It's fans at the big dance...

The intent is so the hospitals don't have thousands and thousands of people to take care of.

That means that the hospitals are overloaded so other medical conditions suffer as well.

So the fatality rates for other things increase because people aren't getting proper medical care

Not too hard why they are telling people to stay inside and not spread this

LOL at your 2nd profile giving you a thumbs up. How desperate are you?
Btw...for those concerned, yes...avoid contact with groups, ect...

But just stay healthy..

Sleep, take vitamins and get exercise. Put yourself in a healthy position from the start.

The two great risks are a run on the ICU beds and medical staff getting infected and cannot staff a hospital....try not to be a burden on the system, meaning stay healthy.

My wife works at a major hospital, we both know theres a high likelyhood of infection.

It is a concern for any age. Grand daughter is a nurse at a nursing home. Scary. Daughter has a clinic with walk ins. Again...scary. all in all good job being done by everyone limiting the spread. Well except for the idiot spring breakers down here.
LOL at your 2nd profile giving you a thumbs up. How desperate are you?
Allen how dumb are you? You have been exposed as a hypocrite and now you can't even own it. Are you now Russian root canal's body guard? Do you get your marching orders from the Kremlin like him?
TinyLittleDickHead = low income...low intelligence...low achievement...low level of manhood...low rent dweller...dumbass. But he is good for a clown act lol.
Typical response from Russian Root canal. Root you failed to answer the question why the governor of Ohio took the advice of MD's and Scientists to that of Trump. You failed to answer why Ted Cruz disputed trumps claim That anyone who wanted a test can get one. Can you tell us why Trump all of sudden wants a big stimulus package to prevent economic collapse when he said in January that this would go away in a few days. You should be complaining about Trump wanting a stimulus package. Its the very thing you call socialism when a Democrat asks for it. But what do you know about socialism. You have been living off the government dole most of your life. You aren't top gun or Iron eagle you were the guy pushing the mop in the hanger.
TeenyTinyLittleDickHead....who cares about your question? However, do appreciste it when you waddle over when I call. Here kitty kitty....
TeenyTinyLittleDickHead....who cares about your question? However, do appreciste it when you waddle over when I call. Here kitty kitty....
I didn't expect to get an answer from you. You're nothing but a bitter insignificant uninformed old man.

You can not just drive up, walk in or run to a testing center and be tested. You first have to be checked to see if you have all the symptoms before they move toward testing you. The regular flu, strep throat, etc.

So NO. You can not ask and get a TPV-19 test (Toilet Paper Virus -19) on demand.
Not true

You have to been around someone with the Coronavirus who tested positive or travelled to another country

This is what is keeping the testing numbers down in WV.

But there are numerous people who say they have it
I wouldn't be surprised if we hear about the first death from CV and this case being unreported
I see the Coronavirus scare has allowed TVZ to go back into his 'black book' of profiles.
So what happened to your Greg Jacobs account? Are you still employed? You probably weren't in the 1st place. If people want to know how to lose 30% of their savings in less than a month this is were they can go to learn about that. That's if the number hasn't been disconnected.
So what happened to your Greg Jacobs account? Are you still employed? You probably weren't in the 1st place. If people want to know how to lose 30% of their savings in less than a month this is were they can go to learn about that. That's if the number hasn't been disconnected.
I could only wish I had the money that Greg Jacobs has. Unlike him, I only have one nice home, and one club membership. The Great Greg Jacobs has multiple. But, since you brought up multiple profiles, I still laugh when I think about Vernon listing out your 25 or so profiles. I have to ask though, how in the world does one keep up with so many accounts? You have a little black book with all your creds?
All stupid

You cannot waste time on here with stupid discussions.

If you are familiar with the people who are sick and are smart enough to admit it can stop the spread
What happened were people still didn't give a fuk even with this virus being known.

It is how far it spread.

State of WV has to rely on themselves.
So far they have done a great job. Really no political bullshit as of right now for the short term.
All stupid

You cannot waste time on here with stupid discussions.

If you are familiar with the people who are sick and are smart enough to admit it can stop the spread
What happened were people still didn't give a fuk even with this virus being known.

It is how far it spread.

State of WV has to rely on themselves.
So far they have done a great job. Really no political bullshit as of right now for the short term.


Thats exactly what message boards are for....

Thanks to democratic Party the world is in a frenzy of Panic. Perhaps they should play video basketball games from their safe corners of their own apartments.
Look Troll Allen they found the corona virus

Look Troll Allen they found the corona virus


Does this make you feel like you have balls now? Has it increased your ego and made you a confident individual?

I certainly hope so. If it did then I am happy to have helped you feel like a grown man. Your mamma should be proud. Have a nice evening Greg.
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If you stay in one room of your house one day and then go to another the next.
Does it feel like you went somewhere.

Have to find these things out.

