Trumpers culture war vs facts

Common sense dictates no one pays millions of dollars buying "access" to high ranking US political figures just because they're feelin' philanthropic! If the media gatekeepers for the Pretorian Guard were half way independent, they would be demanding who was paying for what with these obviously illegal payoffs?

How do we know they were illegal? Well, because the Biden crime family who was on the receiving end of these bribes went to great lengths to hide them! Why? Media propagandists are as interested in finding out about that as they are about all of the illegal votes discovered and eventually counted in the '20 stolen election. :rolleyes:
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Only an idiot would still believe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election. They all can eat a dick. Nobody is ever gonna believe the msm again
The mere fact they refuse to even acknowledge never mind investigate all of the proven actions and resulting anomalies due to casting and acceptance of demonstrably illegal votes and procedures used to count them essentially invalidates any claims they make of "the most secure election in American history".

It's unarguably laughable.
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The mere fact they refuse to even acknowledge never mind investigate all of the proven actions and resulting anomalies due to casting and acceptance of demonstrably illegal votes and procedures used to count them essentially invalidates any claims they make of "the most secure election in American history".

It's unarguably laughable.
I cannot stand Barrack Obama one bit, but I know there is no way in hell Biden got more votes than Obama got as the first black president. That alone tells you they cheated.
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I cannot stand Barrack Obama one bit, but I know there is no way in hell Biden got more votes than Obama got as the first black president. That alone tells you they cheated.
Even more revealing is how Trump got more minority votes than any other GOP candidate in history as well as a record number of votes for an incumbent seeking re-election and that half brain dead corpse who campaigned from his basement and couldn't draw flies to one of his pitiful rallies beats Trump with the most votes ever recorded for a candidate in history? :rolleyes:

Beam me up!!!!!!
Only an idiot would still believe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election. The American people know who we voted for. They all can eat a dick. Nobody is ever gonna believe the msm again
If after the Russian collusion story and COVID-19 a person still believes in our msm and intelligence community they should be getting a stupid check ....but people are so uninformed they voted for a habitual lier all the while claiming they hate Trump for so called lies ....
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