I’m sure everyone is against this....?

The Declaration of Independence doesn't mention race as one of our foundational organizing principles, why does the Left insist it be a major part of our operational principles?


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness".

I don't see anything about "race" in there.[eyeroll]
Was there anything about race in the Constitution?
I have no problem with the immigration policy you advocate, I have no problem with the desire to prevent illegal residents from living here even.....sanctuary cities is a complex issue, but it cannot be allowed to continue.

Many in that caravan have legitimate cause for asylum. Many in that caravan might be perfectly willing to wait to be processed legitimately otherwise. These are mostly (if not entirely) decent people looking for work and a better life. They think they can find it in the US......why demonize them? Why act like this type of desire (or even the caravan specifically) is a vicious threat to our sovereignty? Is an immigrant naturalized not just as much an American as you?

The problem I see is that the viciousness of your attitudes towards this caravan are not equal to your outrage against the businesses that employ illegals in this nation. Why aren’t these employees and businesses just as guilty of attacking our sovereignty in your view?

I don’t think it’s because you are racist....I think I because you worship money. Which I have no problem with at’s your life. But piss off with that protecting our nation” Bullsh1t. If that were the case, you’d be calling for stiffer penalties against those that employ illegals.

We want them here. We need them here. (not all of them...certainly not the criminal element) but you are correct they should be allowed to immigrate. LEGALLY. I also agree with you employers who hire these folks need to be fined and/or punished. But we are a Nation of Laws and they are NOT following the legal process to come here like millions do each year. They can't just barge in here and insist to be let in!

We don't know if they're all decent hard working folks just looking for a better Life. Some are, in fact most are...and they are welcome here as long as they come in legally. This guy didn't, and he bragged about breaking our Law and killing Cops as a result! Why aren't you as concerned about how many of these folks are in that mob?

Full story
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Was there anything about race in the Constitution?

Yes, in subsequent articles and amendments as we struggled with what to do about the Slaves...but to assure equality of the races not special consideration. Noting about "affirmative action" that's a Leftist Socialist construct that ironically discriminates based on race! [eyeroll]

Go figure?
All I read was "blah blah blah....I'm a black guy......blah blah blah". [laughing] Race baiter. You are no different than Farakhan and Sharpton.

Yes I am, they don't vote Republican I do! Sharpton at least votes Democrat. Not sure about that racist Farrakhan but he sure liked being around Obama didn't he?
Yes, in subsequent articles and amendments as we struggled with what to do about the Slaves...but to assure equality of the races not special consideration. Noting about "affirmative action" that's a Leftist Socialist construct that ironically discriminates based on race! [eyeroll]

Go figure?
It was used to correct an imbalance, and combat racism that was obvious in the admissions process in many universities
It was used to correct an imbalance, and combat racism that was obvious in the admissions process in many universities

Maybe its intentions were good. However it was still discrimination based on race. Two wrongs don't ever make something wrong correct boom!
Maybe its intentions were good. However it was still discrimination based on race. Two wrongs don't ever make something wrong correct boom!
It’s not discrimination on any level. It’s simply providing additional positives to minority applicants. And I believe the effect is counterproductive at this point, but only those that truly examine the issue could make that call
It’s not discrimination on any level. It’s simply providing additional positives to minority applicants. And I believe the effect is counterproductive at this point, but only those that truly examine the issue could make that call

The only "affirmation" we need boom is merit based on qualifications. Black people are capable of doing anything anyone else can do without the "aid" of their race! It was wrong to discriminate against them because of that (race), and equally as wrong to punish others (ie Whites) to correct that wrong.

I'm Black...I don't need any "favoritism" because of the color of my skin...I can hang with any of you White folks! I just don't like White Socialists![winking] (Black ones either!)
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Voting Rights Act of 1965 must be racist in your mind, too.

It applies to all Americans does it not?

