osu fires football coach after string of domestic violence issues


Oct 1, 2004
It's just like when toolbox asks me if I beat my wife.

Its a sick culture there.

Promoting spousal abuse.

I called toolbox out months ago about it and yet he continues to make light of it.

Real classy.
Asking you whether you still beat your wife doesn't promote spousal abuse, you f'ing retard. Given what a giant pu$$y that you are, I have little doubt that your wife is fully capable of punkin' your a$$ whenever you get out of line.
Team doctor queering on athletes, coaches beating up on their wives, free tattoos. Damn, what a cesspool down there in C-Town.

lol @ the nerd
Harbaugh's record vs. Ohio State: 0-3

Fake Michigan fans finding anything to post about, other than on-field results: priceless.

Hi. My name is Zack Smith. I got fired for beating on my ex-wife, once while she was pregnant. Urban covered for me as long as he could.
It's in the water there's. Mike Jacobs didn't have any issues until he landed in Columbus. Couple years later.... fired for beating his wife.

This goes back several years, so it isn't an Urban thing.
It's in the water there's. Mike Jacobs didn't have any issues until he landed in Columbus. Couple years later.... fired for beating his wife.

This goes back several years, so it isn't an Urban thing.
Post in English next time, retard. Just because athletes and coaches aren't arrested often in Morganhole doesn't mean that they aren't committing crimes. Ask Chris Henry...oh wait, you can't.
Totally agree....reading toolbox's posts are brutal.

They give you headaches, nose bleeds, and cavities all at the same time.

That said, tosu is a cesspool right now. I would be ashamed to have graduated from that dump.
Totally agree....reading toolbox's posts are brutal.

They give you headaches, nose bleeds, and cavities all at the same time.

That said, tosu is a cesspool right now. I would be ashamed to have graduated from that dump.
Well, I guess we would all agree that any man that would beat a woman is not much of a man! But Chris Henry's saga of attempting to strike his wife from the back of a pickup truck through the driver's side window as she is about to take a curve at a high rate of speed was certainly notable. I guess Chris didn't take physics during his stay in Morgantown.
Totally agree....reading toolbox's posts are brutal.

They give you headaches, nose bleeds, and cavities all at the same time.

That said, tosu is a cesspool right now. I would be ashamed to have graduated from that dump.
Your basketball coach was arrested for DUI, and your football coach was kicked out of a casino for being an unruly drunk, but be sure to keep riding on your high horse, Pac Man!

Your basketball coach was arrested for DUI, and your football coach was kicked out of a casino for being an unruly drunk, but be sure to keep riding on your high horse, Pac Man!

Trying posting about current topics....

You know, like the CURRENT investigation at osu about the perv doc that molested 100 students....or your football coach getting fired YESTERDAY for beating his wife.

No one cares what happened years ago toolbox.
Your CURRENT HEAD coaches have been arrested for DUI and kicked out of a casino. You CURRENTLY are the biggest douche bag on this board.
Zach Smith was arrested in the summer of 2009, while a GA, for beating his pregnant wife. Seven months later, the current Marshall head coach hired him to a full-time coaching position.
Your CURRENT HEAD coaches have been arrested for DUI and kicked out of a casino. You CURRENTLY are the biggest douche bag on this board.
I don't remember Huggins getting arrested while serving as WVU's head coach. Come to think about it, neither was Holgerson. At the time he was just the OC. He was asked to leave and he was sitting in the lobby waiting for his ride when the Barney Fife squad from Nitro showed up.

Have any more gibberish Chuck Landon?
I don't remember posting what you don't remember, but thanks for adding nothing, as usual. Fold & Blew players and coaches are protected by law enforcement in Morganhole, but when they are elsewhere, look out! #BarneyFifeLives
You mean, Gordon Gee, WVU's current President? I'm sure that he doesn't cover anything up in Morganole.
I don't remember posting what you don't remember, but thanks for adding nothing, as usual. Fold & Blew players and coaches are protected by law enforcement in Morganhole, but when they are elsewhere, look out! #BarneyFifeLives
Ohio State sucks. Full of wife-beating coaches and perverted doctors that molested over 100 students and toolbox tries to compare that to getting kicked out of a casino.

