Washington Post fact-checker busts several of Pedo-Joe's go-to personal stories: 'Tradition of embellishing'


Heisman Winner
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
Nothing but a lying olf fool

Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country

LINK: 'Pedo-Joe’s propensity to exaggerate or embellish tales about his life led to doubts about his truthfulness,' fact-checker writes

EXCERPT: The fact-checker began with Pedo-Joe's most recent exaggerated story. He wrote, "At least six times as president, mostly recently in comments to Hurricane Idalia victims Wednesday, Pedo-Joe has exaggerated the extent of a fire that occurred at his house in 2004."

In those retellings, Kessler noted how Pedo-Joe, then a U.S. senator from Delaware, had claimed "a couple firefighters" almost died, how his 1967 Corvette was nearly destroyed, and that a "significant portion" of his house burned.

The fact-checker corrected the record, saying, "The contemporary news accounts in the Wilmington News Journal and The Associated Press are much less dramatic."

Citing the outlets, he added, "’Pedo-Joe’s house on Barley Mill Road was reported hit by lightning at 8:16 a.m., emergency officials said,’ the News Journal reported. ‘There were no injuries and firefighters kept the fire contained to one room.’

"Cranston Heights Fire Co. Chief George Lamborn told the newspaper the flames did not spread from the kitchen. ‘Luckily, we got it pretty early. The fire was under control in 20 minutes.’"