Protestors being sent to jail

Don't know if the "Left-Wong Donor" is a typo or reference to CCP...

The CCP donates to the groups mentioned in the article. It's really just a way to fund marxist ideolgy terrorism through groups like the Open Society and others.

The CCP and Jihadist take money from Fentanyl sales then reinvest it into these groups to create chaos. Then Useful Idiots do their thing. It's a type of Warfare.
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By "they" I believe you are referring to the Democrat Party (and many in the Republican Party). And Islam is not a religion. It is a conquest ideology.

I'm talking about Radical Jihadist, Marxist, and those that have sold the Country out and are too stupid to understand you can't control the two ideologies once they start spreading like wild fire.

This is all a Color Revolution and I recommend people to stop fighting over stupid shit and look at the bigger picture before they end up living under Sharia Law or Communism.
"Looting" is 100% criminal. Not sure where you live, but it's a crime everywhere. Gee whiz. I'm not going to do your homework for you.
I didn't see where you called them criminals. Just word games.

You lied.