It's not only "kids these days" that are terribly . . .


Gold Member
Dec 16, 2003
Davis, WV
uninformed in matters of significant historical importance or policy that directly affects them. Regardless what you think of this issue, I find it astounding that 93% of seniors don't know that their health care costs are subsidized by taxpayers. Maybe they are too busy sending email forwards to their grandchildren about welfare queens and Obamaphones.

This post was edited on 3/2 11:09 AM by Fingon
"For full-time workers it's the tax subsidy for employer-provided health"


That's just a little less of my money they're taking. It's not their's.
I should have couched . . .

more carefully, (and I've edited the OP accordingly), but I was simply astounded by the number of seniors who apparently don't know how medicare is paid for.
that I agree with. The author is certainly biased beyond your appraisal

Our safety nets have went a million miles beyond safety net at this time.
Re: "For full-time workers it's the tax subsidy for employer-provided health"

Originally posted by TarHeelEer:

That's just a little less of my money they're taking. It's not their's.
Agree. If we are to take the premise of the article a step further, then the government is subsidizing everybody's mortgage, and everything else that's tax deductible. I suppose in a sense, they are, if you want to look at it that way, but I don't

So you equate taxpayers helping out 80 year old folks who were probably making $12hr when they retired to giving money to "welfare queens" and just lazy mooches who don't want to work? Yes you are definitely a liberal, congrats.
by "subsidy" you mean the gov't takes say only 10K in taxes instead of 11K

in taxes from the middle class because that person pays a lot of interest into a house....that that spend money on the economy to fix up which causes ripples to fill tax coffers elsewhere? A true subsidy is when the government gives whole industries a pass because they wouldn't exist otherwise....i.e. green energy....ethanol....
I see elderly patients every day on Medicare....

who are affluent. The certainly made more than $12/hour. These are the folks who gladly accept the benefits of this government program. Yet some complain about govt programs not realizing that ....nevermind
I'll be on Medicare come November....I made a little more

than $12 and hour....I also paid taxes since I was 12 to enjoy the benefits of Medicare
Re: I see elderly patients every day on Medicare....

And my wife see's non-elderly patients every day on Medicaid that could... but don't. Folks who not only gladly accept the benefits, but expect it and contribute nothing to it.
Two different animals

Virtually everyone over 65 has Medicare as their primary health insurance. Not everyone under 18 is on Medicaid-only those who qualify because of economics. And I guarantee you that those on Medicaid know who's footing the bill. I have often wondered if any of the diehard teaparty types who are over 65 have declined Medicare. In 28 years of practice, I can't recall this ever happening.
Oh they know and they don't give a shit.

Yet they still expect their free nursing visits for, in many cases, their lazy drug addicted asses.
But we were told by the politicians years ago that we could pay

1.2%(+ matching by employer) of our gross pay and we would be taken care of from 65th birthday to death. Sadly, those politicians were idiots. One stay in the hospital will wipe out the premiums we paid into the system over our lifetime. And the negotiated amount that medicare pays the providers is going to put them out of business too.

But, I am here to tell you youngsters how much I appreciate the near free ride you are providing for my wife and me.
In your 28 years of practice have you ever declined payment...

from the government that you were entitled to ?. And in those 28 years what percentage of your patients have you allowed to walk without paying a cent for the services you provided?
If someone retired 20-25 years ago

they were not making a ton of money on average. Affluent? Sure there are always affluent people but I see that you like to throw the spin on everything. Because you see affluent older people does that mean that there are not welfare queens and societal moochers? I don't see what your response has to do with my post.
Re: In your 28 years of practice have you ever declined payment...

If i performed a legitimate service, why would I decline payment? And plenty have walked without paying. I've written off a ton of bad debt over the years. What does this have to do with the price of tea in China? I believe in Medicare. I think it is a great govt program subsidizing healthcare for the elderly and disabled. I will gladly utilize Medicare when I'm of age. But many of your brethren despise govt programs. yet they use Medicare. Hypocrisy. yet again.
"Roberts is no stickler for statutory wording."

Just what you want in a judge.
I wasn't comparing . . .

the elderly to welfare queens. I was simply pointing out the cognitive dissonance involved when people throw around "big government", "welfare state" sorts of rhetoric, while unknowingly being part of the single biggest entitlement bloc in the U.S.

This post was edited on 3/2 4:54 PM by Fingon
Re: In your 28 years of practice have you ever declined payment...

IMO, the hypocrisy is in the government forcing people into a govt program that the government cannot afford. It is going broke and few want to admit it.

Am I forced to take it? At 65, your secondary coverage assumes you utilize medicare and only pay what they would have if medicare had paid its 80%. The day before I turned 65, I had a good 80/20 plan. The next day, medicare paid the 80% and my secondary paid 20%. Now if I go to see a Dr or hospitalized, medicare pays 80% of an agreed to discounted cost. My secondary picks up the other 20% and I walk away paying nothing but $100 premium to medicare and ditto to secondary.

Medicare cannot survive as additional claimants come on board.
Thanks for answering without name, you wondered

if any "diehard teaparty types who are over 65 have declined Medicare". My point would be if you wanted what you were entitled to, why wonder what "diehard teaparty types" not receive what they are due. I don't even know what "diehard teaparty types" mean or who they are. You should also refrain from using your broad brush like,"your brethren". I totally support government social programs and I have said many times before that I am more then willing to pay more taxes. The question about dead beats was to see what your response would be and based on you response, you seem to be a generous business person. Over the years I have seen many in business who I knew had a very liberal lean and they were not so forgiving and generosity.