This is what the scum on this board are so proud to support.


Aug 7, 2001
Nothing else needs to be said but if there is a response with "fake news", that will be typical of your ignorance and you being complicit.

He thought they burned down churches, apparently, when all they burned down were the terrorist organization signs.

pAntifa gets their asses kicked...

and the communists cry....
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Another severe case of TDS. Did you already forget the left supports the violent, destructive, terrorist organizations of BLM/Antifa? Now sit your a$$ back down, son.
Listen you piece of shit and I won't respond to you often. I denounce every act of violence while supporting the right to peaceful protest. You don't. You only support a side and couldn't care less if they are violent or not. You are anti-American scum of the lowest type and prove it daily. You sit the F down and eat a big pile of shit. Understand?
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Listen you piece of shit and I won't respond to you often. I denounce every act of violence while supporting the right to peaceful protest. You don't. You only support a side and couldn't care less if they are violent or not. You are anti-American scum of the lowest type and prove it daily. You sit the F down and eat a big pile of shit. Understand?

Lol old, white, racist Bru is so mad hahahahaha
Listen you piece of shit and I won't respond to you often. I denounce every act of violence while supporting the right to peaceful protest. You don't. You only support a side and couldn't care less if they are violent or not. You are anti-American scum of the lowest type and prove it daily. You sit the F down and eat a big pile of shit. Understand?
Listen you piece of shit and I won't respond to you often. I denounce every act of violence while supporting the right to peaceful protest. You don't. You only support a side and couldn't care less if they are violent or not. You are anti-American scum of the lowest type and prove it daily. You sit the F down and eat a big pile of shit. Understand?
What a triggered little bitch.
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Listen you piece of shit and I won't respond to you often. I denounce every act of violence while supporting the right to peaceful protest. You don't. You only support a side and couldn't care less if they are violent or not. You are anti-American scum of the lowest type and prove it daily. You sit the F down and eat a big pile of shit. Understand?

I seem to have missed you denouncing the violent pieces of shit from your side of the aisle, hombre.

Hypocrite, thine name is Bru.
Listen you piece of shit and I won't respond to you often. I denounce every act of violence while supporting the right to peaceful protest. You don't. You only support a side and couldn't care less if they are violent or not. You are anti-American scum of the lowest type and prove it daily. You sit the F down and eat a big pile of shit. Understand?
Take a big drink of STFU
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Lol old, white, racist Bru is so mad hahahahaha

He is extremely agitated isn't he? I think it's in that dirty water they drink over there in Cobb county where he lives. It's all his fault don't 'ya know? He never wipes his ass after he sh*ts then he comes on here & spreads his "scum" all over the board.

Some of that stuff gets into the Cobb county water supply....Yuk!!!!!
Listen you piece of shit and I won't respond to you often. I denounce every act of violence while supporting the right to peaceful protest. You don't. You only support a side and couldn't care less if they are violent or not. You are anti-American scum of the lowest type and prove it daily. You sit the F down and eat a big pile of shit. Understand?

I don't think he read that "olive branch" thread. 🤨
Has anyone ever seen a bunch of winners so angry after their alleged victory?

Aren't they "happy" Biden cheated and won?

Apparently not.

Your guy won...he cheated and won...isn't that what you wanted?
Here's @WVUBRU's reaction when he gets word that Biden's fraudulent record votes aren't going to be certified for State electors until all investigations into them are completed.
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You do seem to miss a lot by looking out of just one eye.

STFU scum

So exactly how many posts have you started denouncing the violence that has be perpetrated across the country by the far left fascists?
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So exactly how many posts have you started denouncing the violence that has be perpetrated across the country by the far left fascists?
No clue. I would guess in the past two years I have stated 4 times I denounce all violence in response to what you call left fascists. But who cares about the amount? I'm waiting for you and all the other Trumeper scum to denounce violence by other Trumper scum whether it is Charlottesville or any other act including the one yesterday just once. I won't hold my breath as it is so much easier to spew nonsense towards me.
Nothing else needs to be said but if there is a response with "fake news", that will be typical of your ignorance and you being complicit.

