Go USA soccer girls except

lmfao, nobody likes that racist homophobic tribe, you read the sh*t that base has been posting about the womens team? Pussy grabber is only popular with those fat ass big hair behemoths at his rallies, lol, wtf is the GOP long game? Does anyone think Donnie is polishing that brand? Gonna put enough old white guys on the court to keep the future off their racist lawns forever? lmfao.
2007 is an idiot who throws out the racist card anytime he sees his idiot buddies dave and born getting the shit beat out of them.

Dave is such an idiot, he can’t argue against facts so he ends up just saying “you’re a liar” or “nuh uh.”

And born is such an idiot he can’t argue and ends up lying about voting for democrat 40 years ago and trying to blame all the world’s problems on democrats.
Lol ... She could stand for the national anthem and play the game without the political theater. Then after winning the game hold a press conference stating she loved representing our country however here are some of my grievances I would like to see us work on. I'm not a public relations guru but I believe my idea would be mo better. [thumbsup]

She should hook up with Colin Kaperdick.
If you’re actually a USWNT fan, you’re not pissed right now.....they just hoisted the cup.
I am not pissed. A lot of people are who would otherwise be rah rah USA. The women claim they want to grow the sports popularity but making partisan politics a part of your marketing is a bad plan to do that. The women are hurting their own goal by creating a distraction from their own achievement. There would be more USWNT fans todat if not for the side show.
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I am not pissed. A lot of people are who would otherwise be rah rah USA. The women claim they want to grow the sports popularity but making partisan politics a part of your marketing is a bad plan to do that. The women are hurting their own goal by creating a distraction from their own achievement. There would be more USWNT fans todat if not for the side show.

You’re in the losing minority. The bigots and haters are in the minority. The USWNT doesn’t want bigots and haters as fans.
You’re in the losing minority. The bigots and haters are in the minority. The USWNT doesn’t want bigots and haters as fans.
LOL.....Since you qualify.....and since they also don't like the USWNT a favor and don't watch. There are plenty of supporters like Dave and myself that will watch.
You’re in the losing minority. The bigots and haters are in the minority. The USWNT doesn’t want bigots and haters as fans.
Disagreeing with her position makes us bigots and haters?

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yep, she's the female version of Kaepernick...

anti-American asshole...

and loved by the communists...