Get your ****ing head out of the sand dumbass.

How do you that you own another poster? He posts about you and your alma mater, and nothing else. Moreover, he can't sleep because he's still thinking about you at 1:35 in the morning. If this weren't enough, then consider the fact that WVUF-TardForever is BEGGING other posters to help him, as he cries for help on the main board.


And you're too big of a chicken shit to post on the main board.

I can answer that one, even though you already know the answer. Simpleton pulled his lame lines over and over again, hijacking pretty much every thread, in a weak attempt to make his frail self look big and tough. Vernon bitch slapped him, and Simpleton tucked his tail between his legs, and quietly left. Weeks later, he reappears here at the Woodshed, picking back up with his same lame lines. He's a broken record that needs to be buried. Why he is fascinated over you, I haven't a clue, but it's quite obvious he has a thing for you. He's from Ohio, so watch your back. You know about those perverts out in Ohio. If you don't, they're in the news all the time. Sick folks.
***Sigh*** The short old drunkard promises to leave this board, then spends all day posting on it, and all about me. Liar and a fraud...nothing new to see here.
He's not my brother, short sh!t, but you are understandably jealous of him, as he truly is successful, unlike you, a "major player" in your company. LMFAO! Nothing screams "dork" quite like wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap backwards when you're pushing 60!

You must be talking about a picture of me wearing a UM lid? But yet, I'm not a UM fan. What gives pepsi nerd?

Nothing like a man (or woman for that matter) wearing sunglasses at a beach resort, or having their hat backwards, in order to soak in the rays. You mean I'm the only one that does that? Folks could learn a lot by watching me.
Why do you rape little boys?
It's an epidemic with that garbage university in Columbus.

Coaches beating wives, doctors molesting students....sick bunch up there.

But hey, we had a coach kicked out of a casino.
And, a basketball head coach once arrested for DUI, who has a long history of not being able to hold his liquor. This is one of my favorite pics of all time:

Just imagine what that coffee table in the Las Vegas Hotel looks like!

And, a basketball head coach once arrested for DUI, who has a long history of not being able to hold his liquor. This is one of my favorite pics of all time:

Just imagine what that coffee table in the Las Vegas Hotel looks like!

Rough night for the ol' Huggy to be sure ....but I kind of have a soft spot for the guy, says what's on his mind. He's dead wrong about the MU-WVU series though.
We'll just have to agree to disagree, Tony. Huggins is a smart guy, who panders to the fan base, and says what he thinks that he needs to say to keep those big paychecks coming. I give him credit for creating the gimmick known as "Press Virginia," as his program was dead in the water before he did so.
We'll just have to agree to disagree, Tony. Huggins is a smart guy, who panders to the fan base, and says what he thinks that he needs to say to keep those big paychecks coming. I give him credit for creating the gimmick known as "Press Virginia," as his program was dead in the water before he did so.
True, opinions vary on Huggy Bear! I think he is disingenuous as to the excuses offered to cancel a long standing game between MU-WVU in Charleston. But I concede they have the right to play WCU instead of MU if they choose.
Disingenuous is an apt characterization, Tony. He disingenuously blames officials for most of WVU's losses. LOL
Disingenuous is an apt characterization, Tony. He disingenuously blames officials for most of WVU's losses. LOL
Well, I think they honestly foul the opponent every time they come down the court, if anything they get a break from the refs , if they blew the whistle every time a foul was committed, Mountie games would take 4 hours to complete. But I like that aggressive style of defense and respect how hard his teams play. They don't shoot the ball great and that seems to beat them in the Tourny and big regular season games.
You're "spot on" again, Tony. In fact, Caridi & Company have admitted that Press Virginia is predicated upon the assumption that the zebras won't call every foul that WVU commits, and will swallow their whistles sooner or later, especially at home, where the crowd will boo them off of the Court otherwise. Considering this philosophy and Huggins' intimidation of officials, I chuckle when Huggins predicably blames the officials after a Fold & Blew loss.