Trust the Science

So called "vaccines" against this virus at their best are no more than 85% effective preventing an infection (at their best)

A fully naturally immunized person who has survived a Covid infection is 100% "vaccinated" against future infection, and a fully functioning healthy immune system is more than 95% effective at killing an infection once one is detected.

Trust the science:

We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves.

Israeli researchers discovered that immunity acquired through infection from COVID-19 is superior to immunity from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The study also found that fully-vaccinated but uninfected people were significantly more likely to have a “breakthrough” COVID infection than people who had previously been infected and recovered from the disease.

“It appears that natural immunity is better against the Delta variant. When you get infected with COVID, your body’s immune system develops antibodies to the entire surface of the virus,” Makary said. “Not just the slight protein that the vaccines gives you, but the entire surface. And so you get a more diverse antibody portfolio in your system.”
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I believe they're the same vaccines Leftists claimed would never be made available in the first place and then they claimed wouldn't work even if they were.

They were both right and wrong. :rolleyes:
Arent these the vaccines we weee supposed to be praising Trump for?
As a anti vaxxer right now guy, I do praise Trump for implementing the way this pretreatment was rushed & created. I do believe it will help the older generation survive if they catch covid19. As far as kids & healthy adults go I dont think it should be forced it does nothing to protect you from me . The survival rate of kids show they shouldn't take it at all
Trump cut strings to help pharma companies develop a vaccine and he set up a delivery system for the vaccines once they were ready. At that point the brainless Trump bad pant shitting pedos elected their leader and he owned the vaccines by forcing them on Americans even if they didn't want the vaccines so don't blame Trump.
So now that the vaccines are a shit sale you want to find a way to blame Trump and absolve the pantshitter in chief?
No. I applaud Trump for helping speed the process along where he could. And, i dont think the vaccine is a shit show
You know……Trump got the vaccine too, right?
I don't give a shit who got it. But hey, good luck. Make sure to get your regular d-dimer test to check for clotting and have your heart checked for myocarditis. Also, study up on reverse transcription of RNA so you'll be prepared for the fact that your body will likely become a permanent spike protein producer.
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No. I applaud Trump for helping speed the process along where he could. And, i dont think the vaccine is a shit show

Should you take the vaccine to avoid getting Covid or avoid getting sick from it? Since it doesn't prevent or stop either once you're exposed to Covid, what's the reason then for taking it?

As a follow-up, does it improve your chances of survival from Covid above the "unvaccinated" 98.9% survival rate? Those folks by the way are now fully "vaccinated" against sickness or death from Covid (those who survived it with "unvaccinated" natural immunity) and they don't need any booster shots either! Imagine that?

Did you know any of this?

Is it possible Spoc he didn't know any of that?
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Make up you mind. I don't have time for a spineless shape-shifting blob of cvnt.
Oh, I think you have way too much time on your hands. And I think you’re starting to taste that bitterness in your mouth
Oh, I think you have way too much time on your hands. And I think you’re starting to taste that bitterness in your mouth
You must be "more American" than him to pass that judgement? 😒
I don't give a shit who got it. But hey, good luck. Make sure to get your regular d-dimer test to check for clotting and have your heart checked for myocarditis. Also, study up on reverse transcription of RNA so you'll be prepared for the fact that your body will likely become a permanent spike protein producer.
I honestly don't even know why we call those jabs "vaccines"? They operate nothing like traditional vaccines do...and most folks are clueless how they alter the very immune system designed to protect you from dangerous viral pathogens!

No. I applaud Trump for helping speed the process along where he could. And, i dont think the vaccine is a shit show
Shewwwww. We’ve had more due with a vaccine on the market than we did without it. Highly effective!!
Shewwwww. We’ve had more due with a vaccine on the market than we did without it. Highly effective!!
They didnt have any affect on hospitalizations and deaths? Having a vaccine doesnt help prevent a person from getting seriously sick? It doesnt reduce the amount of time a person sheds the virus?
They didnt have any affect on hospitalizations and deaths? Having a vaccine doesnt help prevent a person from getting seriously sick? It doesnt reduce the amount of time a person sheds the virus?
This vaccine?

Definitely not on the last one. They took an extremely conservative approach at the onset. With increased data, they’ve been able to dial it in.

Prevention of becoming seriously ill? First, I don’t know that we can say definitively it does. People who are vaccinated are still dying. Pre-vaccine, people under 60 had a 99.998% survival rate. Who is to say this vaccine is actually doing anything with respect to deaths and serious illness when there was already a high probability of survival.

Hospitalizations? Maybe.

This vaccine isn’t effective against Omicron. They told us this from jump street. And clearly, that’s the case as we can see.

