Is Billary the only choice for Dems?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
the libtards will say that the GOP field is weak, but if Billary is the only thing they have to offer from their side, then what does that say about them...or worse yet what does it say about our country?
They don't care what Demo woman is President .... as long as it is a woman.

That way they can claim the first "Black President" (who somehow had a white mother) and then the first woman President.

Only thing left for the Democratic trifecta is the first uncloseted fudge-packer ..... and I'm sure that's on the horizon.
Re: They don't seem to be interested in anyone else

But that doesn't mean it's hers for the taking. And the GOP field is weak -- Ted Cruz? Rick Perry? Marco Rubio? Sarah Palin? God help us. Surely there must be a good governor somewhere of one party or the other that can win something outside of his or her own state.
I thought Clinton claimed to be the first black president? **

It's just like the Iran "deal".

It's about neat little projects to claim as their own.

He does not care if it's a horrendously stupid deal ............. he's looking for staples to claim "legacy". Let's you know how society's well-being is not even on the radar. Never is.

Same with this bastardized health care, open borders, lunacy of all other shapes & sizes, and of course ...... "peace" with easily the biggest sponsor of terror over the past half century.
Re: They don't seem to be interested in anyone else

Don't be surprised if Scott Walker makes a solid push forward.

Comes across more moderate... successfully took on the union in a heavy union state.
We won't know who the contenders are for a while......

Pretty obvious they want to sit back and let Hillary stand in the line of fire for a while.
Re: They don't seem to be interested in anyone else

Originally posted by Mntneer:
Don't be surprised if Scott Walker makes a solid push forward.

Comes across more moderate... successfully took on the union in a heavy union state.
Moderate won't win the GOP primaries. Those are all about red meat for the mouth-breathing base. And that's the problem with the GOP right now -- anyone who could get elected can't get nominated. The Democrats had the same problem in the 1980s -- remember the Reagan Democrats? When your candidate is so far out there that voters from your own party desert him (or her), your party needs to take a step back and re-evaluate. It took the Democrats getting whacked in three straight presidential elections to learn that lesson and put up Bill Clinton. The Republicans have been whacked twice ...
Re: They don't seem to be interested in anyone else

Yep but the dems will rail on him for his college it Carly Fiorina that has received some attention as well?
Re: They don't seem to be interested in anyone else

you think Obama is a moderate dem? He makes Clinton look like a republican. At least Clinton was smart enough to try and govern from the middle.
We'll see about that . . .

while I agree that it might be hard for a moderate to win in Iowa, past candidates have proven that Iowa isn't everything. Republicans who care about electability are the ones with the real money in the game. Jeb will be tough to beat in New Hampshire, and with enough spending elsewhere in early states, I still would peg him as a solid favorite for nomination.
They won the primaries in 08 and 12. Problem now is the

feeling that even putting up a moderate won't do the job. But what they fail to realize is if they put up a moderate with the wrong persona then that person will lose if the Dems nominate another personality.

Walker I think has that personality that could appeal better than McCain and Romney ever could, and would definitely give Hillary a run for her money as she comes across as smug at times.
The saddest and most unfortunate aspect of electoral politics . . .

is that the job requires clear-headed, fact based decision making. And campaigns as they are now are little more than contests of popular emotion; which I would argue is the exact opposite of what matters most. Nothing will lead a person (or country) more astray more often than following the pangs of ephemeral emotions rather than the actual facts of the matter.

Then again, I'm a strong ISTJ, who scored 30 out of 30 on the T, and I think feelings are stupid. :)

This post was edited on 3/12 1:44 PM by Fingon
Re: They don't seem to be interested in anyone else

Originally posted by rog1187:
you think Obama is a moderate dem? He makes Clinton look like a republican. At least Clinton was smart enough to try and govern from the middle.
Not at all, and I'm not talking about what happens after the election, I'm talking about getting to the election. Through charisma, or White guilt, or McCain's blunder of putting Palin on the ticket, Obama was able to pull voters from the middle, which is where elections are won. None of the current list of prospective GOP candidates -- nor Hillary for that matter -- can do that, I don't think.
Re: They won the primaries in 08 and 12. Problem now is the

And in both of those years, the extreme wing complained that they lost because their candidate was "too moderate." Who of those I listed -- Cruz, Rubio, Perry, Palin -- would you call even remotely moderate?
None of them are. Like Hillary, they are more to the edge of

their party.