How about turning your backyard into a luxurious vacation.
That is a start
Boy Townes, you sure got triggered on that one LOL

Noticed nobody liked your post? Its cuz nobody thinks youre funny....
Does this make you feel like you have balls now? Has it increased your ego and made you a confident individual?

I certainly hope so. If it did then I am happy to have helped you feel like a grown man. Your mamma should be proud. Have a nice evening Greg.
Well well seronimus pratt the quintessential defender of the status quo speaks. Well Pratt what's your opinion of the virus? Can you tell me why Fox news all of a sudden says this is serious when last week they were pushing conspiracy theories. What's your take now that Trump said he always knew this was a pandemic when in January it was going to go away in a few days. I have asked troll Allen this question along with comrade Russian root canal but they keep dodging it. What do you say Pratt you gonna a take stab at answering it?
Well well seronimus pratt the quintessential defender of the status quo speaks. Well Pratt what's your opinion of the virus? Can you tell me why Fox news all of a sudden says this is serious when last week they were pushing conspiracy theories. What's your take now that Trump said he always knew this was a pandemic when in January it was going to go away in a few days. I have asked troll Allen this question along with comrade Russian root canal but they keep dodging it. What do you say Pratt you gonna a take stab at answering it?

2 things I’m an expert on. Knowing what a moron sounds like and people who are morons with 25 usernames.

You reek of both...
So about 2000 people out of 356 million got the virus. It’s only dangerous to the elderly and already unhealthy people and we are shutting the country down.
Could it possibly be that all residents have not been tested? As an even trade, would you place 2000 in front of a firing squad as a fair exchange to not test any future victims.

It ain't over yet. Have we learned that this thing has a future? We know nothing about this virus except it has a name. Should we know the incubation period? How long is the life of the virus. Can these periods be verified to an exact time?
Seems that it deserves more respect since we have seen fate of the booger. Too many are being exposed thru a job that the supervisors find meaningful and find it necessary to test the unproven theory. They have proven to be a little more cautious when their family members are exposed.
Could it possibly be that all residents have not been tested? As an even trade, would you place 2000 in front of a firing squad as a fair exchange to not test any future victims.

It ain't over yet. Have we learned that this thing has a future? We know nothing about this virus except it has a name. Should we know the incubation period? How long is the life of the virus. Can these periods be verified to an exact time?
Seems that it deserves more respect since we have seen fate of the booger. Too many are being exposed thru a job that the supervisors find meaningful and find it necessary to test the unproven theory. They have proven to be a little more cautious when their family members are exposed.

The incubation period can be up to 14 days but symptoms normally display by day 5-6.
2 things I’m an expert on. Knowing what a moron sounds like and people who are morons with 25 usernames.

You reek of both...
You are an expert on what a moron is because you are a moron yourself. Congrats you failed to answer the questions just like Comrade Russian Root Canal and Troll Allen.
I see that MiniMicroTeenyTinyLittleLimpDickHead is in the room to entertain us with his grade school attempts at triggering. Pop some popcorn folks the JV clown has appeared lol.
Well well seronimus pratt the quintessential defender of the status quo speaks. Well Pratt what's your opinion of the virus? Can you tell me why Fox news all of a sudden says this is serious when last week they were pushing conspiracy theories. What's your take now that Trump said he always knew this was a pandemic when in January it was going to go away in a few days. I have asked troll Allen this question along with comrade Russian root canal but they keep dodging it. What do you say Pratt you gonna a take stab at answering it?
So Trump issues a travel ban in January.
Trump Knew it would go away in a few days.

The two do not match up to reality. Trump knew what it was and acted on it back in the beginning. The travel ban came just 10 days after the first case was discovered in the US 1/31/2020.

He was called a racist and a zenaphob (sp) for doing it. Wonder how many people he saved for that act as compared to the libs that just stand around and call people names?
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So Trump issues a travel ban in January.
Trump Knew it would go away in a few days.

The two do not match up to reality. Trump knew what it was and acted on it back in the beginning. The travel ban came just 10 days after the first case was discovered in the US 1/31/2020.

He was called a racist and a zenaphob (sp) for doing it. Wonder how many people he saved for that act as compared to the libs that just stand around and call people names?
Trump tried to dismiss it from the beginning. Trump didn't act on anything. He changes his mind daily. He is an incompetent idiot. Where did you go to Trump university? That was one of trumps scams. The travel ban from Europe was way too late.
Im guessing that minimicroteenytinylittlelimpdickhead is in the family business of living from government handout to government handout. And, of course, waddles from the refrigerator to computer keyboard. Then again could be giving him/her/it too much credit. Lol
Trump tried to dismiss it from the beginning. Trump didn't act on anything. He changes his mind daily. He is an incompetent idiot. Where did you go to Trump university? That was one of trumps scams. The travel ban from Europe was way too late.
So that wasn’t Trump banning travel from China 10 days after the first case was reported in America?
Timing on the travel ban from Europe was due to the sudden up tick in cases. It was based on the lack of control of people spreading out from Italy.

Can you not debate anything near an adult level?

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