Six Pack and Tank of Gas

Mar 7, 2010
These guys provide comedy gold for free. Yeeee-haw!

I don't get it? How you can have such a strong dislike of a state you spent 4 years in ?

Marshall is not really part of the state. They have a real identity problem. They are so pissed about all the recognition that WVU receives as being connected to the state. That's part of the rationale behind Dandy Dan having the image of the state placed on the back of the basketball jerseys.
He went to Marshall because they were the best baseball team to give him a chance. Let that sink in.
I'm just surprised . Almost everyone I know who went to WVU or Marshall or any school has an affinity to the place and town they lived in.
He's not the first yahoo to claim to have played baseball at Marshall but didn't. Billy Crystal tried it but Scoop Landon caught him red handed. I think it's the, "I want to claim I played college sports, what's the most obscure Podunk school out there? Marshall! Yeah, that's the ticket!" syndrome?

His handle is an anagram. You can easily figure it out. The boy is just sexually confused and possibly mentally challenged. Probably inhaling too much black mold down in the folks basement.

We're all here for you lil' buddy. Get well soon.
I don't get it? How you can have such a strong dislike of a state you spent 4 years in ?

This has nothing to do with the state and everything to do with wvu fans.

But, since you mentioned it, the state is one of the worst in the country in education, health, and income. Having lived in seven different states, I found West Virginia (and southern Ohio) to be the single most racist and intolerant of other ethnicities, religions, and gays.

Defenders of the state argue that it contains unrivaled natural beauty. That is bogus. The exact same natural beauty can be seen throughout the entire Appalachian region. Upstate NY has the same type, but better, natural beauty. Just across the border to western Virginia has the same. Then, many of those other states have far superior and diverse natural beauty than just the single type West Virginia has.

Other defenders of the state claim that its people are so special. Bullshit. You can find the same mentality and type of people in any other region which is mostly rural, poor, oppressed, and uneducated. Yet, states with those similar regions also usually include other types of people; educated, not poor, open-minded. The fact that WV is so small and has a much higher percentage that fit that mold makes it unique in that aspect . . . which most people don't find as a positive.
He went to Marshall because they were the best baseball team to give him a chance. Let that sink in.

Yawn. If they were the best offer I received, then a lot of schools must have missed the boat considering I started every single year.

I had offers from many D1 programs, including those with better baseball programs at the time including William & Mary, Old Dominion, South Florida, George Washington, and East Carolina (which was contingent on me visiting there and committing early). I wanted to go somewhere that would 1) allow me the best option to start immediately 2) also allow me to play FBS football.

How many D1 sports did you play? How many D2 scholarship offers did you have for other sports that you didn't play in college? How many years did you start in college?

Have you even made All-Stars for the orange cone dropping league?
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I'm just surprised . Almost everyone I know who went to WVU or Marshall or any school has an affinity to the place and town they lived in.

I enjoyed my time at Marshall. That doesn't change the fact that the state, as a whole, is a bunch of garbage.
He's not the first yahoo to claim to have played baseball at Marshall but didn't. Billy Crystal tried it but Scoop Landon caught him red handed. I think it's the, "I want to claim I played college sports, what's the most obscure Podunk school out there? Marshall! Yeah, that's the ticket!" syndrome?

Crystal did play at Marshall for a brief time on the freshman team.

Oh, and back to challenging my claims. Ask country, O.C.D., and the others how that works out for them. They have to resort to arguing that I photoshopped hundreds of pictures in order to save face.

You want to try that now, old man?
Oh, and back to challenging my claims. Ask country, O.C.D., and the others how that works out for them. They have to resort to arguing that I photoshopped hundreds of pictures in order to save face.
It's pretty obvious to me, just from viewing multiple threads, that most of these guys are very jealous of you. I'm no Dr. Phil, so I cannot figure out their mentality, but I do find their behavior quite strange. My only guess is that they envy you due to their own shortcomings in life, whether it be the fact that most appear to be uneducated, married to a fat & ugly wife with ugly kids, work in a cubicle (as you pointed out) with no hope for advancement, and many, many other things. Quite frankly, I don't think there's anything you can post or prove to them that they'll accept. Their shortcomings in life simply won't allow them to do so.
This has nothing to do with the state and everything to do with wvu fans.

But, since you mentioned it, the state is one of the worst in the country in education, health, and income. Having lived in seven different states, I found West Virginia (and southern Ohio) to be the single most racist and intolerant of other ethnicities, religions, and gays.

Defenders of the state argue that it contains unrivaled natural beauty. That is bogus. The exact same natural beauty can be seen throughout the entire Appalachian region. Upstate NY has the same type, but better, natural beauty. Just across the border to western Virginia has the same. Then, many of those other states have far superior and diverse natural beauty than just the single type West Virginia has.

