you on the right speak to me like i am part of a greater body of people, always spewing “you” when you mean other people, just to win arguments. It is exhausting.
One thing I have always hated about being on this discussion board is that most of you on the right speak to me like i am part of a greater body of people, always spewing “you” when you mean other people, just to win arguments. It is exhausting.

You defended far left terrorist. I didn't defend either group. Huge difference. Wear it or find something else to do with your time.
It seems the things I admired most about conservative Americans (fiscal responsibility, unrelenting commitment to the rule of law, and unbiased adherence to our Constitution) all went out the window with your last party leader.

I love the passion for this nation that was exhibited on Jan 6th last year, I love the showing of political power by the people, I love the “damn the torpedoes” sentiment by everyday people when they feel like our elections are not honest.

Truth is….there a lot about Jan 6th last year that makes me feel good about our country. That is, until I realize that the end goal of many of the protesters (and the loser ex-President himself) was to overturn the election, and destroy the most important process of our democratic nation.

Over the last year, all ive heard is an argument that these actions were justified, without ANY actual evidence of election fraud. An argument supported by only a flailing desire to support one man’s bs claim of being the only real patriot in DC. A man that has cut every corner possible to build a financial empire based on the illusion of quality, and a political movement based on the illusion of truth and intention.

Please Republicans, find a leader that better represents that passion that makes me feel good about our nation, that actually has an unbiased commitment to law, and seeks to re-establish a government of the people, for the people, and by all the people - left and right.

Biden isnt the answer, neither is Harris (as much as i liked her previously - her tenure as VP has proven she is no different than the rest of the shifty, slimy, empty soul fools on hill). And i dont see the democrats going for someone positive for our nation like Gabbard, when “beating Trump” keeps getting pushed to the top of the priority list.

The nation really needs conservatives to be actual conservatives right now.
Prosecute those who broke the law.

Plenty of data anomalies that definitely deserve a look from the last election and obvious loopholes closed going forward. I’ve maintained there was no fraud in the tabulation, no hacking, none of that. I do think there was fraud in the mail-in ballots or rather no way to accurately verify ballots weren’t harvested or outright submitted fraudulently for other people.

Until there is voter ID and traceability to mail in votes. We can never have complete confidence in our elections. Period. My position on this hasn’t changed since I started voting, regardless of outcome.

Trump has been out of office for almost a year. Now, the only real metric to point to that we’re better off than we were under Trump is the same metric the left tried to downplay for 4 years, and that’s the stock market. COVID is worse. Geopolitically, we’re worse. Financially, inflation is crushing us. We’re trampling individual freedom and body autonomy. There is an undercurrent within the military that doesn’t have confidence in the current administration. The media is off the rails and is showing bias like I’ve never seen. Both sides, but the left leaning MSM might as well be Pravda. It’s bad. Gas prices are stupid high.

Welcome back, btw.
Prosecute those who broke the law.

Plenty of data anomalies that definitely deserve a look from the last election and obvious loopholes closed going forward. I’ve maintained there was no fraud in the tabulation, no hacking, none of that. I do think there was fraud in the mail-in ballots or rather no way to accurately verify ballots weren’t harvested or outright submitted fraudulently for other people.

Until there is voter ID and traceability to mail in votes. We can never have complete confidence in our elections. Period. My position on this hasn’t changed since I started voting, regardless of outcome.

Trump has been out of office for almost a year. Now, the only real metric to point to that we’re better off than we were under Trump is the same metric the left tried to downplay for 4 years, and that’s the stock market. COVID is worse. Geopolitically, we’re worse. Financially, inflation is crushing us. We’re trampling individual freedom and body autonomy. There is an undercurrent within the military that doesn’t have confidence in the current administration. The media is off the rails and is showing bias like I’ve never seen. Both sides, but the left leaning MSM might as well be Pravda. It’s bad. Gas prices are stupid high.

Welcome back, btw.
Do you honestly believe we do not have measures in place to identify voter fraud, esp when lawyers contesting the count has been a commonly used tactic for both both parties for years?

Read the cases of voter fraud that have been prosecuted. Mail-in doesnt make it any less transparent, when it comes to election officials ensuring that our system is not fraudulent.

Those that are driving these narratives of election fraud (meaning the most powerful voices in alternative media/“truth media”) will not stop with these constant smoke and mirrors until the masses see two distinct media sources. One liberal, one conservative. Therefore any event or policy initiatives that occur can be easily categorized as fake or truth, positive or negative, based only on which outlet says what.

But this wont simply be bias, this will end up being “party sanctioned” information, like a state sponsored news outlet.

