If the IG determines that agents up through Deputy Director were altering 302's

If IF’s and BUT’s were candies and nuts then everyday would be Erntedankfest
If IF’s and BUT’s were candies and nuts then everyday would be Erntedankfest

Ok, different route. Judge Sullivan and his "any exculpatory evidence"

The government misconduct is presumably altered 302's. Of course, it doesn't matter what it is. If there were misconduct at the McCabe and Strzok level, to what level is our FBI corrupt, how many cases could it impact, how many lawsuits, and what is the longterm ramifications?
Ok, different route. Judge Sullivan and his "any exculpatory evidence"

The government misconduct is presumably altered 302's. Of course, it doesn't matter what it is. If there were misconduct at the McCabe and Strzok level, to what level is our FBI corrupt, how many cases could it impact, how many lawsuits, and what is the longterm ramifications?
I’d think it would be massive....or should be anyway
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Knew that was coming

The only thing that will prove to be more corrupt than the DOJ is the media that covered all of this corruption up and refused to report on it while participating in it with their selective leaks, hit jobs, smear jobs, mis-reporting and non reporting. I wish we could indict and jail some of them!
So the q u e e r wvupooper was wrong again. Back to the low self esteem corner for that fat f a g g ot
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So the q u e e r wvupooper was wrong again. Back to the low self esteem corner for that fat f a g g ot

Coop wants to be on all sides of all things to all people all the time so he can't ever be pinned down. Except when it comes to Trump...he's opposite Trump without even trying.[thumbsup]
Some special people just have everything and everyone around them figured out all the time.
Some special people just have everything and everyone around them figured out all the time.
Sone really smart peole told you a long time ago what was up and how this shit would go down but you chose your politics over your country so you can sit your loose vagina in the corner and eat tough shit now.
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Sone really smart peole told you a long time ago what was up and how this shit would go down but you chose your politics over your country so you can sit your loose vagina in the corner and eat tough shit now.
Bullsh1t genius
Go fuk a duck loser. You were warned.
Actually Captain Gotcha, my post was about the giant douchebag that likes to think he has people figured out by reading their posts on a discussion board. But I guess it could apply to you as well.

And I really have no idea how everything will shake out with the FBI/DOJ. I’m fairly certain mistakes were made, and political corruption is everywhere. But until evidence is produced from a non partisan source, I wont describe anything as the absolute truth.
that likes to think he has people figured out by reading their posts on a discussion board
Are you saying you don’t think you have people figured out? I jut read a couple of exchanges with ATL and yourself. And it’s not like I’m some enigma, if people haven’t figured me out yet, there is a real problem.
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Are we talking the 302’s or the FISA app, or everything here? Sorry, THE, truth can be manipulated too.

Not everything here, but quite significant. You are braced for the IG report, right? It's not going to shock the Hell out of you?
Not everything here, but quite significant. You are braced for the IG report, right? It's not going to shock the Hell out of you?
She is a clown. Everything she wants to believe is the truth and the stuff she doesnt want to hear are lies.
Are you saying you don’t think you have people figured out? I jut read a couple of exchanges with ATL and yourself. And it’s not like I’m some enigma, if people haven’t figured me out yet, there is a real problem.
If I want to say something about someone, I post to them. But I’m not conceded enough to think I can truly understand someone, other than what they post about themselves.

But yeah, I imagine you’re that conceded as well.
Are we talking the 302’s or the FISA app, or everything here? Sorry, THE, truth can be manipulated too.

No it can't. It is what it is. Only thing that gets "manipulated" is what you think Truth is or should be. Perfect "MO" for a relativist.
Are you saying you don’t think you have people figured out? I jut read a couple of exchanges with ATL and yourself. And it’s not like I’m some enigma, if people haven’t figured me out yet, there is a real problem.

He can't even defend what he believes because it changes so often from one position to the next. Then he gets angry when you point out his incoherence and suggests you are trying to "dictate" what he believes. How is that possible when he doesn't even know what that is, or at least won't/can't defend it?o_O

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