Question for Backcountry

pacs life

Gold Member
Nov 23, 2010
What are your thoughts on San Marzano tomatoes and would they be good for pasta sauces? Thanks.
Love 'em. The best there are for sauces in my opinion. They have a sweeter flavor than regular plums. I have always found that it is easier for me to add acid (balsamic, lemon) than try to neutralize it at the end. There is nothing I hate more than adding sugar or honey to a good pot of marinara. I have even heard of using baking soda to neutralize the acid in tomatoes.

San Marzanos also have more flesh and when cooked down turn into more of a suace than a tomatoey water, if that makes sense.
Thank you! That has always been the hardest part of marinara for me- neutralizing that acidity without making the sauce too sweet.

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