Atl, are you okay with Trump telling brown people to go back home?

You've heard of the "new math" from the Left or their "new normal"?

This is their "new logic"

Dems that started the KKK, have been in power in Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago etc while blacks have been decimated and support millions of black babies being killed now call Trump who created the lowest black unemployment rate in history a racist?o_O

I don't get it you?

If you want a good example of Dem/Media’s double standard, just look at Virginia. Our lovely Gov Ralphie favors infanticide and is either wearing blackface or a KKK outfit in his college yearbook. Herring admitted he had done the blackface gig too. And Fairfax has been accused of rape by two young women who were on his campaign staff.

But there is no outrage. Everything is ok. Because their party is in power. This double standard simply outrageous. But it is getting noticed especially on social media & Fox.
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If you want a good example of Dem/Media’s double standard, just look at Virginia. Our lovely Gov Ralphie favors infanticide and is either wearing blackface or a KKK outfit in his college yearbook. Herring admitted he had done the blackface gig too. And Fairfax has been accused of rape by two young women who were on his campaign staff.

But there is no outrage. Everything is ok. Because their party is in power. This double standard simply outrageous. But it is getting noticed especially on social media & Fox.

They never hold themselves accountable for the standards they complain are lacking in others. Racism, sexism, class warfare, deficit spending, anti families, anti children, even homophobia, you name it...they do what they accuse others of and excuse themselves from the criticism.

Disgusting hypocrisy.
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They never hold themselves accountable for the standards they complain are lacking in others. Racism, sexism, class warfare, deficit spending, anti families, anti children, even homophobia, you name it...they do what they accuse others of and excuse themselves from the criticism.

Disgusting hypocrisy.

It’s definitely in their history & DNA. Big time.
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Let me know when he tells a white person to go back to where they came from. This is a common racially charged statement clearly invoking the race of the people he was tweeting about. But I’m sure you know that.
No, I don’t know that. I’m a man and not some weak minded simpleton who only lives in a world where white man bad and is oppressive.

And to your other point, feel free to point out all of the predominantly “white” countries on the verge of collapse, with failing Govts or Societies.

Continue to support the anti-Semite, anti-American, anti-White, and anti-intelligence wackadoos all you like. You’re bitching about perceived and implied racism while supporting 3 people who have repeatedly shown themselves to be openly racist and anti-American. Wtf.
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No, I don’t know that. I’m a man and not some weak minded simpleton who only lives in a world where white man bad and is oppressive.

And to your other point, feel free to point out all of the predominantly “white” countries on the verge of collapse, with failing Govts or Societies.

Continue to support the anti-Semite, anti-American, anti-White, and anti-intelligence wackadoos all you like. You’re bitching about perceived and implied racism while supporting 3 people who have repeatedly shown themselves to be openly racist and anti-American. Wtf.

When I asked the simple question if this would have been racist had he said it to white people, I got silence. What he said, in and of itself, was not racist at all. Those that are crying racism are implying it because of how they view the countries where these women have ancestry from.
When I asked the simple question if this would have been racist had he said it to white people, I got silence. What he said, in and of itself, was not racist at all. Those that are crying racism are implying it because of how they view the countries where these women have ancestry from.
They’re trying to pull out the old “go back to Africa” chestnut. Reading the entire tweet (all three of them) it wasn’t racist in the least little bit. It’s just dumb, but they know, most people believe it all, so they hype it up knowing the majority of people won’t research it to form their own opinion. They literally learned nothing for 2016, nothing. Same tired assed playbook.
They’re trying to pull out the old “go back to Africa” chestnut. Reading the entire tweet (all three of them) it wasn’t racist in the least little bit. It’s just dumb, but they know, most people believe it all, so they hype it up knowing the majority of people won’t research it to form their own opinion. They literally learned nothing for 2016, nothing. Same tired assed playbook.

It's gotten to the point where I've toned it all out. The insentient "sky is falling" mentality, combined with pure anger and hysteria, blinds them to logic and reason.

As you say, people are more concerned about him making those tweets, than the fact that we have these Congresswomen who have themselves shown clear racist attitudes towards others.

Meanwhile, in 2020, it's going to be funny watching them justify their support of whatever whack-a-do that party nominates, because it's clear as day that the Democratic party hasn't learned the lesson of 2016 yet, and is hell bent on nominating the wrong type of candidate.
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Does anyone know what happens to gay people in Omar's homeland? What happens to women who abort their babies? What happens to opponents of the ruling class or government?

If you look it up, you'll understand why no one takes her complaints about America seriously.
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More lies from a Leftist

I am just trying to understand why you bow to rich white dudes

I don't "bow" to rich white dudes, particularly if no rich white dudes are demanding I "bow" before them. Straight up lie!

I thought racist tweets might draw a response from you.

