So Nike....


Gold Member
Dec 13, 2007
...wants some of the treatment the NFL (who didn’t ask for it) is getting....?

K....good luck.
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Nike is a leftist company from Oregon anyway.
Not a surprise. Phil Knight probably supports Crooked Hillary and the cucking of the white American male.
Ummmm... ...well no shit. Those revenues are from contracts signed before this whole crap started. ...and well before players would start seeing paycuts for their actions.

Spin it any way you want sweetie. Just because you want something to be true, doesn’t make it true. People whining about the NFL are the biggest pussies.
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Spin it any way you want sweetie. Just because you want something to be true, doesn’t make it true. People whining about the NFL are the biggest pussies.

Yeah... ...I’m spinning while numbers prove I’m correct.

A minority is being handled with kid gloves by the NFL at the expense of their ratings (money).
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Yeah... ...I’m spinning while numbers prove I’m correct.

A minority is being handled with kid gloves by the NFL at the expense of their ratings (money).

Yet I provided a link showing their revenue was up.

When the facts don't support your argument, just keep responding with stupid posts and eventually someone might believe you are correct.
Yet I provided a link showing their revenue was up.

When the facts don't support your argument, just keep responding with stupid posts and eventually someone might believe you are correct.

Yep... ...since yesterday Nike is killing it.
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Thinking that people are against these protests because of race is moronic.

....but playing the race card (victim) is the new norm.

almost as moronic as seeing these protests as an attack on our flag, veterans, military, ect.

but playing the "I'mma not watch/buy/eat these things that I don't already do, cause 'Merika!" card is a fan favorite in certain subsections of this country
almost as moronic as seeing these protests as an attack on our flag, veterans, military, ect.

but playing the "I'mma not watch/buy/eat these things that I don't already do, cause 'Merika!" card is a fan favorite in certain subsections of this country

They can shit on the American flag for all I care.... ...just not on the company clock and when I’m paying to be entertained.

Isn’t it interesting that they don’t protest on their own time?

What they’re even protesting about is completely lost.
Thinking that people are against these protests because of race is moronic.

....but playing the race card (victim) is the new norm.
number of people shot to death by Police 2017
White: 457
Black: 211
Hispanic: 179

number of people who die every year from medical malpractice(from John Hopkins) over 250,000..3rd leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer.
They can shit on the American flag for all I care.... ...just not on the company clock and when I’m paying to be entertained.

Then don't pay...and quit whining about it. We don't want to hear your whining, bitch.

Isn’t it interesting that they don’t protest on their own time?

But they do.

What they’re even protesting about is completely lost.

No, it's not. Those of us who aren't racist know exactly what it's all about.

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ITT, a douche who never went to NFL games anyways.......... demands certain actions taken while he goes to NFL games.
number of people shot to death by Police 2017
White: 457
Black: 211
Hispanic: 179

number of people who die every year from medical malpractice(from John Hopkins) over 250,000..3rd leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer.

When race is no longer important then this country can move on.
The real issue is that people are looked at by their color of skin.
Blacks are stereotyped as well as whites.

The issue for players is that they are attempting to bring their communities up.
Sports is one of the only ways for a lot of blacks to get out of their situation.
Their schools fail them. The police fail them and more importantly they feel like their country has failed them.

Behaviorist have already proven that outside influences determine a person's life.
Allow these players to speak up so people will understand that poverty is not an issue based on race.
Cause there are as many whites who are born without the chance for success as blacks.
@Vernon I started this thread before the one was opened that got moved to off-topic... ...this one deserves the same.

My bad.
almost as moronic as seeing these protests as an attack on our flag, veterans, military, ect.

but playing the "I'mma not watch/buy/eat these things that I don't already do, cause 'Merika!" card is a fan favorite in certain subsections of this country
The DOD (taxpayers) shelled out over 50 mill to the NFL..this paid patriotism thingy had some unintended consequences
When race is no longer important then this country can move on.
The real issue is that people are looked at by their color of skin.
Blacks are stereotyped as well as whites.

The issue for players is that they are attempting to bring their communities up.
Sports is one of the only ways for a lot of blacks to get out of their situation.
Their schools fail them. The police fail them and more importantly they feel like their country has failed them.

Behaviorist have already proven that outside influences determine a person's life.
Allow these players to speak up so people will understand that poverty is not an issue based on race.
Cause there are as many whites who are born without the chance for success as blacks.

I agree but believe that race will always be a determining factor. In this country, everyone is born with unalienable rights, i.e. equal opportunities. However, that doesn't mean that all will have equal results. It really depends upon how you look at it -opportunities vs. results - that helps shape the person you become. As long as some people have a woe is me victim attitude there will always be those who profess a victor attitude and therefore stereotyping will continue. It isn't exclusive to race but the preponderance is there. The thing to remember is this: In order for there to be a stereotype, there must be at least a hint of truth about it.

The second paragraph really burns my butt. This outlook of sports, schools, and the government "failing" them is a large part of the problem. All of these will always fail them because they don't care about them and nor should they. The only thing that should care about them is their family and, by proxy, community. The whole foundation of our society, micro to macro, is based on the foundation of family. When over 70% of your children are born out of wedlock, your community is going to fail (btw, whites are approaching 40%). Without both outlooks and role models, a child doesn't learn the "role" he or she is supposed to play. They continue the cycle of failed behaviors and always search for saviors in the things that don't or can't provide them, ie schools, athletes, and the government.