COVID has made its way all through my house. I’m on round 5 of it inside my walls. I think I have it right now, but I’m not allowing it to slow me down and if it is, I don’t care enough to get tested or find out.
COVID has made its way all through my house. I’m on round 5 of it inside my walls. I think I have it right now, but I’m not allowing it to slow me down and if it is, I don’t care enough to get tested or find out.

I'm sitting on round 4 or 5. We had a round in December of '19 that might have been, we'll never know. Everyone has been less severe than that time around since.
This vaccine?

Definitely not on the last one. They took an extremely conservative approach at the onset. With increased data, they’ve been able to dial it in.

Prevention of becoming seriously ill? First, I don’t know that we can say definitively it does. People who are vaccinated are still dying. Pre-vaccine, people under 60 had a 99.998% survival rate. Who is to say this vaccine is actually doing anything with respect to deaths and serious illness when there was already a high probability of survival.

Hospitalizations? Maybe.

This vaccine isn’t effective against Omicron. They told us this from jump street. And clearly, that’s the case as we can see.

COVID has made its way all through my house. I’m on round 5 of it inside my walls. I think I have it right now, but I’m not allowing it to slow me down and if it is, I don’t care enough to get tested or find out.
It absolutely has a positive affect on hospitalizations and deaths. You just dont want to see it, always gotta be JB with the real breakdown, but the numbers are pretty clear.
It absolutely has a positive affect on hospitalizations and deaths. You just dont want to see it, always gotta be JB with the real breakdown, but the numbers are pretty clear.
Numbers are clear? What universe are you in ? The numbers being manipulated is the biggest problem.
If a person has stage 4 cancer & come in contact with a person who HAD Corona then it is counted as a Corona death....
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Numbers are clear? What universe are you in ? The numbers being manipulated is the biggest problem.
If a person has stage 4 cancer & come in contact with a person who HAD Corona then it is counted as a Corona death....
I think the people actually tasked with examining the virus and finding the best ways to fight against it are evaluating the numbers in a more legitimate way, than people on social media.
I think the people actually tasked with examining the virus and finding the best ways to fight against it are evaluating the numbers in a more legitimate way, than people on social media.
Really? So the HIGHEST NUMBERS YET are going on with masks, travel recommendations/restrictions, vaccine mandates, etc. Why won't you, or anyone on your side of this, acknowledge the fact that it appears that there is not any way to "stop the spread" and that it is plausible that allowing the virus run its course would be the only way to truly achieve the goal? For about 18 months we heard nothing but "vaccines give you better protection than natural immunity"..........THEN all off of a sudden, study shows natural immunity actually was better. Hmmm.....
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I think the people actually tasked with examining the virus and finding the best ways to fight against it are evaluating the numbers in a more legitimate way, than people on social media.

When a person dies of a stroke, or even cancer...does the death certificate list natural causes or a stroke/cancer?

It's my understanding when a person dies from covid or with covid they list covid on the death certificate.
Really? So the HIGHEST NUMBERS YET are going on with masks, travel recommendations/restrictions, vaccine mandates, etc. Why won't you, or anyone on your side of this, acknowledge the fact that it appears that there is not any way to "stop the spread" and that it is plausible that allowing the virus run its course would be the only way to truly achieve the goal? For about 18 months we heard nothing but "vaccines give you better protection than natural immunity"..........THEN all off of a sudden, study shows natural immunity actually was better. Hmmm.....
Natural immunity is always better isnt it? Letting the first strain “run it’s course” would have been disastrous. With Omicron, the thinking changes, because it is not as deadly, and people vaccinated have additional protection. Lots of variables
When a person dies of a stroke, or even cancer...does the death certificate list natural causes or a stroke/cancer?

It's my understanding when a person dies from covid or with covid they list covid on the death certificate.
Im sure there are procedural issues that cause inaccuracies, but not on a level where those tasked with knowing about this virus, dont know what the hell.
Really? So the HIGHEST NUMBERS YET are going on with masks, travel recommendations/restrictions, vaccine mandates, etc. Why won't you, or anyone on your side of this, acknowledge the fact that it appears that there is not any way to "stop the spread" and that it is plausible that allowing the virus run its course would be the only way to truly achieve the goal? For about 18 months we heard nothing but "vaccines give you better protection than natural immunity"..........THEN all off of a sudden, study shows natural immunity actually was better. Hmmm.....
Don't remind him of that fact! He's more "American" than you and better informed because his analysis is not filled with anti-vax hate. :rolleyes:
I think the people actually tasked with examining the virus and finding the best ways to fight against it are evaluating the numbers in a more legitimate way, than people on social media.
I think people who are exposed to and survive the virus have the best "vaccination" against it. It's called "natural immunity". You knew that right? It's like over 99% survivability among Covid infected folks.
You knew that right? 😏