racist obiden Gives Power to Susan Rice for Sweeping “Racial Equity” Makeover of the Federal Government:

New Racist Biden EO Installs Equity Czars in Every Federal Agency and Converts Entire Exec Branch Into Woke DEI Cult: AFL Vows Relentless Opposition

Yesterday, President Biden issued an Executive Order titled “Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.” Without any Congressional authorization, Biden has ordered a radical, racist, and fundamentally anti-American overhaul of every federal function under the guise of “equity.”

Background on “Equity”

“Equity” is a euphemism for discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, or economic class with respect to employment, university admissions, and access to government benefits, programs, or services. As applied, “equity” is nothing more or less than a rebranding and reorientation of the racism in the “Jim Crow” era, the class hatred in Stalin’s “anti-kulak” policies, and the dogmatism of Mao’s “Cultural Revolution.”…
…The Executive Order Directs a Radical Government-Wide “Equity” Overhaul.

Without direct Congressional authorization or supporting appropriations, Biden has ordered the federal government to accelerate the advancement of facially illegal “equity” measures throughout the federal government and its operations.
Among other things, the Executive Order instructs agency heads to establish an “Agency Equity Team” within the next thirty days, to staff those Agency Equity Team at each agency with personnel from every possible component of each agency (policy, legal, communications, financial assistance, civil rights, procurement, etc.), and to radically transform the way that the agencies conduct every aspect of their operations. The Executive Order specifically charges each Agency Equity Team with “the implementation of equity initiatives” and “delivering equitable outcomes” for the American people.
Under President Biden’s Executive Order, these Agency Equity Teams will be established at the following departments and agencies:

The Department of State
The Department of the Treasury
The Department of Defense
The Department of Justice
The Department of the Interior
The Department of Agriculture
The Department of Commerce
The Department of Labor
The Department of Health and Human Services
The Department of Housing and Urban Development
The Department of Transportation
The Department of Energy
The Department of Education
The Department of Veterans Affairs
The Department of Homeland Security
The Small Business Administration
The Social Security Administration
The General Services Administration
The Environmental Protection Agency
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The National Science Foundation
The Office of Personnel Management

In addition to “delivering equitable outcomes,” the Executive Order charges each Agency Equity Team with things such as ensuring “continued equity training and equity leadership development,” and embedding “equity” into everything each agency does. And the Executive Order creates a “White House Steering Committee on Equity,” chaired by Susan Rice, to coordinate efforts to embed “equity” at every agency.

Make no mistake–these efforts to incorporate “equity” are radical. For example, one component of the Executive Order directs all agencies to “facilitate equitable flows of private capital” when dealing with development in urban areas.

Statement from America First Legal President Stephen Miller:
“With the stroke of a pen, Biden has transformed the entire federal government into a DEI cult—putting equity czars inside virtually every single agency of the executive branch and subordinating every department to the marxist equity agenda. Every previous law and regulation must now be reinterpreted to ensure racial and gender equity: in other words, to achieve a predetermined racial or gender identity outcome even if it requires ruthless discrimination against American citizens.

…As part of this colossally lawless scheme, the Director of Domestic Policy, Susan Rice, will be leading a White House equity committee to ensure no government activity is left untouched by Biden’s DEI takeover of the government.

Biden does this all by passing no new laws, let alone constitutional amendments, but by ordering the permanent bureaucracy to follow his written orders to completely remake government in the image of the ultra-woke ultra-radical left.

Workers will be retrained and re-educated. Policies will be redrawn and redesigned. Benefits will be redirected and reoriented, all according to the marxist equity czars and their taskmasters in the White House.”…
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How do these Leftists think we'll ever achieve a "color blind" society if everything they do is based on the color one's skin?

Why can't we just have policies based on merit? Why is everything based on "race" or "gender equity"?

Ans: So Leftists can continue to divide us along race and gender lines. That's how they control us.
Ans: It's how they defeat the White men.
Don't play their game my friend! What "race" are Americans? Are you an American? am I!

Let's join forces as Americans and defeat these Globalists trying to divide us over race!
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When I was born, America was 90% White...

now it's 60% White...

do you understand that ?

America IS TURNING INTO A 3rd world country.... a shithole.

and there's NO WHERE LEFT TO GO...
When I was born, America was 90% White...

now it's 60% White...

do you understand that ?

America IS TURNING INTO A 3rd world country.... a shithole.

and there's NO WHERE LEFT TO GO...
Well.......if there was any doubt.......see quoted remarks..........

Basically, WVU82 believes in Anglo-Saxonism.....only "white men" can lead.
Well.......if there was any doubt.......see quoted remarks..........

