When do we consider reprimanding Congress for impeaching Trump on a proven false narrative?


Aug 19, 2005
Surprised no one has talked about this? Can an impeachment be reversed? Are there consequences for an incompetent Congress? They have recklessly impeached a former POTUS for something factually determined to be false. If they can’t apply critical thinking and they make irresponsible decisions without evidence, should they be removed themselves? Is there an impeachment process for them collectively? Discuss….
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at the ballot box on NOVEMBER 8, 2022...

all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested.... (this is why the mask mandates are being removed)

"100 seats... 100 years"

and then we impeach obiden inc on the 9th...

it's all ready to go...
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at the ballot box on NOVEMBER 8, 2022...

all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested.... (this is why the mask mandates are being removed)

"100 seats... 100 years"

and then we impeach obiden inc on the 9th...
At this point it’s gross incompetence. None of those who voted yes should ever hold office again. We need rational people who can think critically and professionally without bias in there.
AFTER the election, there will be ample time to get the traitors to Gitmo...
At this point it’s gross incompetence. None of those who voted yes should ever hold office again. We need rational people who can think critically and professionally without bias in there.
Part of the problem is we let anybody run for office in this country, regardless of morals, ethics, etc. Many people are completely unfit to lead this country, yet because they love power and control, they will fight tooth and nail for these positions. Those who are moral, ethical, wise, etc. and would make good leaders likely want nothing to do with being a politician and having their name drug through the mud and would rather stay out of the whole mess. When we kick our Creator out and let people like Biden and AOC "lead" the country, you know it is doomed. The verses below provide the solution to our predicament, but a LOT of devils would have to be booted out of the country before these things ever took place:

"Blessed is the nation who's God is the Lord."
Psalm 33:12

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
Proverbs 29:2
Part of the problem is we let anybody run for office in this country, regardless of morals, ethics, etc. Many people are completely unfit to lead this country, yet because they love power and control, they will fight tooth and nail for these positions. Those who are moral, ethical, wise, etc. and would make good leaders likely want nothing to do with being a politician and having their name drug through the mud and would rather stay out of the whole mess. When we kick our Creator out and let people like Biden and AOC "lead" the country, you know it is doomed. The verses below provide the solution to our predicament, but a LOT of devils would have to be booted out of the country before these things ever took place:

"Blessed is the nation who's God is the Lord."
Psalm 33:12

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
Proverbs 29:2
It’s up to voters to keep people like Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, etc out of office. I guess we deserve our fate. If people refuse to pay attention or vote things in their best interest, then WE failed.
Part of the problem is we let anybody run for office in this country, regardless of morals, ethics, etc. Many people are completely unfit to lead this country, yet because they love power and control, they will fight tooth and nail for these positions. Those who are moral, ethical, wise, etc. and would make good leaders likely want nothing to do with being a politician and having their name drug through the mud and would rather stay out of the whole mess. When we kick our Creator out and let people like Biden and AOC "lead" the country, you know it is doomed. The verses below provide the solution to our predicament, but a LOT of devils would have to be booted out of the country before these things ever took place:

