Party of Trump, I mean scum

Please elaborate on a false story about a liberal cause?

When it was revealed Planned Parenthood sells chopped up Baby parts of aborted fetuses the Left denied it, instead of being outraged by it. They deny it to this day, even though there is hard video proof of it going on:

Link to full documentary:

Not a word of ANY of this reported anywhere by anyone in the fake news media. 100% denied on the Left...all of it denied, with no counter facts offered to any of it! Not even one reporter the least bit curious about investigating to see if it's really true or just all "made up" as the Left claims?

Instead, they all just ignore it.

Full link:
Go ahead, name them that have been false. You said it, name the false ones that were obviously wrong and then allowed to fester in the public arena.

You won't get an answer...just attacks against you personally for asking.
Please elaborate on a false story about a liberal cause?

Just don't care to have a conversation with someone SO clueless. I rather just mock.

Hard to name them isn't it when the major news networks were severely run by liberals. You are chicken shit cause you can't name OBVIOUS ones.

Maybe someone else that enjoys posting rebuttals to fools will play your one trick pony game.

See what I mean?
You won't get an answer...just attacks against you personally for asking.
Funny that libs are now calling AOC's FAQ zany. Like she never published it on her website Fracking liars.

At least AOC and Bernie have the guts to admit they're unashamed Socialists...most of their supporters on the Left and on this board either deny that or pretend they're not (all the while cheering everything crazy Bernie and that airhead have to say)

So lying about what they are and what/who they support is nothing new to Leftists.
Just don't care to have a conversation with someone SO clueless. I rather just mock.

Maybe someone else that enjoys posting rebuttals to fools will play your one trick pony game.
and you are not very good at that used to be..before you adopted the standard liberal " we hate anyone who doesn't agree with us " mantra"....I don't guess you have conversations with yourself either
Well, we know the Left (I think) despises the Covington kids as much as the Right despises the Stoneman Douglas tell me where it ends, because I know neither Sled nor Dvl can provide me a plausible response/solution to the problem of getting kids they don't like the hell off their respective lawns.
Go find a single post of mine where I said anything at all about the SD kids. But to answer your question, my tactic is to get all dirty drunken uncle and invite em in for some candy...
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If you and your ilk could read, I said "I look forward"

But let's throw you morons a bone to make both you and Airport look dumber than you already do.

Picking one of thousands........please speak out the despicable behavior of Laura Ingraham of beloved Fox news with her lies on David Hogg.
She didn’t lie or libel. She talked factual shit about a kid. We can debate that, which I agree was despicable, but to the point of your original assertion, she didn’t lie. She, also went on to apologize for her behavior, but she didn’t lie.

On this singlular example, you’re wrong.
Every time i hear a Democrat saying uneducated Trumper i think of Nancy "have to pass it to see whats in it " Pelosi & think if getting a college education makes a person agree to this way of thinking....thank God i choose a trade & not college...
And we have plenty of Trumper scum here that make up crap out of half-truths or even out of the air and spew lies just like their hero. Ignore their nonsense as just replying to them is feeding the behavior. They are part of the Party of Trump in which this op-ed is exactly what I have been saying for years and more and more are also stating as they are realizing it.

Are you still with her? President Trump says hi.
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And we have plenty of Trumper scum here that make up crap out of half-truths or even out of the air and spew lies just like their hero. Ignore their nonsense as just replying to them is feeding the behavior. They are part of the Party of Trump in which this op-ed is exactly what I have been saying for years and more and more are also stating as they are realizing it.

Alright Bru, let's say you have convinced me to vote for a Dem president. Which one ,out of expanding field, do you suggest I vote for and why ? What do they offer that will make me happy and secure over the next decade..
Alright Bru, let's say you have convinced me to vote for a Dem president. Which one ,out of expanding field, do you suggest I vote for and why ? What do they offer that will make me happy and secure over the next decade..
I'm not trying to convince anyone to vote for anyone. Not my thing. Be an adult, learn facts, learn all the candidates with an open mind regardless of party affiliation, support a person that has integrity and represent your beliefs is what all Americans should do.
I'm not trying to convince anyone to vote for anyone. Not my thing. Be an adult, learn facts, learn all the candidates with an open mind regardless of party affiliation, support a person that has integrity and represent your beliefs is what all Americans should do.
Partisan.....Cory Booker could piss in your Cheerios and you would somehow blame Trump
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Alright Bru, let's say you have convinced me to vote for a Dem president. Which one ,out of expanding field, do you suggest I vote for and why ? What do they offer that will make me happy and secure over the next decade..

Vote Socialist. Even Lenin would be better than Trump!

Trump means more jobs, stronger military, bigger investment portfolios, less Government regulations, energy independence, lower taxes, border security, school and health care choice vouchers, Religious Freedom and protecting the innocent lives of the unborn.

Who wants all that when you can just vote Socialist and let Government do it all for you on YOUR dime?o_O
Alright Bru, let's say you have convinced me to vote for a Dem president. Which one ,out of expanding field, do you suggest I vote for and why ? What do they offer that will make me happy and secure over the next decade..

