GAME THREAD West Virginia football at Baylor

Neal our issue with your use of timeouts is not that you use them TOO much it's that you don't use them appropriately. We just gave up at the end of the half.
There is an old football adage that goes something like this:

A team takes on the traits of its coach.

What we're seeing now is a team that is bland, boring, confused, has no fire, no identity, no excitement, no hope.

Yep, the old football adage is true.
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PF after the play on a kickoff. Revoke his scholarship for being so stupid.
You throw a flag and have to discuss it. I don't understand.
Looks like someone again forgot to switch screen names. That’s twice now.
It's funny to watch someone conjure up some retarded theory and act like they've sleuthed out the truth only to be grasping at air.

In other words, what the fvck are you talking about?
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I once played for an assistant baseball coach who fancied his boy the next Ozzie Smith and Ken Griffey Jr. He was overshadowed by another player from the wrong side of the tracks. This player hit lead off. His problem? He hit too many homeruns. The coach actually criticized the player for not doing what a lead off hitter "should" do, which was get on base.

That's what kneel reminds me of when I see him with Doege and Greene.
It was only a matter of time before the defense threw in the towel after so many games of being backed into a corner and still giving the offense plenty of chances to win. Oh well. Off to the AAC and obscurity.

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