Other defenders of the state claim that its people are so special. Bullshit. You can find the same mentality and type of people in any other region which is mostly rural, poor, oppressed, and uneducated. Yet, states with those similar regions also usually include other types of people; educated, not poor, open-minded. The fact that WV is so small and has a much higher percentage that fit that mold makes it unique in that aspect . . . which most people don't find as a positive.
Sorry you feel that way . I'm a minority and I had a great experience growing up in WV. The friendships I developed there remain my best and strongest .
Sorry you feel that way . I'm a minority and I had a great experience growing up in WV. The friendships I developed there remain my best and strongest .

Yeah, but you probably didn't come out of the closet until late in life, so your status as a minority wasn't known for your upbringing.
Yawn. If they were the best offer I received, then a lot of schools must have missed the boat considering I started every single year.

I had offers from many D1 programs, including those with better baseball programs at the time including William & Mary, Old Dominion, South Florida, George Washington, and East Carolina (which was contingent on me visiting there and committing early). I wanted to go somewhere that would 1) allow me the best option to start immediately 2) also allow me to play FBS football.

How many D1 sports did you play? How many D2 scholarship offers did you have for other sports that you didn't play in college? How many years did you start in college?

Have you even made All-Stars for the orange cone dropping league?

Someone is an angry person.

Its OK that you had to choose Marshall so you could play. Think about that though. Marshall SUCKS at baseball. You guys lost to WV Tech one of those years. That is laughable.
One guy, at least two handles, still homophobic, priceless! You need to accept yourself as you are and move on, with your life. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

As for Crystal, he never set foot at Marshall, ask Landon, he researched it and blasted the guy in the Charleston Daily Mail on the front page of sports section. Crystal's agent refused to return any calls on the matter from Landon, The Daily Mail, or Marshall. Don't believe everything you read on self edited Wikipedia pages about celebs.

Now tell us about your days in Little League, your final baseball stop.
SUCKS at baseball. You guys lost to WV Tech one of those years. That is laughable.

Lying again. I never lost to WV Tech. In fact, I never played them. The last time Marshall played them was in 1990, well before my time there.

Why must you always lie, moron?
As for Crystal, he never set foot at Marshall, ask Landon, he researched it and blasted the guy in the Charleston Daily Mail on the front page of sports section. Crystal's agent refused to return any calls on the matter from Landon, The Daily Mail, or Marshall. Don't believe everything you read on self edited Wikipedia pages about celebs.

Now tell us about your days in Little League, your final baseball stop.

Crystal was on the baseball roster for a time at Marshall. That means he was on the team. It is meaningless either way to me, but I'm pointing out that you're incorrect.

And trusting Landon about anything is as dumb as trusting a guy whose career is to design where to put orange cones on a highway. Landon is a moron. Not only does he commonly mess up basic facts, but when called out on his errors, he doubles-down and makes bogus excuses trying to cover the intent of his original inaccurate statements.
I'm calling the tune and you're dancing to it, I'd say I'm pretty good at it.

Got a tutu in that closet of yours?
March 1, 2007
WVU Tech 2
Marshall 0

Go sell stupid elsewhere moron.

So, now you're even fabricating dates?! I wasn't playing at Marshall then. So, how is that "one of those years?" I had been done there for years at that point. Pick another date.

Lying again, O.C.D.
So, now you're even fabricating dates?! I wasn't playing at Marshall then. So, how is that "one of those years?" I had been done there for years at that point. Pick another date.

Lying again, O.C.D.
I never said you were playing then moron. It is called reading comprehension and it is something you seriously lack.
I never said you were playing then moron. It is called reading comprehension and it is something you seriously lack.
Yes, you most certainly did state that he did.

Your statement: You guys lost to WV Tech one of those years.

Since you were speaking direct to YAGs, most folks would take the words "You guys" to mean you're saying he lost to them.

How stupid can you continue to be?
I never said you were playing then moron. It is called reading comprehension and it is something you seriously lack.

Oh, really? Then what does "those" refer to in your below quote? It clearly refers to when I was playing.

"Its OK that you had to choose Marshall so you could play. Think about that though. Marshall SUCKS at baseball. You guys lost to WV Tech one of those years. That is laughable."

It would be like me saying to patty white:

"Its OK that you had to choose wvu so you could play. Think about that though. wvu SUCKS at football. You guys lost to Western Reserve one of those years. That is laughable."

They didn't lose to western reserve one of those years.

It isn't reading comprehension. Hell, it isn't even about your inability to articulately write. It's simply a case of you being wrong and lying again, then trying to bullshit your way out of it.

Tsk, tsk, tsk....... Too busy digging a hole to realize he's burying himself. Can't tell the truth, doesn't realize he's being made a fool of, when will the torture stop?