Basically, WVU82 believes in Anglo-Saxonism.....only "white men" can lead.
I'm not sure where he's going but I don't hear "White's only" as much as I read him lamenting a reduction in the influence of "White" people. However we're Americans first, and while we have cultural issues that certainly divide us, and moral issues that most assuredly divide us, race should not be an issue that divides us. As I mentioned to him in another thread, the air we breathe works the same for all of us regardless of the pigment in our skin. He needs to forget about race and concentrate on what makes us Americans first and fear losing that!
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only "white men" can lead.

leading has nothing to do with it... you, imbecile

Once the WHITE people are REMOVED...

the UN, WHO & WEF will rule the world as ONE GOVERNMENT...



America is the last hold-out...
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leading has nothing to do with it...

Once the WHITE people are REMOVED...

the UN, WHO & WEF will rule the world as ONE GOVERNMENT...


Ya know the funny thing about that is one of the main movers and shakers of that cabal is this guy:

Klaus Schwab...founder of the world economic forum

He's about as "white bread" as a bald headed aging 'ol white dude can get! So white people are working clandestinely to remove other white people from power so different white folks can run a "one world government" ?

Once America is REMOVED...

the UN, WHO & WEF will rule the world as ONE GOVERNMENT...



America is the last hold-out...
FIFY 82. Again it's not about's about American sovereignty and our unique identity as a nation formed under one Creator who's authority we recognize. Globalists recognize no such authority and see themselves as Creator. That is the force we're fighting against.... the Spirit of anti-Christ.

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
(doesn't say anything in that passage about "races")
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FIFY 82. Again it's not about race...
If that's true.... WHY IS CRT NEEDED ?

diversity IS RACISM... you're taking a JOB FROM A WHITE MAN...

Mike Davis
DEI isn’t about diversity.
It’s illegal racial division.
It’s Marxism.
It’s a trojan horse.
DEI has no business in the federal government.
Especially not in our military.
China would certainly approve.
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As I said...socialist/globalist types use CRT and other racial, ethnic divergences as a wedge to divide and conquer us. We see the same issue, but not the same way. You see "race" and I see "spiritual wickedness" using race as a tool to slice us up and devour us.

Don't fall for their techniques. Almighty God will NOT judge you based on the color of your skin or what race you belong to in this great struggle. You will be judged by how closely you held fast to the Truth of Christ's saving Grace, and how you led others to that Truth or fought for it?
see post #1 & #2 & #4
If that isn't the Spirit of anti-Christ (secular humanism) then I'd sure like to know what else qualifies? These folks don't even mention how we're "created equal" they are trying to set up their own system of equality based only on their egalitarian goals of a social utopia where no one is considered any different from anyone else!

While we were all "created equally" in the image of Almighty God, we are NOT all the same. Our diversity is our how we uniquely glorify the magnificence of our limitless Creator through our uniqueness!

These folks don't see us that way. Gender equity to them means "no gender". Racial equality to them means "no races" no uniqueness....everyone the same. Equal outcomes, equal results. That is not the way our universe looks or operates. That is NOT Almighty God's creation. Not in the fish of the Sea, not in the Birds of the air, not in Animals on the land or Stars in the Cosmos and certainly not in human beings!

Our creation is a mosaic. A tapestry of art, culture, color, breed, type, gender (male & female) and yes even Religion where we attempt to glorify an omniscient unlimited Creator. These Socialist/Globalist/Atheist types see limits in our diversity, not endless possibilities. It's the exact opposite of creation...a completely homogenous society where no one owes allegiance to anything except Leviathan.

The Spirit of anti-Christ.
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Our diversity is our strength
that's a lie...

how has it helped ?

name one thing diversity has helped to improve in America...

like I said above... diversity in America IS A LIE...
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I'm not sure where he's going but I don't hear "White's only" as much as I read him lamenting a reduction in the influence of "White" people. However we're Americans first, and while we have cultural issues that certainly divide us, and moral issues that most assuredly divide us, race should not be an issue that divides us. As I mentioned to him in another thread, the air we breathe works the same for all of us regardless of the pigment in our skin. He needs to forget about race and concentrate on what makes us Americans first and fear losing that!
Well….what about now? Pretty obvious who/what you are dealing with in WVU82.

ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh... he's a racist !
No I don't believe you're a racist, but you are blinded by race. Again, Almighty God sees your heart not your race. Allow the peace of Christ that surpasses human understanding to clear your vision toward our real threat...the Evil Spirit of anti-Christ, which seeks to use any and all Almighty God has Blessed us with (including our magnificent diversity) in a desperate mission to convince us to destroy ourselves.

It won't work, but that Evil Spirit is relentless and will attack anywhere it sees you are vulnerable. Harden yourself against hatred for any race or worship of any race, and turn your wrath towards those who seek to dismiss the power and authority of our beloved Savior who so Loved the World that he offered himself as sacrifice so that we (all races) might live together in harmony for eternity with him!

Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth...Peace and goodwill towards ALL men (races).
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Well….what about now? Pretty obvious who/what you are dealing with in WVU82.
82 is a fine American, and I agree with almost all he posts here. He does us a tremendous service doing the job the sycophant legacy media refuses to perform. He is not a racist. He Loves America, and he honors his race. I wish he were less concerned about where other races line up vis-a-vis his own because I know him to be a believer in the power of Christ who sees no race, only those who Love each other through him.

You should join us since you too profess Love of Christ which if true, you'd see no race either.
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that's a lie...

how has it helped ?

name one thing diversity has helped to improve in America...

like I said above... diversity in America IS A LIE...
Let me ask you a question my're a Mountaineer fan correct? (I assume so since you're a paid member of this forum) So, when you see our kids out there competing for the "Old Gold & Blue" do you see their race first or that they're in uniform as our Mountaineers?


Like...oh there goes Javon Carter...he's black....or look at that white kid Joe Alexander dunkin' all over those other black kids!


You see them in uniform as our Mountaineers first, and oh by the way one just happens to be black and one obviously is white. However they're Mountaineers first am I correct? Well shouldn't we see ourselves as Americans the same way? Yes of course we're diverse (I happen to think it's great) but we see each other as Americans first and if you're a believer we see each other as Christians before all else!

You're a good man, I know you better than to be putting one race before or behind another. As human beings created in Almighty God's image, who among us due only to the pigment in our skin comes "first" before him? Does he not Love us all equally who both honor his Holy name and accept our Savior's amazing Grace freely offered to all regardless of race?
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82 is a fine American,... He is not a racist....he honors his race.
Ok....."honoring his race"......but an elective African-American studies course in high school is "unacceptable"......and Black History month is "not needed".........

I know that if his words were spewed by Moe, Eagle, NYC, etc.......the word "racist" would have been mentioned.

I'm not going to convince you, and I am not going to try.

EDIT: And you said one thing I definitely agree with, that we should stop looking at "race" and look at us as American. I 1000% agree.

FIFY 82. Again it's not about's about American sovereignty and our unique identity as a nation formed under one Creator who's authority we recognize. Globalists recognize no such authority and see themselves as Creator. That is the force we're fighting against.... the Spirit of anti-Christ.

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
(doesn't say anything in that passage about "races")
Strangest thing about the US, It seems that our borders open on into the country and never out. All immigration is toward a free society, even those who say they hate the US and wish to leave never fulfill their promise to leave. My head hurts even trying to understand this.
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EDIT: And you said one thing I definitely agree with, that we should stop looking at "race" and look at us as American. I 1000% agree.
I agree. I don’t care about race. I care about America. It means something to be “American”, and regardless of color, if you’re willing to assimilate and further that idea of Americanism, then I support your desire to come here and try to make something of yourself.
Ok....."honoring his race"......but an elective African-American studies course in high school is "unacceptable"......and Black History month is "not needed".........

I know that if his words were spewed by Moe, Eagle, NYC, etc.......the word "racist" would have been mentioned.

I'm not going to convince you, and I am not going to try.

EDIT: And you said one thing I definitely agree with, that we should stop looking at "race" and look at us as American. I 1000% agree.


I think what 82 points out is there is no corresponding "white history month" or "white studies" elective courses. I happen to agree. We do not need to teach about what separates us racially. Teach American history (black people were part of that too) and let's get race out of what makes America special because race is what brings us together as Americans not what keeps us separated.
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Strangest thing about the US, It seems that our borders open on into the country and never out. All immigration is toward a free society, even those who say they hate the US and wish to leave never fulfill their promise to leave. My head hurts even trying to understand this.

Amazing how as much as the Left tries to convince Americans how racist the country is, people of color from around the world still line up desperate for a chance to come live here. Wonder why that message never resonates with them?
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Worst thing we do is segregate the races. The worst is segregated inside the city limits of our major cities. It's just like rats that will eat each other when the food runs out. The worst killing is inside the dem run cities
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Ok....."honoring his race"......but an elective African-American studies course in high school is "unacceptable"......and Black History month is "not needed".........

I know that if his words were spewed by Moe, Eagle, NYC, etc.......the word "racist" would have been mentioned.

I'm not going to convince you, and I am not going to try.

EDIT: And you said one thing I definitely agree with, that we should stop looking at "race" and look at us as American. I 1000% agree.

Did you see what was in the black history study that Desantis wanted taken out ?
The media a government is doing all they can to separate us . I work with blacks all the time and people of my age (51) have fun stereo typing each other , not only blacks I work with all kinds of Hispanics and Portuguese. I love our diversity