The Democrats stole the election, and it’s critically important we keep saying it... hell, they just admitted to it... TRUMP WON BY 12 MILLION VOTES.


National File is reporting that AT&T is petitioning the US government to work with CCP-controlled China Telecom which is involved with the Uyghur genocide. It's important to remember, the CEO of Staple Street Capital was promoted to Chairman of AT&T's Board of Directors a few days after the 2020 election.

In 2018, Dominion Voting Systems was acquired by Staple Street Capital. William Kennard, the Chairman of the Board at Staple Street Capital was previously the Ambassador to the EU under Obama, the FCC Chief under Clinton, and Executive Director at The Carlyle Group.

UBS Securities LLC invested $400 million into Staple Street Capital on Oct. 8, 2020. The three board members of UBS Securities LLC were; Luo Qiang, Ye Xiang, & Mu Lina. They previously held roles at; UBS Beijing, Bank of China International, People's Bank of China, Chonqing Three Gorges, SureKAM, and were highly integrated into CCP-owned enterprises.

On November 6th, 2020, a few days after the election, William Kennard was named Chairman of AT&T's Board of Directors. Perhaps, a promotion for the work he had done as the owner of Dominion Voting Systems during the 2020 election With National File's report, it seems like AT&T isn't wasting anytime nor are they hiding their intentions of working directly with the CCP.

In other words, the Chairman of the private equity firm which owns 40% of the US voting machines took in hundreds of millions from CCP-linked businesses a month before the 2020 elections, and now, a few months after the election, as Chairman of America's largest telecommunications company, he is moving to work directly with the CCP.
NEW: A judge ruled the Arizona Senate can get access to 2.1 million ballots from Maricopa County so it can audit results of the 2020 election.

Senate President Karen Fann said she now will move forward with a full forensic audit, “This will certainly give us the opportunity to get a more independent forensic auditor in there to verify that work,” she said. “And then do the rest of the audit, which actually verifies the ballots and more sampling of the signatures.”

“I really want to get questions answered about how many mail ballots are going our to people who are no longer living, or are no longer living in Arizona, or going to wrong addresses, and what we can do to fix those problems,” Fann said.
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For as often as we heard folks in the media and on the Left screaming "there's no evidence of any voter fraud...where's the evidence?"....isn't it funny how determined they were to either ignore or bury all of the evidence they claimed doesn't exist? Not one media outlet ever gave these allegations a hearing or investigated any of them. Not one.

Once again, no one has ever refuted what McEnany exposes in this clip. No one. Wonder why not?

'Cause then I wouldn't be here that's why atl! 'Cmon man!!!!!!

So even as creepy as you are, you do realize you cheated right creepy Joe?

Well I wouldn't call it cheating it enhancing my chances for victory...heh...heh...

Just to be sure...I never asked anyone to cheat and I'm not responsible for all the lengths other folks went to trying to make sure I couldn't lose.
iu know nothing about any of that huh creepy Joe? Just like you didn't have a clue your crack head Son was taking bribes from the Chi Coms?

Hey YOU atl out you just leave my kid out of this...'ya sore loser. I'll take YOU out behind a gym and show 'ya what being old and creepy is really like 'ya hear me?

No thanks creepy Joe...I've seen enough.
Check out how dirty and corrupt these “fact checkers” are. USA Today claimed that absolutely no voter fraud occurred in Nevada even though:

1. They admittedly refused to do zero research themselves on the subject.
2. Their biggest argument that it’s isn’t “true” is that the people who did do the research didn’t use “good enough sources.” These sources include the USPS National Change of Address Database, the Coding Accuracy Support System, and DMV records themselves.
3. That illegals couldn’t have voted because it’s illegal (that’s the goddamn point.)
4. That there was no proof of fraud because the corrupt judges that were in on it wouldn’t look at it (how convenient.)
5. And that no ballots were delivered to deceased or out of state residents despite the hordes of pictures, proof, and testimony that they littered the entire state and everyone who loves here saw it.

What the hell is Nevada supposed to do when the 4 time arrested radical leftist Attorney General, our dirty campaign fraud ridden Governor, and our corrupt anti-Trump RINO Secretary of State are all in on the election fraud? We need to rally against this corruption and demand a bonfire of these Dominikn machines NOW.
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The 2020 election was stolen from President Trump but perhaps no effort was as large and corrupt as the steal in Georgia.

The corrupt Republican Governor and his Secretary of State and their election director, Gabe Sterling, were perhaps the worst in the country.

We told Governor Kemp that his effort to run for office in 2022 was probably not a good idea based on his activities in the 2020 election.

You will soon know why.
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They (the Left) cheated and they know it. That's why they refuse to allow any od these stories to be investigated or they refuse to look into it themselves.
2h··Stop The Steal
Sidney Powell on Telegram:

Let the unraveling of all the lies and election fraud begin!

404,000 invalid votes in GA

432,000 Trump votes trashed in PA

AZ about to be truly audited

MI county official admits fraud

Antrim County MI shows votes flipped

35,000 votes added to Democratic candidates in AZ upon start of Election Day or just prior

More to come.
This was COUP 5.0
The presidency and power of the United States of America was stolen with interference by China and Iran & others.

We must return to paper ballots.
The courts must rectify this fraud.
The current occupant of the White House does Not reflect the WILL of #WeThePeople
Demand paper ballots.
2h··Stop The Steal
Sidney Powell on Telegram:

Let the unraveling of all the lies and election fraud begin!

404,000 invalid votes in GA

432,000 Trump votes trashed in PA

AZ about to be truly audited

MI county official admits fraud

Antrim County MI shows votes flipped

35,000 votes added to Democratic candidates in AZ upon start of Election Day or just prior

More to come.
This was COUP 5.0
The presidency and power of the United States of America was stolen with interference by China and Iran & others.

We must return to paper ballots.
The courts must rectify this fraud.
The current occupant of the White House does Not reflect the WILL of #WeThePeople
Demand paper ballots.
We have found out the courts ain’t gonna do shit except condone the same election methods in 2022 and 2024 and the Libtares stay in power or China stays in power
We have found out the courts ain’t gonna do shit except condone the same election methods in 2022 and 2024 and the Libtares stay in power or China stays in power

Leftists don't want honest competition to win. They have to either cheat, or make sure the competition is destroyed because they can't win converts in the "arena of ideas" honestly or truthfully arguing what they advocate and want for the country.

They know they cheat or smear to make sure they have no viable opposition. It's the only way they can win their cause.

BREAKING: Michigan Court of Claims Chief Judge Christopher Murray has ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) broke state law in issuing new election rules before the 2020 election