"The Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965 to ensure state and local governments do not pass laws or policies that deny American citizens the equal right to vote based on race. As the leading democracy of the world, the U.S. should work to keep voting free, fair, and accessible. That’s why the Voting Rights Act is so important. It makes sure every citizen, regardless of their race, has an equal opportunity to have a say and participate in our great democracy".
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There is an immense backlog of immigration claims of asylum and citizenship rights. Deporting before due process isn’t Constitutional either.

Agreed. We need to fix our broken immigration system and hopefully Congress will get off its ass and do that. However this is not a solution nor a reasonable alternative to that problem.(sanctuary cities)
I have no problem with the immigration policy you advocate, I have no problem with the desire to prevent illegal residents from living here even.....sanctuary cities is a complex issue, but it cannot be allowed to continue.

Many in that caravan have legitimate cause for asylum. Many in that caravan might be perfectly willing to wait to be processed legitimately otherwise. These are mostly (if not entirely) decent people looking for work and a better life. They think they can find it in the US......why demonize them? Why act like this type of desire (or even the caravan specifically) is a vicious threat to our sovereignty? Is an immigrant naturalized not just as much an American as you?

The problem I see is that the viciousness of your attitudes towards this caravan are not equal to your outrage against the businesses that employ illegals in this nation. Why aren’t these employees and businesses just as guilty of attacking our sovereignty in your view?

I don’t think it’s because you are racist....I think I because you worship money. Which I have no problem with at’s your life. But piss off with that protecting our nation” Bullsh1t. If that were the case, you’d be calling for stiffer penalties against those that employ illegals.
I’m not demonizing them. They’re breaking the law, it’s as simple as that. There is a process for claiming asylum. Crashing our border isn’t it. It’s a means to try and circumvent our immigration policies due to the catch and inability to hold until processing. They could’ve gone to our embassy in Mexico or Guatemala to request asylum. They’re instead choosing to crash the border. You’re literally advocating for thwarting our National Sovereignty. You’re in the wrong on this. Period. There is no debate. You’re wrong.

As much as you try, I’m not going to let you blur the lines between legal immigrants which I and 99% of those on my side of the debate have zero problem with and that of illegals which we have a major issue with. Illegals make it harder for people to immigrate legally. We have the say who does and doesn’t get to come here by whatever metrics the sitting administration deems as acceptable. If that’s merit based and focused on educated and technical needs, then great. If it’s focused on manual labor needs (which I don’t believe it should be considering the very large number of low income out of work people) then that’s fine as well.

With respect to businesses, I do have a problem with it. However, cut off the supply and it negates much of the concern for businesses. Cut off the supply, then we can focus on the businesses employing illegals. I’m actually ok with crushing businesses for doing it. I’m not sure why you think I’m not.

I’ll even go you one further. They should stay in their own nation and allow us to use the money we waste on sustaining illegals to be funneled into building these same nations.

You haven’t made one compelling logical argument in support of your position. It’s been emotional and demonizing to that of your opposition using incendiary rhetoric in order to shame us for not agreeing with your emotional drivel. Bottom line, you’re on the wrong side of this and there is no debate to that.
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It’s not discrimination on any level. It’s simply providing additional positives to minority applicants. And I believe the effect is counterproductive at this point, but only those that truly examine the issue could make that call
More identity and race based initiatives that you claim you don’t do. Again, you’re bolstered by your feelings of righteousness. Those who are the most qualified should be approved on merit and granted entrance regardless of race.
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More identity and race based initiatives that you claim you don’t do. Again, you’re bolstered by your feelings of righteousness. Those who are the most qualified should be approved on merit and granted entrance regardless of race.

Perfectly stated :eek:kay:
There is an immense backlog of immigration claims of asylum and citizenship rights. Deporting before due process isn’t Constitutional either.
And we should hold them indefinitely or return them home pending their acceptance.
The only "affirmation" we need boom is merit based on qualifications. Black people are capable of doing anything anyone else can do without the "aid" of their race! It was wrong to discriminate against them because of that (race), and equally as wrong to punish others (ie Whites) to correct that wrong.

