Hey, FatSlobForever


Jul 20, 2009
I love seeing your favorite Waltmart t-shirt team sh!t down its leg, and lose a second half double-digit lead to poor Iowa State. You're on ignore, but be sure to continue stalking me, you fat pr1ck. Your misery is my delight!

:middlefinger:[banana]🤣 misery? I am happy as a clam.

You have me on 'ignore' but are still starting threads about me...LMAO. and fatslobforever...LMAO...OMG you are so retarded.

Who is stalking who again?

See ya on the Blue I won' are banned....LMAO!

You are the biggest low IQ dumbass on here...even gramps is owning you....
I see that my one and only "ignored member" has responded in record time, but refuse to read this cvnt's drivel. This c0cksucking whore follows me from board-to-board, and will do so until the end of time because she's obsessed with me. I'm laughing my a$$ off at her, as she wallows in a 12 out of 13 game losing slide. No dumber b1tch on Panet Earth!
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Thanks for starting a thread about me while you have me on ignore. Who does that? LMAO. You have mental issues.

You are by far my favorite stalker on here.

LMAO....what a dumbass.
I see that my one and only "Ignored member," a/k/a c0cksucking slut who stalks me incessantly, is following every one of my posts on two boards now. There is no bigger loser than this lonely and fat whore, who will spend all day and night this weekend on here posting, as usual, because she has no life. This trailer trash is a total zero...LOL
  • Haha
Thanks for starting a thread about me while you have me on ignore.

Not only are you starting threads about me but you keep posting about me while I am on 'ignore'...yeah...right.

Who does that? LMAO. You have mental issues.

You are by far my favorite stalker on cocksucking queen....LMAO!

LMAO....what a dumbass.
Right on cue, I see that the loser at life posted at 12:49 a.m. early on this Saturday morning as the rest of us were enjoying a night out, but refuse to read the vomit that she pukes on here. There is no bigger reject than this stalking chick. She obviously has no friends, but did used to brag about having an imaginary friend who killed himself, undoubtedly because he was so embarrassed to be FatSlobForever's only "friend."
  • Haha
LMAO...obsessed at what time I post.

Starting threads about me.

All while you have me on 'ignore' It is beyond pathetic how you need my attention on here. don't stalk me at all. See ya on the Blue I won' got banned from it.

Just glad you aren't posting any more child porn on here.

You cocksucking twat.

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I see that the fat b!tch is still following be from board-to-board, begging me to read her posts, but I won't. I couldn't care less what this cvnt says or does, and will never read one of her posts again. Even without reading her drivel, I control every thought in her tiny head. She'll undoubtedly be posting at all hours of the night and morning, as usual, as she continues to prove that she has no life, friends, or takers for her bargain-basement priced blow jobs.
  • Haha
Notice I am not starting threads about you cocksucker....

WHO is obsessed with who? So glad you have me on ignore...

How many MORE post you going to make about me?

WHO puts someone on ignore then posts about them 24/7?

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Hey, you fat piece of sh!t and c0cksucking maggot: I'm still not reading your posts, but I see that you're still following me around, and posting after me. Obviously, your life still sucks.
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Hey, you fat piece of sh!t and c0cksucking maggot: I'm still not reading your posts, but I see that you're still following me around, and posting after me. Obviously, your life still sucks.
But yet you keep posting about me....and liking post where people insult me..


Biggest dumbass are so obsessed with me and even your twat friends know it.

Still not reading your posts, total loser, who will spend all weekend--even the late nights on here--because you're a pathetic p.o.s., who is universally hated, Even other WVU fans know you're a giant d-bag. LMAO at the worst poster in message board history.
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Still not reading your posts, total loser, who will spend all weekend--even the late nights on here--because you're a pathetic p.o.s., who is universally hated, Even other WVU fans know you're a giant d-bag. LMAO at the worst poster in message board history.
THAT is the visitor to whom I referred a couple of days ago
LMAO....then why do you keep posting about me? And still obsessed with what time I post....

Biggest cocksucking douche on here...a suckeye fan that lives 24/7 on a wvu board.

Glad you have me on ignore....

LMAO...what a twat.
C0ckSmoochForever continues to stalk me from board-to-board because she's a loser b!tch with no life. You've tried for years to get me off of these boards, but I'm still here, you crank-sucking slut.

[banana] :middlefinger:
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I see cocksucker queenie still liking all the post that disagree with me.

Good thing he isn't obsessed with me.