Trump's "tweets" only draw a response from butt hurt Leftists. Those tweets about those women who hate it here had nothing to do with their color. He didn't say "go home Black bitch Hoes to where you came from". He said (to Omar in particular) "If you don't like it here, go back to where you came from". If that's "racist", practically everyone in America who hates it here would have to leave and go someplace else! Funny how no one does? Stupid liar.

You just continue to worship your god in the White House.

I don't worship any "God" except "Yaweh God" The great "I Am". The Alpha & Omega. The Creator of the Universe and all things in it seen and unseen. The God who said "Thou shalt have no other "Gods" before me!" The God who came to this Earth & laid his Life down on a Cross for me in order to have eternal Life and Salvation from Sin. THAT God. Do you worship him too?

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Incoherent mindless babble, an extreme case of TDS
More lies from a Leftist

I don't "bow" to rich white dudes, particularly if no rich white dudes are demanding I "bow" before them. Straight up lie!

Trump's "tweets" only draw a response from butt hurt Leftists. Those tweets about those women who hate it here had nothing to do with their color. He didn't say "go home Black bitch Hoes to where you came from". He said "If you don't like it here, go back to where you came from". If that's "racist", practically everyone in America who hates it here would have to leave and go someplace else! Funny how no one does? Stupid liar.

I don't worship any "God" except "Yaweh God" The great "I Am". The Alpha & Omega. The Creator of the Universe and all things in it seen and unseen. The God who said "Thou shalt have no other "Gods" before me!" The God who came to this Earth & laid his Life down on a Cross for me in order to have eternal Life and Salvation from Sin. THAT God. Do you worship him too?


Clearly none of the above is true. Our pres spouts racist BS while you admire his pointy hat.....
I'll say it again, when the shoe was on the other foot and you guys were spouting off at the mouth during Obama's years, that was being a "patriot" for voicing your displeasures. Now, it's not. Wonder why? Oh, yeah........
I'll say it again, when the shoe was on the other foot and you guys were spouting off at the mouth during Obama's years, that was being a "patriot" for voicing your displeasures. Now, it's not. Wonder why? Oh, yeah........
Maybe because over 60 million Americans feel there is a common theme ?
I'll say it again, when the shoe was on the other foot and you guys were spouting off at the mouth during Obama's years, that was being a "patriot" for voicing your displeasures. Now, it's not. Wonder why? Oh, yeah........

We all know why...a very large percentage of Americans generally don’t like people of color, Muslims, or Spanish speakers

It hasn’t been this clear in my adult lifetime.
We all know why...a very large percentage of Americans generally don’t like people of color, Muslims, or Spanish speakers

It hasn’t been this clear in my adult lifetime.
Or maybe when you scroll through the Communist Party USA twitter page you will find Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib are retweeted a lot.
You know who else doesn't like Communist "people of color, Muslims, or Spanish speakers" as you say.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
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We all know why...a very large percentage of Americans generally don’t like people of color, Muslims, or Spanish speakers

It hasn’t been this clear in my adult lifetime.

Ask them why they still prefer to come here or even stay here if they're as hated and mistreated as you claim?
Another "Racist" white guy going off on the "Squad"
for being Anti - American.

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We all know why...a very large percentage of Americans generally don’t like people of color, Muslims, or Spanish speakers

It hasn’t been this clear in my adult lifetime.
Hilarious.....Are blond haired people now banned from doing TV ads......I don't see many of them anymore....why is that?
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They hate jews.

Apparently. Christians too. She's said some terrible things about us too. Imagine that? Tolerant open minded Leftists looking the other way on Religious bigots and racists for people who hate Jews.
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Hilarious.....Are blond haired people now banned from doing TV ads......I don't see many of them anymore....why is that?

White males who are both heterosexual and Christian are the only ethnicity now it's OK to bash.
Trump won the popular vote? Didn't know that.
He probably will this time. You know with
1. Illegal Alien round ups.
2. Your party circling the wagons around Anti- Semites.
3. Identity politics getting played out.
4. Your party being at war with itself because Communist are taking it over.
5. Economy is doing great.

How come your tribe is so against voter I.D. laws ?
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Wasn't that one of your points you posted the other day on Communist plans to conquer America? Removal of Religious organizations and replacing them with allegiance to the State?
Actually it's their point and I am just bringing it to everyone's attention. :wink:
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
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Actually it's their point and I am just bringing it to everyone's attention. :wink:
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

I noticed no Leftists objected to any of that.
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No, I don’t know that. I’m a man and not some weak minded simpleton who only lives in a world where white man bad and is oppressive.

And to your other point, feel free to point out all of the predominantly “white” countries on the verge of collapse, with failing Govts or Societies.

Continue to support the anti-Semite, anti-American, anti-White, and anti-intelligence wackadoos all you like. You’re bitching about perceived and implied racism while supporting 3 people who have repeatedly shown themselves to be openly racist and anti-American. Wtf.
The Democrat leadership "SQUAT". Crapping on America since 2018