Don the Con Thrashes Haley

It's going to be a long four years for you. Since you idiots interfered with his first four years maybe we let him redo those too.
That’s good, I like to take life slow. But I’ll enjoy seeing orange in orange as he’s walked into prison.
Haley is no demoncrat.

I seriously can't tell the difference between her and Hillary Clinton when it comes to polices. Probably why a bunch of Democrats voted for her.

She needs to drop out ASAP or she will have no career in politics ever again unless a Democrat appoints her to a Staff Position.
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I seriously can't tell the difference between her and Hillary Clinton when it comes to polices. Probably why a bunch of Democrats voted for her.

She needs to drop out ASAP or she will have no career in politics ever again unless a Democrat appoints her to a Staff Position.
She was no democrat when she was at the UN. She did a good job at SC. I wish DeSantis was there and not her.
She was no democrat when she was at the UN. She did a good job at SC. I wish DeSantis was there and not her.

She's not anywhere. She's done. It's like watching a football game that's a blow out and the announcers are trying to make it interesting. The former Bush people are crying as hard as the Democrats. It's Trump, Biden, or a Democrat that won't be any different than Biden. Those are the options. I suggest people choose wisely. Our country can't handle four more years of what the Democrats are doing. This isn't Kennedy's Democrat Party.
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I seriously can't tell the difference between her and Hillary Clinton when it comes to polices. Probably why a bunch of Democrats voted for her.

She needs to drop out ASAP or she will have no career in politics ever again unless a Democrat appoints her to a Staff Position.
I thought you didn’t like politicians who seek to make it their “career”?
I thought you didn’t like politicians who seek to make it their “career”?

I don't but if she wants to run again in the future she needs to drop out and endorse Trump instead of smoking hopium with you Never Trumpers. Good advice that she probably won't take and I'm fine with. Hope not to see her again and unless you are prepared to have your loved ones drafted to fight a war that takes 20 years you don't either.
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That’s good, I like to take life slow. But I’ll enjoy seeing orange in orange as he’s walked into prison.
  • Haha
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