Walking Dead takes an interesting turn

Couple of things I noticed.

1. The girl Carl seems to be smitten with has something in her past
2. Ricks gun. It's gone. And someone booby trapped his return. That walker that grabbed his leg, someone put it there. They don't climb under trash and sleep. Haha
3. Did you notice the magazine Carl had when they went in their home and he went upstairs? "Wolf Fight" was noticeable. Another reference to "The Wolves".
4. When Glenn, Tara, and Noah went out on a run, those two guys seemed sadistic and crazy.
5. Diana seems batshit crazy to me. Filming everyone. Telling Rick that if she hadn't been reelected she would have been a professional poker player. WTF?
6. The woman that cut Ricks hair, seems nice. She never mentioned a husband though. She mentioned her kids. Why not the husband? Plus, Rick speaks briefly to him and he's kept hidden in the dark. Hmmm...
When she fumbled the gun onto the cart and smiled I wondered what was up with that. Then I saw the look exchanged between her and Rick.

You can see the conflicts are set up to come from inside Alexandria. I thought Negan might show up soon but it looks like Glenn and Rick are the one's that have battle's coming. I like the Congress Woman.

Who stole Rick's gun? I think it was the girl.
Did they turn back away from making political statements?

I'm sure hoping that "don't get soft" is a reference to the group, and not the gay couple.
I don't think we see Negan until next season, but I think...

the girl was outside the fence and saw Rick hide the gun.... but did she hide a walker?

I think she's a plant for Negan.
Yes.... reading the comics... there's some good internal

conflict prior to Negan.
Re: I don't think we see Negan until next season, but I think...

That's a sound theory.

Or the jackass that nearly got Glen he reckless on purpose? He got some people killed already.
How long before Rick bangs the lady that cut his hair and then he kills her husband.

Daryl was hilarious. He's like a caged dog.
Re: I don't think we see Negan until next season, but I think...

Here is a theory. The show usually mirrors the comic but not 100%.

Remember when the Congress lady mentioned her husband? Where is he? What if he was one of those three men she said she banished from the safe home? What if her husband is Negan? Or one of the other two she kicked out?

I couldn't tell if Rick's future fling's husband was at a different house than his wife. No doubt that he and Rick will square off.

The girl may have taken Ricks gun, but she didn't plant the walker. I believe she may be a mole for another group, spying on the inhabitants of the safe zone. I mean she is very young, Carl's age no doubt, and by herself. No way she could have survived out there all by herself.

A major plot twist or two is coming soon. Also, some major characters have been less and less involved. Not much from Abraham and his group, nor from Maggie. Daryl doesn't appear happy at all, but when was he ever besides the time he had with Beth.

And Carol is playing the "I'm just a little woman he he" role for a purpose. Will she save the day again in the future?

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