obiden didn't 'WIN' Georgia in 2020... you can now reply...


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

These 150,000 still secret 2020 unfolded mail ballots with the perfect ovals protected by court order for 3 years may have gone missing and the county’s lawyers have just quit.

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There is NO EVIDENCE, they claim(because it's been kept secret for over 3 years)

Take it to COURT, they whine(GA Supreme Court said bring out the ballots)

No JUDGE has found, they assert(because they all run away)

Joe Biden didn't 'WIN' Georgia in 2020, you can now reply
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Robert Bowes


In the GA sham indictment cases, Georgia Secretary of State - under subpoena and related pressure by Judge McAfee, reaches agreement to comply with subpoena and will turn over election evidence.

Fulton County has also been subpoenaed and has until the end of the month to turn over many types of election evidence.
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There is NO EVIDENCE, they claim(because it's been kept secret for over 3 years)

Take it to COURT, they whine(GA Supreme Court said bring out the ballots)

No JUDGE has found, they assert(because they all run away)

Joe Biden didn't 'WIN' Georgia in 2020, you can now reply
Where's @moe? This is all "fake news" he needs to see! :rolleyes:
In a state with a republican governor, republican legislature, republican attorney general, republican Secretary of State, and a republican voter majority, It’s hard to imagine how stupid and feckless Georgia republicans must be to let Biden come in and steal the election … or, Biden won the election. Stupid people will believe the former proposition, intelligent people will believe the latter, PERIOD!
In a state with a republican governor, republican legislature, republican attorney general, republican Secretary of State, and a republican voter majority, It’s hard to imagine how stupid and feckless Georgia republicans must be to let Biden come in and steal the election … or, Biden won the election. Stupid people will believe the former proposition, intelligent people will believe the latter, PERIOD!
I guess you're not aware of how many Republicans both here in Georgia and around the country hate Trump almost as much as you do? What's your factual rebuttal to what @WVU82 posted about the Georgia State attorneys quitting once the existence of all those fraudulent ballots that had been concealed was finally revealed?

Did Trump "collude" with the Russians to steal the '16 election? You won't answer that honestly because you still believe it's true even without hard evidence.
Here you now have hard, provable, defined evidence of hundreds of thousands of uncertified, forged ballots which means Trump did not lose Georgia by only 11,000 votes! Why don't you believe that evidence?
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Georgia republicans must of let Biden come in and steal the election … or, Biden won the election. Stupid people will believe the former proposition, intelligent people will believe the latter,
So you're saying only "intelligent people" voted for Biden? You voted for him too right? You're saying that was an "intelligent" vote?


(folks his silence will reveal how much "intelligence" he displays)

See how smart he is?🤣
So you're saying only "intelligent people" voted for Biden? You voted for him too right? You're saying that was an "intelligent" vote?


(folks his silence will reveal how much "intelligence" he displays)

See how smart he is?🤣
Lmao ....the people on this board didn't even know Biden ran in '88 much less dropped out because he was caught innso many lies.
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Lmao ....the people on this board didn't even know Biden ran in '88 much less dropped out because he was caught innso many lies.
The only folks more silent than Biden voters are the Leftists who are still waiting on Adam "pencil neck" Schiff to produce all the evidence he claimed to have about Trump "colluding" with Russians. :rolleyes:

Who says I have a "pencil neck"?

Have you seen yourself lately Adam?

Uh.... I said it!!!

You tell 'em DJT!
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The only folks more silent than Biden voters are the Leftists who are still waiting on Adam "pencil neck" Schiff to produce all the evidence he claimed to have about Trump "colluding" with Russians. :rolleyes:

Who says I have a "pencil neck"?

Have you seen yourself lately Adam?

Uh.... I said it!!!

You tell 'em DJT!
Can you imagine if democrats had what Comer has on Biden on Trump and one of his kids .... holy hell .... they impeached him over a made up phone call and a paid for Russian collusion story....
The silence on this tells me what phony bags of miniature peckers they are .
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So you're saying only "intelligent people" voted for Biden? You voted for him too right? You're saying that was an "intelligent" vote?