Who said anything about dems? Anyone but trump.
I'm not trying to convince anyone to vote for anyone. Not my thing. Be an adult, learn facts, learn all the candidates with an open mind regardless of party affiliation, support a person that has integrity and represent your beliefs is what all Americans should do.
Thanks. So, 2020 you might go for Trump or Biden, Dem or Repub, depending on facts ?
Thanks. So, 2020 you might go for Trump or Biden, Dem or Repub, depending on facts ?
I said person of integrity which eliminates Trump right off the bat. And he sure as hell doesn't represent my values. I think I have made it clear that he has proven he is a fraud in his qualifications and despicable as a human, much less qualified to get anyone's vote for any office of importance.

I said person of integrity which eliminates Trump right off the bat. And he sure as hell doesn't represent my values. I think I have made it clear that he has proven he is a fraud in his qualifications and despicable as a human, much less qualified to get anyone's vote for any office of importance.


Pretty clear, so with a clear, open mind, knowing all the facts, given the choice, you would vote for Biden. Is there no situation where you might vote for Trump ? Who would be your VP choice, probably a younger person ?
I said person of integrity which eliminates Trump right off the bat. And he sure as hell doesn't represent my values. I think I have made it clear that he has proven he is a fraud in his qualifications and despicable as a human, much less qualified to get anyone's vote for any office of importance.


You claim he is despicable and without character but I would bet he has given more of his personal wealth to charity and philanthropy than you.

He also is strongly pro-life while you are either indifferent about or in favor of infanticide.
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You claim he is despicable and without character but I would bet he has given more of his personal wealth to charity and philanthropy than you.

He also is strongly pro-life while you are either indifferent about or in favor of infanticide.


That's all you have left when confronted with the Truth... silly memes and gifs.


You have given nowhere near the amount to charity or private philanthropy that Trump has.

You favor proposals to kill unwanted children, right up to moments before their birth and even after they are born!

You lie and claim you do not favor infanticide while supporting the very legislation that allows it.

You fraudulently measure your compassion by hiring politicians to stick their hands into the pockets of people like Trump and demand that they pay for your philanthropy through government-sponsored income redistribution with money you either refuse to pay or can't pay.

You demand all this while refusing to send in one penny extra of your own.

You are a Leftist and it is YOU who is despicable:thumbsdown:
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Pretty clear, so with a clear, open mind, knowing all the facts, given the choice, you would vote for Biden. Is there no situation where you might vote for Trump ? Who would be your VP choice, probably a younger person ?
That is correct, I wouldn't vote for Trump under any circumstance.

Too early for me to talk about candidates in much detail. I like Joe Biden. I like many individuals and dislike even more. If you ask me what potential individual that may run that I find most interesting in March 2019 (meaning my opinion could change and probably will once I start thinking about it), I would answer Michael Bloomberg.
That's all you have left when confronted with the Truth... silly memes and gifs.


You have given nowhere near the amount to charity or private philanthropy that Trump has.

You favor proposals to kill unwanted children, right up to moments before their birth and even after they are born!

You lie and claim you do not favor infanticide while supporting the very legislation that allows it.

You fraudulently measure your compassion by hiring politicians to stick their hands into the pockets of people like Trump and demand that they pay for your philanthropy through government-sponsored income redistribution with money you either refuse to pay or can't pay.

You demand all this while refusing to send in one penny extra of your own.

You are a Leftist and it is YOU who is despicable:thumbsdown:

Do you really want to start an argument about paying taxes? I don't think so. I paid 20% of my gross income in federal taxes. How about you, Mr. Used truck salesman? You didn't pay anywhere near that amount in taxes.

Let me give you a piece of sound advice. Stop assuming things about other posters on this board. You are hands down the worst of all the posters to make a statement about someone when you don't know anything about that poster. And you claim to be a Christian but are one of the worst about name calling and condescension of others.
Do you really want to start an argument about paying taxes? I don't think so. I paid 20% of my gross income in federal taxes. How about you, Mr. Used truck salesman? You didn't pay anywhere near that amount in taxes.

Let me give you a piece of sound advice. Stop assuming things about other posters on this board. You are hands down the worst of all the posters to make a statement about someone when you don't know anything about that poster. And you claim to be a Christian but are one of the worst about name calling and condescension of others.

First of all follow your own advice... you have no idea what my gross income is and for you to assume that you paid more by paying 20% of whatever you earned is the height of arrogance.

Secondly I make no apologies for my Christianity and if you exhibited more of the very things that you claim I don't by being Christian you would not be in the position to criticize anyone.

Jesus said "anyone who is without Sin cast the first stone".... you throw boulders at Trump everytime you post.

Shut up.
Yes you are pro-choice and so is he. The difference is you choose death even after unwanted children are born and he chooses life, even if they are unwanted before they are born.

He separated children from their mothers. He had children put in cages. They can't even reunite children with their mothers. FFS stop with believing every single piece of nonsense thrown at you.
That is correct, I wouldn't vote for Trump under any circumstance.

Too early for me to talk about candidates in much detail. I like Joe Biden. I like many individuals and dislike even more. If you ask me what potential individual that may run that I find most interesting in March 2019 (meaning my opinion could change and probably will once I start thinking about it), I would answer Michael Bloomberg.

Ironic. Bloomberg just officially announced he is not running...probably about the same time you made your post.
He separated children from their mothers. He had children put in cages. They can't even reunite children with their mothers. FFS stop with believing every single piece of nonsense thrown at you.

Follow your own advice. Obama did the very same thing before Trump. Trump ended the practice. Why aren't you as concerned about little babies that are permanently separated from their mothers under an abortionist's suction tube?