This is one of the better meltdowns I've seen in awhile. Do go on, please!
Oh, really? Then what does "those" refer to in your below quote? It clearly refers to when I was playing.

"Its OK that you had to choose Marshall so you could play. Think about that though. Marshall SUCKS at baseball. You guys lost to WV Tech one of those years. That is laughable."

You guys (Marshall, your alma mater) sucks at baseball. You guys (Marshall) lost to WV Tech one of these years (any year in the past)

That is as slow as I can type it. I hope that I have put it on a grade school level that you are educated enough to understand.
Tsk, tsk, tsk....... Too busy digging a hole to realize he's burying himself. Can't tell the truth, doesn't realize he's being made a fool of, when will the torture stop?

This is one of the better meltdowns I've seen in awhile. Do go on, please!

Meltdowns? I haven't even started mocking you for being a moron yet.

It's the same thing many of you attempt. You claim the Marshall fan is lying. Then, when proof is shown, you claim you're just doing it to get a reaction. In O.C.D.'s case, since he is so frequently wrong, he avoids that strategy and keeps lying more.

It's pathetic. Each time you're shown to be morons, you simply claim "oh, I was playing. Just wanted to get a reaction out of you. Dance, puppet."

In reality, you guys are just morons. By the way, that black button-down shirt you own with the white embroidery along the shoulders? Burn that thing. What self-respecting guy would ever wear that?
Meltdowns? I haven't even started mocking you for being a moron yet.

It's the same thing many of you attempt. You claim the Marshall fan is lying. Then, when proof is shown, you claim you're just doing it to get a reaction. In O.C.D.'s case, since he is so frequently wrong, he avoids that strategy and keeps lying more.

It's pathetic. Each time you're shown to be morons, you simply claim "oh, I was playing. Just wanted to get a reaction out of you. Dance, puppet."

In reality, you guys are just morons. By the way, that black button-down shirt you own with the white embroidery along the shoulders? Burn that thing. What self-respecting guy would ever wear that?
It really bothers you that I have belittled and mocked you all these years. That is funny. The self appointed bully man getting mocked and teased and reading these reactions is priceless.
Meltdowns? I haven't even started mocking you for being a moron yet.

It's the same thing many of you attempt. You claim the Marshall fan is lying. Then, when proof is shown, you claim you're just doing it to get a reaction. In O.C.D.'s case, since he is so frequently wrong, he avoids that strategy and keeps lying more.

It's pathetic. Each time you're shown to be morons, you simply claim "oh, I was playing. Just wanted to get a reaction out of you. Dance, puppet."

In reality, you guys are just morons. By the way, that black button-down shirt you own with the white embroidery along the shoulders? Burn that thing. What self-respecting guy would ever wear that?

You are now officially my favorite tiny dancer. This is easier than getting a kitten to chase the beam of a flashlight. Twist for me you silly Billy!
Prove that you started all 4 years. Did you get drafted? If no, Why not?
He can't prove he played Little League. Don't feed an unbalanced man's delusions, it's cruel.
You guys (Marshall, your alma mater) sucks at baseball. You guys (Marshall) lost to WV Tech one of these years (any year in the past)

That is as slow as I can type it. I hope that I have put it on a grade school level that you are educated enough to understand.

Your lies to cover up your errors are worse than the original blunders. Nobody is buying your bullshit; not even wvu fans. It would make as much sense as saying that wvu football sucks because they have a losing record to western reserve and centre.

The only one who bought your bullshit is your wife . . . and that's because her physical deformities gave her no other option except for you, stickboy.

It really bothers you that I have belittled and mocked you all these years. That is funny. The self appointed bully man getting mocked and teased and reading these reactions is priceless.

This is good: you pathetically cried on hypocritenation years ago and claimed I was a big bully who picked on girls (those were your words) after I mocked your wife. Yet, now you're claiming I'm a "self-appointed bully?"

Moron, you've never had an impact on me. On the other hand, I've riled you up so much that you've had to fabricate stories about your wife, changed stories multiple times after getting mocked, cried about me being a bully, and been mocked relentlessly for having to admit what I've said the while time: you work on the highways.

Prove that you started all 4 years. Did you get drafted? If no, Why not?

You should be able to look online and find it. Ask one of your friends. They've posted my mother's home address, pictures of me, etc. They can quickly and easily find the statistics online to show I started four years. Of course, some of you will then claim I hacked into the websites and added my name and changed statistics.
It really bothers you that I have belittled and mocked you all these years. That is funny. The self appointed bully man getting mocked and teased and reading these reactions is priceless.

You drop orange cones for a living. No wonder you had to develop an online personality; it was obviously out of necessity or else you'd hang yourself in the closet with your wife's panty hose.

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