Behaviorist are correct, as stated above, that outside influences affect lives and most importantly decisions. Those decisions are where your values lie. Poverty is a relative term (what is considered poverty here would be the good life elsewhere) but usually is the result of bad choices or not taking advantage of the opportunities you were born with. In a country with this much abundance of everything, especially opportunities, poverty shouldn't exist. If you make the right decisions - graduate school (preferably college), get a job, and don't have a child out of wedlock - you are virtually guaranteed success - no matter what your race.
There is also this belief that Kapernick shouldn't get what's coming to him - i.e. fired! You have to remember while you have the freedom of speech, assembly, and petition, (even in the workplace to a certain extent - sorry Orlaco) you don't have the freedom not to accept the consequences. That's why I expect the owners to win.

I forgot the name of the precedent case (there have been similar since then upheld) but a pair of Indians were fired from their jobs as drug counselors for failing a drug test. Their argument revolved around the freedom of religion, as their religion called for them to smoke peyote to commune with their god(s). The court upheld the employer who stated that they had conditions for the people who work there and among those are passing random drug tests (especially being DRUG COUNSELORS!).

So to sum up, while you have the right to protest, there are consequences to it and you had better be willing and able to abide by those consequences before you partake in that protest.

If Nike wants to support Kapernick, that's their prerogative - think of the target audience. However, it may also end up costing them in the long run as well - think of that target audience. We'll see how long Nike is willing and able to support him. My guess is as long as the money stays above the "bottom" line - whatever that may be.
Kap wore a Tshirt with Fidel Castro the week before his team played in Miami and then defended Castro’s human rights record for the Miami media, offending and angering many in Miami’s Hispanc community.

And here’s another thing. Kap and other kneelers say they interpret the the Flag and National Anthem as symbols of Racism and Oppression despite the fact that 300 million Americans view them as symbols of Justice and Freedom. And Kap basically says the first amendment allows them to interpret symbols in any way they see fit and speak about it.

Ok so let’s go along with that idea for a moment. How about if I interpret players like Kap kneeling as symbolizing HIS Support for the idea that African-Americans are somehow unworthy of equal treatment in the US? After all, Kap’s argument is that symbols are subject to interpretation of the individual, right? And, if you think about it, the players kneeling, while others stand, could be interpreted that way pretty easily. So then, I can say that Kap’s kneeling symbolizes HIS support for Racism. Since I am strongly opposed to Racism, I am deeply offended that he would kneel and feel it is wrong and inappropriate for him to do so.

How would kneeling players feel about my saying that I view their symbol (kneeling) as a sign of their support for White Supremacy? Wouldn’t they be dismissive of my view and emphatically state that their symbol (kneeling during the anthem) means the exact opposite of what I say it means? Wouldn’t they be offended and angry that I would even dare to interpret their symbol as such?

...That is exactly the way I feel about THEIR protest of the Flag and National Anthem.

We as a country can always strive to be better, and that includes improving policework. But this protest of the flag and anthem is offensive to me. Find another way.
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It’s all based on a calculation. Nike has determined it can do without the white trash, racist market share.
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I agree but believe that race will always be a determining factor. In this country, everyone is born with unalienable rights, i.e. equal opportunities. However, that doesn't mean that all will have equal results. It really depends upon how you look at it -opportunities vs. results - that helps shape the person you become. As long as some people have a woe is me victim attitude there will always be those who profess a victor attitude and therefore stereotyping will continue. It isn't exclusive to race but the preponderance is there. The thing to remember is this: In order for there to be a stereotype, there must be at least a hint of truth about it.

The second paragraph really burns my butt. This outlook of sports, schools, and the government "failing" them is a large part of the problem. All of these will always fail them because they don't care about them and nor should they. The only thing that should care about them is their family and, by proxy, community. The whole foundation of our society, micro to macro, is based on the foundation of family. When over 70% of your children are born out of wedlock, your community is going to fail (btw, whites are approaching 40%). Without both outlooks and role models, a child doesn't learn the "role" he or she is supposed to play. They continue the cycle of failed behaviors and always search for saviors in the things that don't or can't provide them, ie schools, athletes, and the government.

Behaviorist are correct, as stated above, that outside influences affect lives and most importantly decisions. Those decisions are where your values lie. Poverty is a relative term (what is considered poverty here would be the good life elsewhere) but usually is the result of bad choices or not taking advantage of the opportunities you were born with. In a country with this much abundance of everything, especially opportunities, poverty shouldn't exist. If you make the right decisions - graduate school (preferably college), get a job, and don't have a child out of wedlock - you are virtually guaranteed success - no matter what your race.

I don't know about you but I was raised by two healthy competent parents.
Both graduated from college and had gainful employment.
I was lucky. I never really appreciated how lucky I was until I started coaching at a black high school.
The issues some of these kids had were mind boggling. More importantly their decision making skills even for 16 and 17 year old kids were horrible.
Some of them came from good families and those kids much better students and a lot more coachable at first.
I am not going to get into all the details of everything but a lot of these kids at 15-16 years old felt the need to carry around guns.
More than that a lot of these kids had role models that were not role models at all but used peer pressure to get these kids into hustling and going the wrong way.

The biggest issue is how selfish this country is becoming to even its own race. When I grew up in the 80's a lot of people were involved in sports and church to give back to the community.
This is not the case and a lot of people who are involved do it is for selfish reasons.

We as a people are the ones who let these kids down.
East Texas still has a lot of racism. Even in the black community towards whites.
The worse thing I saw was young black kids who wouldn't even listen to me because I was white and I wouldn't understand their situation.
Stop watching the NFL and find something better to do on a Sunday. If you already soak up college football on Saturday and high school on a Friday night you don’t need the boring left wing NFL. NFL sucks. Stop watching that crap.