More kangaroo court lawfare against conservative attorneys as DC Bar begins disbarment proceedings against former Trump DOJ attorney Jeffrey Clark


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

Here's the latest news in the DC bar going after Trump's former DOJ appointee Jeffrey Clark for merely drafting a letter that was never sent to Georgia officials advising them of their options after the botched 2020 election.

A pretrial hearing was held which went over whether Clark will be able to plead the Fifth due to the other two criminal prosecutions he's undergoing (Georgia RICO and unnamed co-conspirator in Jack Smith's federal case) and whether he can bring in evidence dated after the letter.

The bar prosecutor said some outrageous things, including regarding evidence of election illegalities: “Everybody, every, you know, court that’s heard this type of evidence has rejected it." Clark's attorney pointed out the absurdity: “[W]e argue forcefully that it is proof of the incoherence of ODC’s theory that we cannot find a case anywhere, ever, in which a lawyer was disciplined over a draft letter that was never sent.”I've found ZERO coverage of this hearing (it was livestreamed only, not available now), no doubt because the only time the MSM covers anything related to lawfare is when it's a major bad development for conservatives.

This hearing merely revealed what snakes the DC bar prosecutors are, which they don't want out there.Please follow Jeff at
@jeffclarkus, he's one of a rare few who wasn't part of the swamp at the DOJ and didn't throw Trump under the bus.

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