Sorry doc and bama, you don't have to be a wingnut to . . . .


Gold Member
Dec 16, 2003
Davis, WV
see that this Clinton email nonsense is only getting worse. It's taking an astounding amount of credulity to believe she is being earnest about this issue, especially when viewed in the context of having her own personal private servers (still one of the more bizzarre revleations yet). Again, to me this is less about actual security vulnerabilities than about her astoundingly poor judgement. And in classic Clinton style, actually owning up to that poor judgement will almost certainly be the last option on the table.

Our electoral process selects for people like this.
It's OK

She had her own private counsel go through and determine what was appropriate to pass on and what could be deleted. No problem here, her own counsel assured us of that.

Unbelievable ... almost ... until you consider who we are talking about.
Re: It's OK - When Gowdy says it is Ok

I do believe Hill and Atty will have some assistance in deciding what is appropriate.
No it's not

She wanted to do her stuff off books, and didn't think she'd get called to the mat on it.

Now she's trying to cover, without damaging her chances for election. It's not hard to understand.
Re: I never said it was hard to understand, I said it was getting bizarre...

She behaves in this manner because she feels she is above reproach and not accountable to the people for any actions. She is the pioneer of the victimization culture.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: No it's not

It was surely a calculated move knowing she would run for president again.her people wanted control of her comminications and the archive of those. They calculated that the fallout for doing the email account was easier to deal with than the potential gotcha moment during a campaign if she contradicted one of her actions during her time at State.
Re: I never said it was hard to understand, I said it was getting bizarre...

I bet they slipped this news out. They hknew when they set that account up they would have to answer for it. Dont be naive.
Re: No it's not

Originally posted by dave:
It was surely a calculated move knowing she would run for president again.her people wanted control of her comminications and the archive of those. They calculated that the fallout for doing the email account was easier to deal with than the potential gotcha moment during a campaign if she contradicted one of her actions during her time at State.
Believe it or not, I agree 100% with Dave on this. Did I just say (type) that out loud?
Re: No it's not

One day you will agree with everything i say and then you will be a wise man.

But this clinton thing is a no brainer. She and her people are not stupid. They likely planned for this to be leaked prior to her announcing. It is a risk but at the end of the day if she makes a claim during the campaign and someone found an email that contradicted her.claim it could be messy. There is also the clinton obama feud. with her controlling her communications she knows that obama cant burn her.

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