I'm Black...I don't need any "favoritism" because of the color of my skin...I can hang with any of you White folks! I just don't like White Socialists![winking]
At the university of Alabama in the 60’s and 70’s minorities absolutely needed help
At the university of Alabama in the 60’s and 70’s minorities absolutely needed help you fix that problem by simply fixing it and stop discriminating against Blacks just because they are Black! Period. You don't issue "set asides" or use racial "quotas" to correct that because you aren't really solving the're making it worse!

The Blacks you're allowing in are not qualified in many cases, and you're keeping otherwise qualified folks who are not Black away from a chance at higher education and they haven't done any discriminating! I told you what the answer is. Merit based admissions, based on skills assessments and academic competence. Stop assuming Black people are so stupid and can't compete! That's racist!

The Catholic Nuns and the Jesuit Priests who educated me did not see my skin color. They held me to the same academic standards as all the other kids, and didn't cut me any slack or make any excuses for me. They insisted since Almighty God created me and gave me a mind to think, my skin color wasn't preventing me from using my brain power!

They were 100% correct, despite what you Leftists think of my mental acumen. The Nuns and the Priests weren't racists and didn't call me names for using my own mind to think clearly and logically. What's the problem with you Leftists?
I’m sure Dog will let you suck his nuts if you ask nicely

You are such a little girl. Can't win an argument (he took you to the woodshed) then resort to typical insults and/or name calling. It's such a waste of time blogging with you.
I’ve been reading this board for some time now, and that may be the most meaningless post of BS I have EVER seen on this forum. Do you honestly believe you think you have anyone fooled with that line of BS?
You haven’t made one compelling logical argument in support of your position. It’s been emotional and demonizing to that of your opposition using incendiary rhetoric in order to shame us for not agreeing with your emotional drivel.
Some refer to it as “psycho babble”, some call it BS.
I’m not demonizing them. They’re breaking the law, it’s as simple as that. There is a process for claiming asylum. Crashing our border isn’t it. It’s a means to try and circumvent our immigration policies due to the catch and inability to hold until processing. They could’ve gone to our embassy in Mexico or Guatemala to request asylum. They’re instead choosing to crash the border. You’re literally advocating for thwarting our National Sovereignty. You’re in the wrong on this. Period. There is no debate. You’re wrong.

As much as you try, I’m not going to let you blur the lines between legal immigrants which I and 99% of those on my side of the debate have zero problem with and that of illegals which we have a major issue with. Illegals make it harder for people to immigrate legally. We have the say who does and doesn’t get to come here by whatever metrics the sitting administration deems as acceptable. If that’s merit based and focused on educated and technical needs, then great. If it’s focused on manual labor needs (which I don’t believe it should be considering the very large number of low income out of work people) then that’s fine as well.

With respect to businesses, I do have a problem with it. However, cut off the supply and it negates much of the concern for businesses. Cut off the supply, then we can focus on the businesses employing illegals. I’m actually ok with crushing businesses for doing it. I’m not sure why you think I’m not.

I’ll even go you one further. They should stay in their own nation and allow us to use the money we waste on sustaining illegals to be funneled into building these same nations.

You haven’t made one compelling logical argument in support of your position. It’s been emotional and demonizing to that of your opposition using incendiary rhetoric in order to shame us for not agreeing with your emotional drivel. Bottom line, you’re on the wrong side of this and there is no debate to that.
I actually said in another thread recently to you, that I was all for using our resources to aid the development of other nations to prevent the desire for so many to seek the better life here.

I also said, in this thread, I have no problem with immigration policy that stands in opposition to my own.

I also said I don’t think sanctuary cities should be allowed to continue.

I also said I think affirmative action is counterproductive now.

“My emotional drivel”.....are my opinions on policy and society. Degrade them all you wish, but don’t act like you’re any better than what you tail against.
You are such a little girl. Can't win an argument (he took you to the woodshed) then resort to typical insults and/or name calling. It's such a waste of time blogging with you.
IM not trying to “win” anything. PM him, I bet he’s up for it.
More identity and race based initiatives that you claim you don’t do. Again, you’re bolstered by your feelings of righteousness. Those who are the most qualified should be approved on merit and granted entrance regardless of race.
Gee.....such insight. Fvcking duh
He likes to **** women he's not married to.

