CountryRoads, you proud of this??


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2014
By Holly Yan, CNN
police officers were shot in Ferguson early today as they monitored
protesters. Neither officer was from Ferguson and witnesses said the
shooter was not near the demonstrators.
What does that have to do with me?

I don't condone that type of behavior in any way shape or form.
Yet no cry from the libtards to ban guns...this shooting is okay with them

I guess.
Re: Yet no cry from the libtards to ban guns...this shooting is okay with them

You're leading for stupid post of the day but it's early and bornaneer is giving stiff competition.
This post was edited on 3/12 10:00 AM by moe
Really...they usually jump all over shootings to ban guns...

but haven't heard bupkus on this one.
Maybe I should have led with "You all must be proud" Is that better?**

What would anybody on this board be proud of?

I certainly hope you aren't proud of yourself. Using the shooting of police officers just for some sort of political mockery.
This post was edited on 3/12 10:49 AM by WhiteTailEER
I don't see any such admonishment on the using racism for political mockery

Was there another thread that I missed?

Was there another thread someplace asking if somebody was proud police officers were shot?
OK,play stupid, what would anyone be proud of in Countrys post below.....

Are you PROUD of CountryRoads for posting a comment from a wacko for "some sort of political mockery" ? As usual you have shown just how big of a hypocrite you are, and a not very smart one at that.

This post was edited on 3/12 11:32 AM by bornaneer
Re: OK, play stupid.. but what would anyone be proud of in your post below.....

Originally posted by bornaneer:
As usual you have shown just how big of a hypocrite you are, and a not very smart one at that.
How have I shown myself to be a hypocrite exactly? Was there a post where I condoned using the shooting of cops in this way?

Do you know what hypocrisy is? Talk about not very smart.
Can't answer the question about Countrys "proud" post below**


This post was edited on 3/12 11:33 AM by bornaneer
What "post below" are you even talking about?

I might be able answer your question if I knew WTF you were talking about.

Nice deflection on the hypocrisy statement though. Kudos for that.
It was Countrys "proud" post below, not a thread you started, but....

your 10:39 post indicates your hypocrisy about my post and CountryRoads post, you know, one was for "political mockery" and the other was not. Now do you get it? It may take awhile but I think you can do it.
Re: It was Countrys "proud" post below, not a thread you started, but....

Originally posted by bornaneer:
your 10:39 post indicates your hypocrisy about my post and CountryRoads post, you know, one was for "political mockery" and the other was not. Now do you get it? It may take awhile but I think you can do it.
No, you don't get it, and I don't think you will.

This whole board is about "political mockery", but I find pouncing on the shooting of police officers for this end to be distasteful. Police officers were shot, they deserve more respect than that unless it is somehow proven that they don't deserve that respect.

Try all you want but you won't find any hypocritical stance on that. You're really reaching.
Re: It was Countrys "proud" post below, not a thread you started, but....

I didn't even post on CountryRoads thread.

So, let me see if I understand. CountryRoads made a post "are you proud" because a Maine congressman used social media to suggest that Obama's family is part of ISIS. I didn't say anything about political mockery there (I didn't say anything at all in that thread), but I'm now a hypocrit for saying you shouldn't use the shooting of police officers for political mockery?

Yeah. Those two things are exactly the same.
Re: It was Countrys "proud" post below, not a thread you started, but....

Dont be dense. He didnt say the things were the same. Countrytard made a stupid post tagging all republicans with something done by one guy. when someone turned the tables to mock him for it we get self rightous jagoffs calling them out like there was no point to him calling out countrytard. Just admit you are wrong and move on.
Re: It was Countrys "proud" post below, not a thread you started, but....

Originally posted by dave:
Dont be dense. He didnt say the things were the same. Countrytard made a stupid post tagging all republicans with something done by one guy. when someone turned the tables to mock him for it we get self rightous jagoffs calling them out like there was no point to him calling out countrytard. Just admit you are wrong and move on.
What's funny about this board is that if I was a right winger, you'd be backing me up.

I'm not being dense. I expect an immediate personal attack from you, it seems to be about all you can add to anything.

In this thread he has called me dumb, stupid, and a hypocrit. The dumb and stupid parts are just totally idiotic to begin with, but to proclaim me a hypocrit would mean that I condoned one thing and the admonished another thing that was essentially the same.

If this whole thing was about a democrat that said something as equally stupid as the Maine Senator, I would have said absolutely nothing.

My point that everybody seems to purposely overlook (or maybe you all are even more dense, dumb, stupid and bigger hypocrits than you accuse me of being) is that I find it distasteful to use the shooting of police for this purpose. Period.

I don't give a shit if he was directing at countryroads, or that he was directing it at democrats in general.

I can't make it anymore clear than that ... but somehow I'm thinking you guys are still incapable of understanding it. Or just refuse to allow yourself to understand it because it doesn't fit your agenda which indicates a complete lack of a ability for critical thinking.
This post was edited on 3/13 9:46 AM by WhiteTailEER
Re: It was Countrys "proud" post below, not a thread you started, but....

Originally posted by dave:
Dont be dense. He didnt say the things were the same. Countrytard made a stupid post tagging all republicans with something done by one guy. when someone turned the tables to mock him for it we get self rightous jagoffs calling them out like there was no point to him calling out countrytard. Just admit you are wrong and move on.
Not to mention that the whole premise for starting the thread is completely idiotic. CountryRoad's post was directed at the republicans on this board because a republican senator said something idiotic (beyond comprehension as to why he would say something like that actually).

How in the world does the shooting of police officers align with the position of any democrat? How does it align with any value that countryroads has shown to hold on this board? How in the world and in what possible sense could countryroads be proud of these actions?

You guys are insane.
That's right, independent

Call a spade a spade regardless of which side of the aisle it comes from.

Just because I'm opposed to your lunacy that means I'm not independent. Gotcha.

BTW, nice deflection and change of topic into yet another personal attack.
Independent...your comments show otherwise...and where was...

any personal attack? As far as dance,dance,dance, I was actually complimenting you on your knack for avoiding the root issue. You know, the one Dave correctly pointed out to you.
Speaking of "personal attack" .....Your words.....

lunacy,idiotic,insane. Let me know if I need to post more of your "personal attacks".

That was a compliment ... gotcha.

The only thing Dave pointed out to me was his complete lack of understanding of my position. It is you and Dave that avoid the root issue as it pertains to my position on this. Dave didn't correctly point out anything.
Go through the thread ...

Look at your post at 11:02 yesterday.

I made no personal attack prior to that. You used stupid in the title, said I was a hypocrite, and followed that up with "and not a very smart one at that"

I responded in kind.

I'll give you credit for one thing, at least it took you a few posts to get to that.
Dave opened up with it.
LOL what?

Where did i attack you? I broke down the situation for you and suggested you are being dense. Pretty gripping attack. Sorry you are soft pussycat.
Re: It was Countrys "proud" post below, not a thread you started, but....

You are the one trying to rationalize your condescending bs response. He was obviously mocking countrytard for his post and you didnt get it and instead of admitting you are wrong you are lashing out.
This post was edited on 3/13 7:52 PM by dave

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