MSNBC and it's viewers


Jun 17, 2005
Thank goodness there aren't many of them.

Apparently MSNBC did a poll on a show regarding how many people trusted Hilary with the email thing. 90% said yes.

The days of objective, critical thinking are gone.
The seams of society are unraveling ..... and perhaps it's for the best.

With Soros' money behind Ferguson and countless other flags, both false and genuine, we'll taste autocracy soon enough.

Then the "fun" actually commences.

It's great to be bat-sh*t crazy because like Seal said, it's the only way to survive ....... not by the radical Conservative's bunkers, canned goods, firearms, or the exact opposite ....... the radical Liberals' wanton ignorance.
No, they are perfect, cookie cutter representatives of society.

Only very small portion of our society actually sifts through partisanship and takes the pill government gives you to swallow and hides it under our tongue until master leaves the room.

Lambs to the slaughter ...... all of them ....... and call it a hunch but one day the "sheeple" will wish they had listened to the crazy people.

This post was edited on 3/13 11:24 AM by Wolf J. Flywheel
You may be right

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
call it a hunch but one day the "sheeple" will wish they had listened to the crazy people.

This post was edited on 3/13 11:24 AM by Wolf J. Flywheel
I think our demise will be followed not by acknowledgement that they should have listened, but rather even harder stances and finger pointing at the "other side".
I think we undershoot how bad things will get.

We've been immensely insulated in this country and it's amazing that it has lasted this long. We always used to watch the news and see chaos in the streets of 3rd World countries and viewed it as "their problem".

A lot of "their problems" are about to become ours.

That's really not up for debate.

What IS is up for debate is who (or what) is behind it.

Stated it before, things are going to be quite dire in this country quite soon. Of course, the usual suspects can surface and nervously spew out their "Doomed" as they kick the can down the street. One day they may wish they had that can. It's damn surreal that some on here are going to recall a post on a freaking message board when the bottom falls out. I only hope they learned something.

This post was edited on 3/13 11:38 AM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Re: The end is nigh......

This is NOT up for debate BAMA!!!
BBC only news I "watch"

If you only "watch" it doesn't matter which of them you are watching, you will not be
getting a third of the necessary information.
Re: BBC only news I "watch"

Originally posted by Keyser76:
If you only "watch" it doesn't matter which of them you are watching, you will not be
getting a third of the necessary information.
I "watch" very little national news. Instead I read a ton of articles, when one is clearly slanted left I find another one and vice versa. Some websites I predominantly avoid because there is no chance of anything remotely close to unbiased coverage. Others lean one way or the other but there is at least enough factual information to get enough of an idea of what to keep digging into.
When it comes to doom, there is no legitamacy....

30 years ago it was the Russians or the bomb. 100 years ago it was the plague. 1000 years ago it was god. And yet, we are still here.
Care to get specific on your prediction? I bet you're not. *

Re: When it comes to doom, there is no legitamacy....

I like to think of it as "hand wringing".
So you're down for the whole "infinity" thing?

LOL!! And here I thought David Icke and his reptilian Illuminati was off the rails.

As sure as there was a start, there will be a climax (especially if you're Peter North) and the only question was which generational gaggle of muttonheads was gonna be the ones to tie a bow on this b*tch. We sure sound like that gaggle of muttonheads, although some of us may be using walkers and Lil' Rascal scooters when it happens.

That being said, thanks for playing. Tell him what he's won, Johnny!

JOHNNY: He's won a new carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Yes, a new Saturn (well, used Saturn) named after the planet which will be hopefully be inhabiting soon should Richard Branson get his Virgin craft in gear and shuttle us off this earth like fleas off a dying dog.

By the way, a man you likely have in your spank bank (Stephen Hawking) and a man whose credentials you likely won't question (you know ...... intellectual Elvis and all) has strangely come to the same conclusion I have. Which leads me to this final thought ..... Hawking's voice is in perpetual answering machine mode.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. You still chasing after Mayan calendars and Y2K viruses?

Only the mindless would let bogus cries of "FIRE!" in the movie theaters distract them from the unfeigned threats.
Just as I thought. All general talk, no specific talk. No accountability.*

What is your definition of "specific"? Furthermore, it's odd that ....

............. you're the biggest concubine of climate change on here when your "colleagues" are saying that left uncorrected that this planet may have 150 years at most. It's why the egghead status at NASA is amping up their space colonization rhetoric.

So which is it .......... is climate change a hoax or is it indeed the proximal threat that your ilk suggest it is? Notice not once during reading your tripe have I asked you for an exact SECOND that climate change is gonna jump up and grab us. A genuine shame the same courtesy is not extended to me.

This post was edited on 3/13 2:14 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Makes perfect sense, huh?

You piss on the Bible as fiction (which believe me, is your right and I fully support your right unlike these loathsome Evangelicals) but are actually so obtuse to think that "Snopes" is gospel.

Do you honestly believe that:

(1) Snopes is some bastion of truth

(2) If Alex Jones and those of his variety actually knew anything hyper-incriminating that they'd still be alive, let alone talking about it on some radio show 90% dedicated to this mysterious Illuminati .... with commercial breaks for end of the world camping supplies?

I always thought you were a tad bit more perceptive than that.

Try another episode of "Cosmos", Clay.
Nice wriggle

I never once said or implied that climate change is sending the world to hell. I've argued that current scientific consensus is that human activity is causing climate change and it is. And the effects of that are unclear and could be big down the road. We don't know. Fine.

You're talking like the world is going to fall apart soon. So tell us how.

Even when big events happen things don't fall apart. 9/11 happened and yet we're doing alright today. A massive recession happened starting in 2008 and yet here we are today. You talk like what is coming is worse than either of those. So get specific or else stop all the scary talk.

"You talk like what is coming is worse than either of those. So get specific or else stop all the scary talk."

Poor baby ..... am I scaring you?

Only you could find society getting deep-sixed as a scary thought. What's so scary about it? Hell, I find it quite comical.

But if you want specifics, I think the true threats are multi-thronged and I do see a confluence in the near future. They involve nuclear proliferation and famine, which will be tied in to negative environmental phenomena. Social unrest/civil war will be listed by some as a "cause" but that is more a derivative of the two primary culprits I mentioned.

Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint the exact day and hour that you wet your pants from all this "scary" stuff. Your amusing fear of death is between you and the Spaghetti Monster. My theory, as always, is if the plane is going down: "Hit something hard. I don't want to limp away from this bitch."

This post was edited on 3/13 2:21 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
there will be a climax (especially if you're Peter North)
You throw stuff in there like this from time to time and it cracks me up.
Re: The end is nigh......

this is a hypocritical question

Coming from the queen of making outrageous unsubstantiated statements.
Re: LMAO!!!

Its scary to him because he is one of the sheeple who cant understand that there are bad things out there outside his control.
Re: Exactly....I watch almost no tv news....

News sites are often worse than tv news. The key is to be a little cynical of everything you watch and read. The truth is in there somewhere.

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