Soros Threatens Trump

Repubs think the answer to gun violence is more guns so how's that working out?
Police show up where guns are being used pointing their own guns. A bad guy with a gun is usually stopped by a good guy with a gun. Criminals don't successfully attack armed victims, they often end up as their victims!

I lock my doors at night, and keep a loaded Ruger 9mm pistol in my night stand. You probably sleep with your door wide open, and post a "welcome" sign to anyone just looking for a place to jack? Instead of pulling a gun on uninvited intruders, you'd probably offer them cookies and milk?
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Who Wants To Arm Teachers? Republican Men

Trump Suggests Teachers Get a ‘Bit of a Bonus’ to Carry Guns

Just an example and I'm not weighing in on the pros and cons of arming teachers just don't say that Repubs don't say that more people should be armed in response to school shootings. Ever heard it said that we need more 'good guys' with guns? same thing
I wonder how many school shootings there would be if these deranged libtard freak shooters knew there were conservative teachers also packing? Or what if the schools had security with guns? I’m betting we would not have any shootings. Discipline teaches respect. I have no doubt you were raised by a pussy which is why you’re also a pussy.

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