
You're the one who claimed to support someone "defending the Constitution" who has literally attacked it at every single opportunity and then you post garbage on here as evidence that you believe just the opposite. You trumpers are supporting the biggest con man in the history of this country and yet believe the previous administration was corrupt. It is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen. I would have never imagined that any person in this country could have got 38%-40% of the country to believe the main stream media is "corrupt and lying" while he, one of the biggest con men, is honest. It's both funny and sad at the same time. It's sad to believe that this many people in America are this stupid. Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Stone, Cohen, Papadopoulos, Van der Zwaan, and Pindeo. That's 8 people in the trump campaign who have either been convicted or have pleaded guilty. But Obama, but Hillary, "Lock Her Up," unmasking, yadda yadda yadda.
These issues are going to run through the courts. Let’s see how they turn out.
Almost everything describes in the article as problematic is reduction in duplicated oversight. The article says basically that the CFPB is the only agency protecting consumers for financial institutions. That’s false. It was the SEC that first went after Wells Fargo, and the DOJ prosecutes financial institutions regularly. What happens when you have oversight by multiple federal entities with the ability to drag you into court and which don’t agree in how you should operate your business? It paralyzes business. You can’t make any moves because no matter what you do it will be wrong.
Almost everything describes in the article as problematic is reduction in duplicated oversight. The article says basically that the CFPB is the only agency protecting consumers for financial institutions. That’s false. It was the SEC that first went after Wells Fargo, and the DOJ prosecutes financial institutions regularly. What happens when you have oversight by multiple federal entities with the ability to drag you into court and which don’t agree in how you should operate your business? It paralyzes business. You can’t make any moves because no matter what you do it will be wrong.
There’s a foundation for comparison of deregulation, and the economic effects under W and Trump.
Did you read that article written by this guy?

Pat Garofalo is the author of “The Billionaire Boondoggle: How Our Politicians Let Corporations and Bigwigs Steal Our Money and Jobs” and the Boondoggle newsletter, and managing editor for

Discounting the obvious bias of the author And what I can imagine are revelations derived from Occupy Wall Street, let’s hit the high notes:
  1. Providing relief on Dodd/Frank.
    The contention here by the author is that adjusting the limit On managed assets will allow smaller banks to grow to potentially dangerous size. He gives a nod to what it would do for smaller regional banks but leaves out the economic impacts of what that growth actually means and how it’s a positive for local communities. Your dad’s bank would’ve been plowed under because of Dodd Frank. Dodd Frank actually caused financial hardships and many banks closed because of it. It’s why this measure by this administration passed on a bi-partisan basis.
  2. Fund Managers/Insurance Houses: He tries to draw a correlation here between AIG and this bill. Swing and a miss, it’s so broadly correlated it’s impossible to draw a counter argument. Literally just using buzzwords to sound smart.
  3. CFPB: This one has been beat to death on this board. I’m firmly in the camp of axing this piece of shit.
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The country will be in an economic depression when Trump leaves office in a few months.
But it will recover......just like it always does.....and the person in charge,whom ever it is, will get the credit.
Did you read that article written by this guy?

Pat Garofalo is the author of “The Billionaire Boondoggle: How Our Politicians Let Corporations and Bigwigs Steal Our Money and Jobs” and the Boondoggle newsletter, and managing editor for

Discounting the obvious bias of the author And what I can imagine are revelations derived from Occupy Wall Street, let’s hit the high notes:
  1. Providing relief on Dodd/Frank.
    The contention here by the author is that adjusting the limit On managed assets will allow smaller banks to grow to potentially dangerous size. He gives a nod to what it would do for smaller regional banks but leaves out the economic impacts of what that growth actually means and how it’s a positive for local communities. Your dad’s bank would’ve been plowed under because of Dodd Frank. Dodd Frank actually caused financial hardships and many banks closed because of it. It’s why this measure by this administration passed on a bi-partisan basis.
  2. Fund Managers/Insurance Houses: He tries to draw a correlation here between AIG and this bill. Swing and a miss, it’s so broadly correlated it’s impossible to draw a counter argument. Literally just using buzzwords to sound smart.
  3. CFPB: This one has been beat to death on this board. I’m firmly in the camp of axing this piece of shit.
Great counter post. I defer. Although I do believe that deregulation caused our last financial crisis, and will again - that very well might not be based on any legitimate precedent - only that historically business almost always leads us to bad places eventually.
But it will recover......just like it always does.....and the person in charge,whom ever it is, will get the credit.
except when it’s a Democrat