Pedo-Joe talks of nurse doing things 'I don't think you learn in nursing school': 'So gross' (The guy has lost it. Very unfit.)


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
Pedo-Joe needs put out to pasture. My goodness. "Better than Trump" my eye... :rolleyes: ...Everyone knows better than that.

What he says the nurse did to him, he did/does to children and women. The man is sick.

And the bleaters bleat.

LINK: This, instead of visiting East Paelstine Ohio. He should step down. What a disgrace he is.

Twitter users recoiled after Pedo-Joe gave intimate details of his treatment in a medical facility Tuesday.

Pedo-Joe was speaking about health care policy in Virginia Beach, Virginia, when he told a story about a nurse he said was named Pearl Nelson.

"She'd come in and do things I don't think you learn in nursing school," he said.

"She'd whisper in my ear, I couldn't understand, but she'd whisper, and she'd lean down and actually breathe on me to make sure there was a human connection," Pedo-Joe continued.

X Strategies LLC senior digital strategist Greg Price pointed out, "Pedo-Joe has told this story before."

He shared a clip of Pedo-Joe tweeted by Grabien founder Tom Elliott on July 22, 2020, where Pedo-Joe recounted, "I had nurses at Walter Reed hospital who would bend down and whisper in my ear, go home and get me pillows." He later claimed, "They would actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving."

Many Twitter accounts expressed their distaste at the latest telling of this anecdote from the president.

Radio host Jenna Ellis asked, "How does the Cabinet watch this and NOT invoke the 25th Amendment??"

She wasn’t the only one to question Pedo-Joe’s mental acuity.

"This man has lost his mind. Good thing he’s not in charge of a nuclear arsenal or something like that," conservative commentator Justin T. Haskins wrote.

KCEN news anchor Kris Radcliffe commented, "What a strange thing for a President of the United States to say."

"Pedo-Joe making it weird for everyone," Sen. Ted Cruz's communications adviser Steve Guest said.

Podcaster Mike Crispi tweeted, "Pedo-Joe has managed to top his ‘I may be a white boy but I’m not stupid’ line. Took only 24 hours. Very impressive."

Rita Panah, an Australian opinion columnist, wondered, "His nurse did what? Where are the men in white coats?"

"Why is he so weird?," Dana Loesch asked.

Bestselling author Buzz Patterson wrote, "What a weirdo."
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