And look...another post about me....LMAO! Glad you have me ignore.

For me to want you off the boards means I would have to give a **** about a dipshit like wish I cared that much.

Hey look...bedpan liked your post...twats stick together...LMAO!
Hey, FatCvntForever: I keep seeing, "Ignored member" after every one of my posts. You're a sick little stalking b!tch, who has been on ignore for months, but you keep following me around, anyway. Find a new hobby, as I refuse to read the bullsh!t in your posts. You're the biggest loser on the Internet, and I mean that both figuratively and literally. LOLOLOLOL
Hey, FatCvntForever: I keep seeing, "Ignored member" after every one of my posts. You're a sick little stalking b!tch, who has been on ignore for months, but you keep following me around, anyway. Find a new hobby, as I refuse to read the bullsh!t in your posts. You're the biggest loser on the Internet, and I mean that both figuratively and literally. LOLOLOLOL
You do? Maybe you should start a thread about me and keep making posts like this since you have me on ignore.

Such a dumbass cocksucker.

Hey, FatSnatchForever: Did you enjoy watching the Buckeyes advance in the Big Dance, as your fat slob idol is on the road begging JUCO flunkies to move to Morganhole? Don't bother to answer, $lut, as I won't read your post, as usual. Sit on this, Sally...


Hey, FatSnatchForever: Did you enjoy watching the Buckeyes advance in the Big Dance, as your fat slob idol is on the road begging JUCO flunkies to move to Morganhole? Don't bother to answer, $lut, as I won't read your post, as usual. Sit on this, Sally...


Glad you have me on ignore!

What a huge cocksucking are pounding your chest after you beat Loyola? LMAO...OMG that is to ****ing funny.

Unlike life isn't consumed by what 19 year olds do you sick ****.

You should go back to posting pics of your fat boyfriend.

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I continue to own FatTrannyForever, as she knows that I haven't read her bullsh!t posts in months, but she keeps following me around, anyway. It appears that she has become quite a pin cushion on the main board, as other WVU fans regularly take shots at her. I can only imagine what brain-dead posts she has made to prompt others in her own fan base to blast her on a daily basis. This is one dumb chick. start a thread about me and post about me all the time....why do you have me on ignore again?

LMAO...what a tranny cocksucker you are.
I see that SpermBreathForever continues to respond to every one of my posts and hang on my every word. This psycho stalking b!tch can't quit me.
I see that SpermBreathForever continues to respond to every one of my posts and hang on my every word. This psycho stalking b!tch can't quit me. have no clue of how ****ing stupid you look having me on ignore but yet you start a thread about me and keep responding to posts you claim you don't read.
I see that MorbidlyObeseForever continues to follow me around, knowing that I don't read her garbage. Typical Boone County trailer trash, she is.
I see that MorbidlyObeseForever continues to follow me around, knowing that I don't read her garbage. Typical Boone County trailer trash, she is.
LMAO...So why do you keep posting about me you fat cockingsucking douchebag?
LMAO...So why do you keep posting about me you fat cockingsucking douchebag?
Love the meltdown in this thread. FraudForever was so flustered when I had her on ignore that she didn't know whether to douche or charge her cell! LOLOLOLOL
Look at FraudForever start thread after thread about me, then post all by his least eight times in one, seven in another, and so bigger loser in life than the sick puke who trolls message boards at 3:00 a.m. on weekend mornings...LMAO!
Lies, diversion, and deflection from FraudForever, as usual, as he wants you not to notice that he pu$$ed out when his bluff was called this morning.
Don't let FraudForever fool you. This total coward was called out this morning regarding the daily threats that he has made to yours truly and puked out every excuse possible not to have his fat head caved in, as he so richly deserved. He's now responding to himself dozens of times in threads that he's created about me. He desperately hopes that you don't notice what a gaping vagina he is...LMAO!
FleeingFromMeForever is not just the most unpopular and idiotic poster on here (see poll results), he's also the biggest coward, too. He ran from me today like he was Rich Rodriguez sprinting to Ann Arbor in 2007...LOL
The latest lie from the compulsive liar is that he played high school football. LOL at band dork!
FraudForever has started dozens of threads about me and responded to himself with no input from others. What a sick stalking puke with no life. He hangs out on message boards at 3:00 a.m. on weekends because he's a total loser.
The obsession continues...FraudForever can't stop starting threads about me and posting all alone in his idiotic threads...LMAO at my puppet!