Congratulations to LeBron James


Aug 17, 2011
38,338 career Points
0 career Values
0 career Moral Principals
0 career IQ
0 career Integrity
121,839 career Narcissist Moments
4 career bow downs to the CCP
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and worst of all, LeDumb is from Ohio. wonder if he drives 48 MPH in the passing lane? thinking he has to. I hear they were born that way.
don't get me wrong...great great player but has the personality of a ping pong ball and sadly doesn't realize it....and society worships folks like that
If only the kid from Akron weren't coached by a moron from Michigan, his team wouldn't suck. Darvin Ham sucks but because he checked all of the boxes, he was hired as the Lakers' head coach. He paid his dues as a former player and longtime assistant coach but only stupid wokesters thought that it made any sense to hire a first time head coach to lead a team made up of veteran stars with an NBA title or bust mentality. Ham deserved to be a head coach but of a young team without the "win now" mentality. The Dude loves to play three 6'1" guards at the same time, which is just one of many stupid things that he does.

Again, I strongly disagree with James' political views, but understand them, as he's uneducated and naive. Y'all care too much about what his political views are, as it isn't as if they come from a rational and thoughtful perspective.