Where is Durhams bombshell? Where is Russian collusion? Where is the millions of fraudulent votes touted by Trump’s circle? Where is the kracken? These potential scandalous revelations need only create political capital amongst voters when needed, it seems the truth doesnt matter to us anymore. I am still devastated by the instability of our DOJ as exhibited by investigations of political figures without proper due process and evidence. Now I see half the nation+ has lost faith in our election process. Most referencing anecdotal evidence uncovered in social media posts.

I think it is time for the logical people on both sides to settle this bs down, and provide a legitimate discourse for policy and law with the public.
Do you honestly believe we do not have measures in place to identify voter fraud, esp when lawyers contesting the count has been a commonly used tactic for both both parties for years?

Read the cases of voter fraud that have been prosecuted. Mail-in doesnt make it any less transparent, when it comes to election officials ensuring that our system is not fraudulent.

Those that are driving these narratives of election fraud (meaning the most powerful voices in alternative media/“truth media”) will not stop with these constant smoke and mirrors until the masses see two distinct media sources. One liberal, one conservative. Therefore any event or policy initiatives that occur can be easily categorized as fake or truth, positive or negative, based only on which outlet says what.

But this wont simply be bias, this will end up being “party sanctioned” information, like a state sponsored news outlet.

Where is Durhams bombshell? Where is Russian collusion? Where is the millions of fraudulent votes touted by Trump’s circle? Where is the kracken? These potential scandalous revelations need only create political capital amongst voters when needed, it seems the truth doesnt matter to us anymore. I am still devastated by the instability of our DOJ as exhibited by investigations of political figures without proper due process and evidence. Now I see half the nation+ has lost faith in our election process. Most referencing anecdotal evidence uncovered in social media posts.

I think it is time for the logical people on both sides to settle this bs down, and provide a legitimate discourse for policy and law with the public.

Dick Cheney was there today. Is he one of the logical one's???

One year ago today, some people were let into the capitol building where they wandered around for awhile.

Happy Anniversary Wandergate.
You like the one's that push your far left narrative. Including the far right Anti Government one's that assist in that. We all agree the Government needs fixed. Most of us are concerned though with what you want to replace it with.
But when you say “far left” narrative, i truly do not know what you mean. Is it that climate change is a problem caused by man, that can be, and must be reversed for the welfare of future generations on this Earth?

Is it being pro-choice?

Is it believing that systemic racism had an affect on our nation and it’s history?

Is it that some police officers shouldnt be police officers, and that new training needs to be implemented in order to prevent unnecessary deaths?

Is it that less taxpayer funding needs spent on defense installation across the globe, and more on social welfare programs that are effectively helping Americans (if there are any)?

Is it economic policy? Social?

My opinion on policy issues is based on what is effective. My opinion on economic policy or social issues doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with replacing our form of Government.

My desire for change in our government is based on transparency and corruption. I would be open to changes in policy that seek to eliminate corruption - term limits, campaign funding - but does that mean I want to destroy our Constitution?
But when you say “far left” narrative, i truly do not know what you mean. Is it that climate change is a problem caused by man, that can be, and must be reversed for the welfare of future generations on this Earth?

Is it being pro-choice?

Is it believing that systemic racism had an affect on our nation and it’s history?

Is it that some police officers shouldnt be police officers, and that new training needs to be implemented in order to prevent unnecessary deaths?

Is it that less taxpayer funding needs spent on defense installation across the globe, and more on social welfare programs that are effectively helping Americans (if there are any)?

Is it economic policy? Social?

My opinion on policy issues is based on what is effective. My opinion on economic policy or social issues doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with replacing our form of Government.

My desire for change in our government is based on transparency and corruption. I would be open to changes in policy that seek to eliminate corruption - term limits, campaign funding - but does that mean I want to destroy our Constitution?

We all agree that we need better Government. It's what you want to replace the current one with that concerns people.
At the Capitol spouting the same nonsense you are. Is Dick Cheney now one of the logical one's???
I dont tend to listen to Dick Cheney about anything, but I imagine the dark lord can say many logical things.
There you go again -
He echoed you. Has he seen the light? You two found common ground?
throwing everything into a circular logic, so the spinning makes you feel at the center. What ****ing light? What points dis he echo of mine? Are you looking for a legitimate answer from me right now? Or just seeking to “prove” something about me individually?
Not everything is Jedi or Sith.
There you go again -

throwing everything into a circular logic, so the spinning makes you feel at the center. What ****ing light? What points dis he echo of mine? Are you looking for a legitimate answer from me right now? Or just seeking to “prove” something about me individually?
Not everything is Jedi or Sith.

New Dick Cheney Fan!!!!
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