Stop whining bitch.
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Listen you piece of shit and I won't respond to you often. I denounce every act of violence while supporting the right to peaceful protest. You don't. You only support a side and couldn't care less if they are violent or not. You are anti-American scum of the lowest type and prove it daily. You sit the F down and eat a big pile of shit. Understand?
Lol says the fascist
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Listen you piece of shit and I won't respond to you often. I denounce every act of violence while supporting the right to peaceful protest. You don't. You only support a side and couldn't care less if they are violent or not. You are anti-American scum of the lowest type and prove it daily. You sit the F down and eat a big pile of shit. Understand?
You fat fukin liar. You dont denounce every act of violence. You denounce the proud boys when they kick your antifa bro dicks into the ground and then you lie and claim you denounce it all. You are a comminist virtue signalling pussy. You sit the F dow you pile of shit. Understand?
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Free speech has consequences. When one uses it for hatred, then expect a reaction. Personal responsibility starts with each one of us at all times.

I don't know much about Antifa. I know a little about the Ann Coulter issue. I believe some that got out of control during the protesting of Ann Coulter were arrested after they broke the law. Not sure of your point.
Listen you piece of shit and I won't respond to you often. I denounce every act of violence while supporting the right to peaceful protest. You don't. You only support a side and couldn't care less if they are violent or not. You are anti-American scum of the lowest type and prove it daily. You sit the F down and eat a big pile of shit. Understand?
no you don't
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My quotes aren't hard to find unless one is a liar like everyone that has posted on this thread to date that isn't named wvubru

Already have.

Done with posting on a thread that doesn't address the episode accurately. I won't be missed.

But one of you posted honestly and I responded in kind. I don't condone violence. There isn't "fine people on both sides" during violence and hate. One does need to understand the reasons for the violence if one wants to discuss it legitimately though. You nuts have no interest in an honest conversation though.
Already have.

Done with posting on a thread that doesn't address the episode accurately. I won't be missed.

But one of you posted honestly and I responded in kind. I don't condone violence. There isn't "fine people on both sides" during violence and hate. One does need to understand the reasons for the violence if one wants to discuss it legitimately though. You nuts have no interest in an honest conversation though.
Do any of you posting in this thread remember this past summer when those BLM/Antifa protestors were storming restaurants and turning over tables, taking drinks from folk's cups, blocking entrances and even assaulting patrons?

I do.

I've been scanning the archives during that time and honestly I can't find one post from @WVUBRU condemning any of that violence.

Not one.

So he's either a liar or a very "stealthy" denunciator of random acts of violence no matter who does it. It's very easy to find his protestations against the peaceful Covington Catholic kids, or the Proud boys though.

Careful analysis of his claim to be an "equal opportunity" protestor of all forms of physical violence are displayed below in the unofficial OT "BS meter" of Leftist posters.

*IFTLE stands for Intentional fictional transcriptions of Leftist enunciations--- ie: the "BS meter"
My quotes aren't hard to find unless one is a liar like everyone that has posted on this thread to date that isn't named wvubru

Already have.

Done with posting on a thread that doesn't address the episode accurately. I won't be missed.

But one of you posted honestly and I responded in kind. I don't condone violence. There isn't "fine people on both sides" during violence and hate. One does need to understand the reasons for the violence if one wants to discuss it legitimately though. You nuts have no interest in an honest conversation though.
Fake news. Trump was saying there were fine people on both sides peacefully protesting. He wasn’t referring to the violent people. Good lord lol
Give it up Bru. No one is taking your side on this. Even the board libs are embarrassed by your post.
Another severe case of TDS. Did you already forget the left supports the violent, destructive, terrorist organizations of BLM/Antifa? Now sit your a$$ back down, son.

And you claim to be a follower of Christ?


You’re a piece of shit.
Give it up Bru. No one is taking your side on this. Even the board libs are embarrassed by your post.

Maybe he can find one of his own posts protesting the random acts of Antifa/BLM violence. I couldn't find any...and I've spent A LOT of time looking.
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