"Blessed is the nation who's God is the Lord."
Psalm 33:12

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
Proverbs 29:2
People dont pay attention to actions or soon forgets, pay attention to a speech
People dont pay attention to actions or soon forgets, pay attention to a speech
The only way to beat them and get them out of office is to have a national boycott of the DNC and RNC endorsed candidates and have a mass write in of outsiders. They’ve stacked the ballot choices with establishment candidates for years. People think they have a choice, but they don’t if they vote for the candidates on the ballots.
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It’s up to voters to keep people like Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, etc out of office. I guess we deserve our fate. If people refuse to pay attention or vote things in their best interest, then WE failed.
That goes back to the problem of not having the type of moral people running for office that are needed to run for office. A disproportionate amount of arrogant blowhards are attracted to these positions because they provide a sense of power and control (and wealth, in many cases). Governmental positions need to be more about sacrificing one's own good than enriching oneself and controlling others. Something needs to be done to alter the responsibilities, duties, incentives, etc. of governmental positions so that no man would dare run for them unless they only had the best interests of everybody else in mind. I don't know exactly what the answer is, but there are too many comfortable "me first", corrupt, politicians in power that need to be made uncomfortable so they never attempt to run for office again. Maybe provide very minimal pay and no benefits to politicians. Make laws that if you are caught lying to the American public 3 times, you are automatically disqualified from office ever again.
That goes back to the problem of not having the type of moral people running for office that are needed to run for office. A disproportionate amount of arrogant blowhards are attracted to these positions because they provide a sense of power and control (and wealth, in many cases). Governmental positions need to be more about sacrificing one's own good than enriching oneself and controlling others. Something needs to be done to alter the responsibilities, duties, incentives, etc. of governmental positions so that no man would dare run for them unless they only had the best interests of everybody else in mind. I don't know exactly what the answer is, but there are too many comfortable "me first", corrupt, politicians in power that need to be made uncomfortable so they never attempt to run for office again. Maybe provide very minimal pay and no benefits to politicians. Make laws that if you are caught lying to the American public 3 times, you are automatically disqualified from office ever again.
Considering the responsibility of these positions, they are underpaid. Which may explain why they sold us out to lobbyists and get paid under the table. I’m definitely a supporter of term limits. There’s no reason any Congress member should be there 30-40+ years. Pelosi is the poster child of what is wrong in DC.
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Part of the problem is we let anybody run for office in this country, regardless of morals, ethics, etc. Many people are completely unfit to lead this country, yet because they love power and control, they will fight tooth and nail for these positions. Those who are moral, ethical, wise, etc. and would make good leaders likely want nothing to do with being a politician and having their name drug through the mud and would rather stay out of the whole mess. When we kick our Creator out and let people like Biden and AOC "lead" the country, you know it is doomed. The verses below provide the solution to our predicament, but a LOT of devils would have to be booted out of the country before these things ever took place:

"Blessed is the nation who's God is the Lord."
Psalm 33:12

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
Proverbs 29:2
The country's under judgement for MANY things. America's future is short while the world's is rather long. The coming months in the world are going to be beyond belief.

It's well-earned judgement and just, imo.
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Surprised no one has talked about this? Can an impeachment be reversed? Are there consequences for an incompetent Congress? They have recklessly impeached a former POTUS for something factually determined to be false. If they can’t apply critical thinking and they make irresponsible decisions without evidence, should they be removed themselves? Is there an impeachment process for them collectively? Discuss….

It’s up to voters to keep people like Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, etc out of office. I guess we deserve our fate. If people refuse to pay attention or vote things in their best interest, then WE failed.
Exactly! They are us...we are them! We get exactly what we voted for.
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That goes back to the problem of not having the type of moral people running for office that are needed to run for office. A disproportionate amount of arrogant blowhards are attracted to these positions because they provide a sense of power and control (and wealth, in many cases). Governmental positions need to be more about sacrificing one's own good than enriching oneself and controlling others. Something needs to be done to alter the responsibilities, duties, incentives, etc. of governmental positions so that no man would dare run for them unless they only had the best interests of everybody else in mind. I don't know exactly what the answer is, but there are too many comfortable "me first", corrupt, politicians in power that need to be made uncomfortable so they never attempt to run for office again. Maybe provide very minimal pay and no benefits to politicians. Make laws that if you are caught lying to the American public 3 times, you are automatically disqualified from office ever again.
I have always favored "citizen legislators". Hold a regular job, and simply meet in Washington D.C. two months out of the year to consider & pass possible legislation during the session as directed by your constituents. Vote only on those measures, and then return back for the remainder of the non legislative calendar year to your districts & live under the same rules you passed for everyone else!

Hold a real job, and get paid a small stipend for doing your civic duty as a representative for the people. No D.C. "second homes". No paid office staff and franked mail. No career legislators making it a career only to get elected and stay elected regardless of the wishes of those who elected you! :mad:
I have always favored "citizen legislators". Hold a regular job, and simply meet in Washington D.C. two months out of the year to consider & pass possible legislation during the session as directed by your constituents. Vote only on those measures, and then return back for the remainder of the non legislative calendar year to your districts & live under the same rules you passed for everyone else!

Hold a real job, and get paid a small stipend for doing your civic duty as a representative for the people. No D.C. "second homes". No paid office staff and franked mail. No career legislators making it a career only to get elected and stay elected regardless of the wishes of those who elected you! :mad:
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5

In uncertain times like this, it is ALWAYS best to rely on the Word of the Living Lord!
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