But because of those 08 and 12 losses, the far right on the party may show up and nominate someone like Cruz.
Re: None of them are. Like Hillary, they are more to the edge of

Originally posted by Mntneer:
their party.

But because of those 08 and 12 losses, the far right on the party may show up and nominate someone like Cruz.
And if they do, Hillary will curb stomp him the way Reagan did Mondale in 84.
Why would a good person want to get involved

The politics will crucify a good person, and the media will pile on.
What is the problem now?

Previously we could not carry the black vote.

Then we couldn't carry the Hispanic.

What is the excuse now - not moderate enough?

All the time, Dems are putting up more liberal/socialist

Barry Sanders suggests he will run. If Hill is too arrogant, are you going to vote for Barry?

I think I will go with the thinking that Media is 90+ percent liberal democrat, and the advertising is paying off.
Re: None of them are. Like Hillary, they are more to the edge of

Media abandoned her in favor of a black candidate. They owe the woman the office.
Re: They don't seem to be interested in anyone else

A point I attempted to make years ago. There is not a moderate bone in the body of Obama who was the most liberal Senator during his short stay there.

Clinton had enough sense to move to the middle. He was dragged there on a welfare/comp vote. He realized there would be stalemate for his last 4 years. He went to the middle and the country responded and was rewarded.
Is that revisionary?

My recollection was that McCain was trailing. Late, he named Palin, and pulled ahead in Aug or Sep. Financial shit hit and he lost hishead and got thumped. I don't see why so many people assign the loss to Palin. She wanted to stomp Obama's ass with all the low life stuff he had been accused of -religion to free travel to education. She was ready and John's handlers convinced him she would appear to be just a loose cannon. Obama was elected and a lot of the rumors were never addressed.

All that have been nominated lately have been moderates. And they've lost.
So you are saying the current President is center centric

Ain't no way. He is as far left as you can get with ordering morning exercises for all.
Re: They don't seem to be interested in anyone else

Moderate won't win the Dem primaries. Those are all about red meat for the bed wetting base.
Re: They don't seem to be interested in anyone else

Name the last "moderate" that the DNC nominated. BTW, whoever you think you are going to call a moderate I am going to laugh at. Not Kerry, not Gore. Not Obama. Maybe Clinton.

Since Reagan name the GOP nominees who were not moderate? Maybe Bush?
Statements like this always intrigue me . . .

Do you seriously and honestly believe that this country is just licking their chops and collectively awaiting for the opportunity to elect some Bible-thumping, wealth-tax-cutting, entitlement-slashing, immigrant-bashing, corporation-enabling, tv-censoring, abortion-banning, just-say-no-to-drugs-and-dirty-sex, Little House on the Prairie-watching conservative? That's the ticket that the American electorate is really pining for in 2016?

And to be fair, yes, the same converse questions could be posed to liberals.

The Presidency should be about pragmatism and using the best facts available to solve problems. And it's been quite a long time, imo, since we've really had a President like that, of course acknowledging that no President in any time will ever be perfect. I'm talking long as in, probably going back to Eisenhower, so this isn't an R vs. D thing either.
No, I don't

I believe they are pining for an honest, down to earth, intelligent, budget focused, border closing, entitlement to illegal slashing, get marriage out of government conservative. Your idea of conservative and mine are two different things.

Agreed on pragmatism. You're not going to get everything you want, it takes compromise. Something the current president knew nothing about. Clinton did well with this in his second term.
Not even Bush

He was very moderate (NCLB, Medicare Part D) for a "conservative".

Clinton was the closest to a moderate the Dems have put up in ages. In my lifetime.
Re: Not even Bush

Nobody is well suited for the servant-hood profession we call "President" because it requires SERVICE first and foremost to the country and the majority of politicians (or anybody for that matter) are self-seeking individuals not service-seeking individuals. The person needed in office is a man of God who has much wisdom. One huge problem with this country is that we don't have many wise people living in it. How would one be able to elect a wise person to office if that person isn't wise himself? Much wisdom is needed for the office of President yet nobody votes wise people into office. Maybe wise people purposely don't get involved with politics in the first place. Anyway, until people start taking sin seriously and turn back to God there will be no turn around of this country.
Make that 2nd term

He was dragged kicking and screaming, but he did see the benefit in compromise . In the end, he had Newt paying attention, he was also able to compromise to get the pie off his face.
At this stage of the game, I don't care if Ronald McDonald is president, as long as he does his job and does not kowtow to special interests.