(folks his silence will reveal how much "intelligence" he displays)

See how smart he is?🤣
Can you read? I didn’t say intelligent people voted for Biden, I said intelligent people know that Trump lost Georgia. My God you’re thick.
I said intelligent people know that Trump lost Georgia.
Intelligent people who voted for Trump would like to know why those vote counts in Georgia were shut down when Trump was ahead and cruising towards a convincing victory? Are you intelligent enough to tell us why that happened?

*hint (it wasn't a water main break) :rolleyes:
See folks (I stopped watching that slaughter in Norman so I'm going to release my frustrations posting here about @Soaring Eagle 74 )..I said he wasn't very intelligent and he proved it. See how silent he is explaining why that vote count in Georgia was suddenly suspended once Biden fell behind by over 100,000 votes?

See he knows intelligent people are too smart to believe Biden made up over 100,000 votes without cheating, but he's too stupid to explain how a guy who couldn't draw flies to his rallies managed to overcome a 100,000 vote deficit to win a Red State?

Then he called out the name of "God" and he's a stone cold atheist! Who does that?

Ans: a stupid Leftist who admitted his vote for Biden was dumb...very dumb.
I didn’t say intelligent people voted for Biden

Well you certainly proved that in this thread! 😏
Hey @Soaring Eagle 74 when you walked into a voting booth to cast your ballot for creepy Joe Biden, did you expect him to open up our border to millions of illegal aliens, spark double digit inflation making things like housing, food and gasoline more expensive than they've ever been in our history, and lead us to the brink of World War III? 😲

I mean what were you thinking? Oh, just admitted earlier ITT it wasn't a very "intelligent" vote right?
I didn’t say intelligent people voted for Biden
Look we know you aren't very bright, but even Trump voters knew that creep was a loser. Why'd it take you this long to figure out what most folks who voted for that half brain dead corpse already know?

Biden's job approval among Democrats plummets to all time low

His approval rating among independents also decreased slightly in October from September, dropping from 39 percent to the current 35 percent. His rating among Republicans remained unchanged, at 5 percent. Gallup also noted that the current rating of Biden from Democrats is four percentage points lower than the lowest Republican rating of Donald Trump during his presidency.

Did 'ya read that @Soaring Eagle 74 ? That "unintelligent" vote you cast for creepy Joe Biden is worse than Trump's worse rating the whole time he was in office. I mean if you ever needed more proof how truly stupid that vote was, just read that article I linked to! (you do know how to read right?)

Hey @Soaring Eagle 74 ....
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Can you read? I didn’t say intelligent people voted for Biden
Obviously you can't read or vote can you? I mean look what you did admitting it right here? Matter of fact, Joe Biden has unarguably been one of the worst Presidents in modern history. There really isn't any argument about that either! The only folks who think he's been a good President are mind numbed Leftists like YOU who voted for him thinking they were being smart. :rolleyes:

Joe Biden is one of the worst Presidents ever

As the oldest man to inhabit the White House—as well as the oldest man to ever run for reelection in American history—Biden has several negatives weighing him down. Add to that a truly turgid economy coupled with a global order that increasingly appears to be on the brink of a world war, and Biden’s negatives far outweigh his positives in the eyes of most voters. No amount of salesmanship, especially in light of Biden’s sclerotic appearance and slurred speechifying, by the Democrats will change these perceptions among most voters.

See that @Soaring Eagle 74? ....only you in your unintelligent, uninformed ignorance are attempting to make it seem as if your vote for the worst President ever was "smart"! Know what @Soaring Eagle 74 ? That's really stupid!
Hey @Soaring Eagle 74...if Biden was ahead by over 100,000 votes in Georgia late into election night, and they suddenly stopped counting votes in order to let Trump catch up, would you think that wasn't a very "intelligent" thing to do to Biden voters?

Smart people know Biden would not have lost that vote once the counting resumed correct? I mean how "dumb" do you have to be to believe Trump could overcome a 100,000 Biden vote lead? 🤔

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Shout out to @Soaring Eagle 74 ...honestly I'm just pissed at how we sh*t the bed tonight v I'm giving you a hard time because otherwise I'd explode with absolute frustration. I figured I'd have a laugh or two at your expense to keep from going insane over how we constantly shoot ourselves in the foot when we have a chance to make a name for ourselves. Ugh.

I'm done rippin' on 'ya. Oklahoma just scored again, and I'm turning off the T-V and logging off my computer. Next time you make fun of Trump voters, remember this thread OK?


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