S&P breaks record

Donny protecting God hahahahaha
There is no "God" @sammyk you know that! So why are you so upset with Trump? Shouldn't you be encouraging him with that foolishness instead getting infuriated over him? Look at yourself, you're cross eyed angry over Trump talking about a non existent God who does absolutely nothing for him.

Damn @sammyk , that's sick.... be better.
Can someone explain inflation to the slow kids? Points to Samtard
I tried with evidence first but maybe pictures will work better

Federal Reserve Bitcoin Meme GIF


Game Stop GIF
can you explain why it seems like the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer at a rate never seen before ?
do you come from the left? isn't the wealth redistribution you support supposed to work the other way?
He can't explain it yet ironically isn't that the exact end result of every single failed Socialist income redistribution scheme that's ever been tried? Amazing how he still hasn't learned that historical track record. :rolleyes:
can you explain why it seems like the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer at a rate never seen before ?
do you come from the left? isn't the wealth redistribution you support supposed to work the other way?
Well it all started with Reagan and the trickle down economics., then the supreme court allowing as much $$$ to be sent politicians way as possible. So this has been going on for decades. And the sooner people understand that Business is not in the business of spreading wealth it's in the business of making money and paying investors. Now you could do something about that but my god what would you be then? A communist? Bernie sanders you know every GOP boogey man ? I mean Bernie is right when he says the top 1% own most of the wealth, but Trumpers say thats crazy talk man. But I would bet the morgatage on the fact that most of these trumpers would be saying how much their 401K have improved if Donny were president. So how should we spin it ???????????????????
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Well it all started with Reagan and the trickle down economics., then the supreme court allowing as much $$$ to be sent politicians way as possible. So this has been going on for decades. And the sooner people understand that Business is not in the business of spreading wealth it's in the business of making money and paying investors. Now you could do something about that but my god what would you be then? A communist? Bernie sanders you know every GOP boogey man ? I mean Bernie is right when he says the top 1% own most of the wealth, but Trumpers say thats crazy talk man. But I would bet the morgatage on the fact that most of these trumpers would be saying how much their 401K have improved if Donny were president. So how should we spin it ???????????????????
You dont "spin it" you udestand the facts.
Money printing, is inflation, and it is robing the poorest of us and directing it to the elites.
There's no spin there just facts.
Governments pass spending bills with money they don't have (lessening the value of each dollar) then redistribute it to their friends (see defense companies, pharma companies, and wall street hedge funds).
Governments printing money hurts the poorest among us. Full stop, no spin, just facts.

And its been going on for more than a decade the Fed was created under Wilson to right about the time WW1. We print money to pay for endless wars.
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Well it all started with Reagan and the trickle down economics., then the supreme court allowing as much $$$ to be sent politicians way as possible. So this has been going on for decades. And the sooner people understand that Business is not in the business of spreading wealth it's in the business of making money and paying investors. Now you could do something about that but my god what would you be then? A communist? Bernie sanders you know every GOP boogey man ? I mean Bernie is right when he says the top 1% own most of the wealth, but Trumpers say thats crazy talk man. But I would bet the morgatage on the fact that most of these trumpers would be saying how much their 401K have improved if Donny were president. So how should we spin it ???????????????????
Let’s try a little exercise and slap you around like the bitch you are.

1.). What does the acronym NAZI stand for?

2.) What did Hitler and the NAZI’s do with the private business sector in Germany?

3.) What US political party wants the federal government to decide everything from education to healthcare (Obamacare, abortion,etc)

4.) What US political party has been advocating for socialism?

5.). Which US political party is currently utilizing “forcible suppression of opposition” (taking down the favored poltical rival who is leading in the polls)?

6.). Does a fascist implement a tactic like “forcible suppression of opposition”?

7.). Were NAZI’s fascist?

8.). What side would Hitler and Nazi Germany be on today regarding Israel and the Hama’s?

9.). What side is Trump and the GOP on with Israel and the Hama’s?

10.) What side are the American University and Colleges on regarding Israel and the Hama’s. Are these professors and college students protesting Israel?

Answer these 10 questions you little fvcktard and I’ll further embarrass you with more. Come on teach.
Well it all started with Reagan and the trickle down economics., then the supreme court allowing as much $$$ to be sent politicians way as possible. So this has been going on for decades. And the sooner people understand that Business is not in the business of spreading wealth it's in the business of making money and paying investors. Now you could do something about that but my god what would you be then? A communist? Bernie sanders you know every GOP boogey man ? I mean Bernie is right when he says the top 1% own most of the wealth, but Trumpers say thats crazy talk man. But I would bet the morgatage on the fact that most of these trumpers would be saying how much their 401K have improved if Donny were president. So how should we spin it ???????????????????
Any business not in business to generate profits and pay investors out of that profitability (if they're publicly traded) will eventually go out of business! Why do you constantly crow about or harp on the very thing you despise in your vain attempts to prop up that half dead corpse who was installed as President? You're decrying private enterprise raising Capital, making profits, and paying investors (which DOES "spread" wealth btw)then you turn right back around & complain about the very engine that drives our free enterprise free market Capitalistic economic system!