The worst thing any Man can do to another Man is accuse him of being unfaithful to his Wife. You claim you have all of this proof of my infidelity and other sordid elements of my past so unless you are joking I'd suggest you put up or shut up.

I don't know you, and it's impossible to find out where you live but if I ever do I'm going to kick your ass for telling such scurrilous lies about me. Why don't you just put up your evidence and stop being such a liar? All you're doing is confirming your lack of credibility the longer you state this outright lie with nothing backing it up!

If it's just a 'schtick' designed to enrage me it won't work...but as I said if I ever meet you one day, I promise I will kick your White ass just for being such a liar about me. Of course you will never produce your "evidence" just like the accusers of Judge Kavanaugh never produced theirs, all you have are lies and smears because Truth is not your friend on the Left. Can't be...all you Leftists live a lie, and believe the lies told to you in order to believe in it. (Socialism)

You coming around here on Wed morning Nov 7th or not? Losers are such cowards in addition to being horrific liars.
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No they didn' Kanye stated, it was their "choice" to be treated the way they were.

More lies. I'll bet you can't quote exactly where Kanye West said Blacks choose to be discriminated against in admissions to colleges and universities?

Quote him.
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IM not trying to “win” anything. PM him, I bet he’s up for it.

You always resort to personal insults when you get your ass handed to you or someone exposes your blatant hypocrisy or even better your abject stupidity.

Your mouth opens up like that sewer in Shawshank prison know the scene where Anthony Robbins is making his escape from Hell? He crawled through the muck to get to his Freedom...sort of like wading through you and the rest of these nasty Leftists on our march toward Freedom from your Socialist dogmas that are destroying this country.

Are you coming around here on Wednesday November 7th or not? Why aren't any of you Leftists expressing confidence or boasting how sure you are you'll be here celebrating that "giant Blue wave" that's coming to save us from Der Fuhrer Trump?

I didn't say Hispanics fool. I said illegal aliens.

Oh crap, that make you less racist as I'm sure in today's political environment, you were talking about all those illegal aliens from Sweden.
The worst thing any Man can do to another Man is accuse him of being unfaithful to his Wife. You claim you have all of this proof of my infidelity and other sordid elements of my past so unless you are joking I'd suggest you put up or shut up.

I don't know you, and it's impossible to find out where you live but if I ever do I'm going to kick your ass for telling such scurrilous lies about me. Why don't you just put up your evidence and stop being such a liar? All you're doing is confirming your lack of credibility the longer you state this outright lie with nothing backing it up!

If it's just a 'schtick' designed to enrage me it won't work...but as I said if I ever meet you one day, I promise I will kick your White ass just for being such a liar about me. Of course you will never produce your "evidence" just like the accusers of Judge Kavanaugh never produced theirs, all you have are lies and smears because Truth is not your friend on the Left. Can't be...all you Leftists live a lie, and believe the lies told to you in order to believe in it. (Socialism)

You coming around here on Wed morning Nov 7th or not? Losers are such cowards in addition to being horrific liars.

Why don't you stop liking the posts of your butt buddy wvu2007 when he calls me a pedophile? You freaking hypocrite adulterer. Calling me out for "lying" and you like posts of someone else calling me a pedophile. STFU and be faithful.

Why are you being would "kick my White a$$".......first off, no shot. Second, if I had said "whip your black a$$" I'd be a racist. So why are you racist?

Fact is I have the proof. You are bothered by it. And I have more.
More lies. I'll bet you can't quote exactly where Kanye West said Blacks choose to be discriminated against in admissions to colleges and universities?

Quote him.

It was their choice to be slaves. [winking]

"When you hear about slavery for 400 years ... For 400 years? That sounds like a choice."

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