President calls for Sessions to stop Mueller investigation

Yes, I would like the year+ investigation to end.

Do you know how long the Benghazi investigation lasted? = no indictments.

Do you know how long the Whitewater investigation lasted? = one count of perjury

Do you know how long the Watergate investigation lasted? = and they knew B&E occurred from day one.

Actually, it is pretty amazing this Mueller investigation has yielded so many indictments and guilty pleas in slightly over 14 months. 32 people have been indicted.
Funny. Greg Craig had another more important role. Not a smidgen of corruption.

I'm certainly not upset... I'm worn out. I'm tired of it all. The idiocy in this country just wears me the frack out.
And stopping the investigation will fix that? Insert gif of Red from Shawshank saying Good Luck.
And stopping the investigation will fix that? Insert gif of Red from Shawshank saying Good Luck.

FBI doesn't need Mueller to investigate Russian activities.

But no... not even stopping the investigation will stop the idiocy.
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I have you on ignore but I'm glad I took it off this time. You post donnie's tweet at 10:01 am and he says it's a hoax. Less than 2 hours later he admits the campaign met with Russians.


Public service announcement: Meeting with someone is not the definition of collusion, let alone conspiracy. The more you know!
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It's all about Manafort thinking he was above the law and playing shady with his finances, a crime uncovered is a crime prosecuted.

Hey Keyser you do know or at least were aware the FBI looked into this case over a dozen years ago and decided not to refer it for prosecution right? You also know the reason was lack of evidence?

I think you also know Mueller has decided NOT to call his star witness (Manafort's top business partner) to testify? This was the guy who handled all of Manafort's money. He copped a plea deal with Mueller and now he isn't going to testify. You did know that right Keyser?

So if a "crime uncovered is a crime prosecuted" why wasn't Manafort prosecuted for this alleged crime back in 2005 Keyser? Why is he being prosecuted now? What new evidence does Mueller have especially since his star witness isn't going to testify against his former boss?

Can you help us out Keyser since you have the scoop, the skinny, and the final word on this case?

Aren't you tired of running yet?
Manafort is but 1 (or 2) case. There are others.

The "other" cases are not even in the criminal division of the DOJ! They've been referred to the counter espionage unit. They will never be tried in a Federal court.
Oh my, all caps, who else does that and thinks it adds gravitas? lmfao, he has conditioned his fanboys well. I'm sure he will end up being a good look on you all, I mean everyone benefits from being in Donnies orbit don't they?

Hey Keyser why do you constantly dismiss someone who you think is so inept yet you cannot defeat with your own ideas?

I think you will admit that since she was the smartest woman in the world Hillary was smarter than you! Yet he beat her lying ass and you're complaining that he's incompetent?

Real smart Keyser. I thought you were a fast runner since you disappear from questions so quickly but you're actually dumber than you are fast.
So you are saying trump knowingly picked a tax evader, a money launderer and someone who worked for the Russians as his campaign manager?

So you're saying he's guilty even though when the FBI looked into his case more than a dozen years ago they decided there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute him and now that he's in court you've already convicted him?
What I can't figure is that it sounds like they have everything on Manafort to put him away for a long time...why not try and get a deal? Did they offer him a deal?

It’s almost as if he’s allergic to polonium or something.
Yeah, I do. Whitewater started out about questions on real estate deals and devolved into Lewinksy and Perjury.

Mueller started out about Trump collusion with Russia and is devolving into Manafort Bank Fraud and Stormy Daniels and Perjury.

Absolutely, but what's becoming on the investigations is far from their initiations.

Shit.... or get off the pot.

Mueller has nothing at all to do with Stormy Daniels. I’s hard to keep up.
All I know is that I hope Trump doesn't fire Mueller because Alyssa Milano is going to take to the streets if he does.