Leftists have never understood basic economics. I'm genuinely surprised you're teaching skulls of mush as ignorant about that basic fundamental of our economic system as you've demonstrated with this post.

Good Lord man! :rolleyes:

Yeah, C'mon man...what's wrong with you @sammyk ? YOU claimed I created all those new jobs! Don't you know any better ?

Cut him some slack there creepy Joe, at least he's saying what he was programmed to say! do I too, so you can just shut up atl!
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Well it all started with Reagan and the trickle down economics., then the supreme court allowing as much $$$ to be sent politicians way as possible. So this has been going on for decades. And the sooner people understand that Business is not in the business of spreading wealth it's in the business of making money and paying investors. Now you could do something about that but my god what would you be then? A communist? Bernie sanders you know every GOP boogey man ? I mean Bernie is right when he says the top 1% own most of the wealth, but Trumpers say thats crazy talk man. But I would bet the morgatage on the fact that most of these trumpers would be saying how much their 401K have improved if Donny were president. So how should we spin it ???????????????????
It had nothing to do with Reagan. The middle class grew under Reagan and Trump. Try again clown.
Let’s try a little exercise and slap you around like the bitch you are.

1.). What does the acronym NAZI stand for?

2.) What did Hitler and the NAZI’s do with the private business sector in Germany?

3.) What US political party wants the federal government to decide everything from education to healthcare (Obamacare, abortion,etc)

4.) What US political party has been advocating for socialism?

5.). Which US political party is currently utilizing “forcible suppression of opposition” (taking down the favored poltical rival who is leading in the polls)?

6.). Does a fascist implement a tactic like “forcible suppression of opposition”?

7.). Were NAZI’s fascist?

8.). What side would Hitler and Nazi Germany be on today regarding Israel and the Hama’s?

9.). What side is Trump and the GOP on with Israel and the Hama’s?

10.) What side are the American University and Colleges on regarding Israel and the Hama’s. Are these professors and college students protesting Israel?

Answer these 10 questions you little fvcktard and I’ll further embarrass you with more. Come on teach.
Don't hurt his feelings, he might not have a safe space nearby.
Thanks Joe Biden. The economy red hot brother. Even Faux news cant deny whats going on
Economy with a false bottom eventually crashes.

Biden has a hallucinated economy that is an action that does save money at the beginning but which, over a longer period of time, results in more money being spent or wasted than being saved. The work force is disgruntled after a series of production crises, the customers are increasingly impatient.

There are various ways to measure growth among other things, you can pick different start and end points and different gauges of economic activity and there are various complications involved in the data.

The President’s claim as misleading, since the word growth in conversation can mean many things. If Biden was citing some unusual or obscure measure of growth, he could have explained that. He didn’t, and the White House didn’t either when asked for comment. Inflation is cooling, but small businesses are still suffering.

Over the past few years, Americans have experienced some of the steepest price hikes in decades. The Consumer Price Index, a measure of prices paid by consumers, peaked at 9.1% in June 2022, and since then, it’s been steadily falling.
The Nationalistic Christian right is dangerous and donny has gone to church what 3 times. And if you are one of these jesus freaks just stfu and go home
Nationalist Christian Right?

Get the furnaces going and the trains fired up. The Nazis are looking to cook more religious enemies.
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when Trump spent trillions...

the nation flourished...

whats the excuse now ?

**** you "God" boy
I know and Love the "God" you despise & choose to hate. I am filled with a Peace that surpasses Human understanding, and I rejoice in my Salvation through Christ & his FREE gift of redemption from Sin by his shed Blood that he offers and provides for me, and anyone else who chooses to accept it

You both reject, as well as refuse to accept that same FREE gift. Instead, you scoff at it & disbelieve in its transformative power thinking it's only a "fairy tale". Yet the end result of your choice leaves you filled with so much raw hatred, bigotry and anger, you are literally about to explode full of rage over something that ostensibly in your mind doesn't even exist! :oops:

You need to find Peace for yourself, turn away from the Sin that's obviously eating away at you and what's left of the dwindling unhappiness in your Soul that's stealing your Joy. Allow the Peace of Christ's transformative power to replace your hatred, bitterness, & anger that's so consuming you. You're heading into a brick wall of despair if you don't let all that hate go my Man!

If Almighty God doesn't exist, why do you despise those who are convinced he does? They're obviously OK with him in their lives. Why are you so :mad: angry :mad: over something you don't even believe in or don't think is real? 🤔

What's up with that bot there huh creepy Joe?

Tell him how much you believe in that same God creepy Joe...only don't lie to've let him down enough already.
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