At last the Republican Party comes clean: It stands for terrorism and Trump, against democracy

I do recognize that the GOP may regain control of the house or senate in 22. But you fail to recognize that the capitol insurrection of '20 may be a trial run for '24 when biff loses again and he sediciously sends his minions on another war path. This illicit behavior needs to be reckoned with and it is. Say 'no one cares' all you want, no one is listening to you.
Even if you have a point, you’re missing a sad but important fact—no one cares. People just consider this all political theater. Come November you’ll see what happens when the democrats focus not on making America stronger, safer, and richer, but focus on destroying the GOP and kowtowing to the far left of their party. It’s going to be a blood bath.
Of course people like you want this to go away but the truth needs to come out so that the people that the Repubs have deceived will finally know what happened that day (Dems already know) and in the days leading up to it. I'm amazed that you all think that this is all the Dems are doing. It's business as usual just with this much needed investigation going on as well. If the Dems were "kowtowing" to the far left then the left would be getting everything that they want but are they? of course not so that is a fail. I have no doubt that Dems will have some problems in the midterms but not for the reasons you give. I do like your take that telling the truth about Repubs destroys them, good call but it was you all that abandoned the truth for Trump, sad trade.
The fallout from this is going to be wonderful to watch as the truth of what biff really did fully sinks in. I never was a fan of Cheney's politics, but I have unwavering respect for her character. She took an oath to defend the constitution and she will go down as a hero. Same for Kinzinger. Too bad so many others in her party are fvking cowards.
talk about sheeples were here every day condemning a president who was actually doing good for our country, and now that the putrid mess in the white house is screwing up America you don't have the guts to come here and admit that you were wrong.......all of you are gutless and you should be ashamed of yourselves but you're too stupid not to be......BBBBBBBBBAAAAAAHHHHHH
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Of course people like you want this to go away but the truth needs to come out so that the people that the Repubs have deceived will finally know what happened that day (Dems already know) and in the days leading up to it. I'm amazed that you all think that this is all the Dems are doing. It's business as usual just with this much needed investigation going on as well. If the Dems were "kowtowing" to the far left then the left would be getting everything that they want but are they? of course not so that is a fail. I have no doubt that Dems will have some problems in the midterms but not for the reasons you give. I do like your take that telling the truth about Repubs destroys them, good call but it was you all that abandoned the truth for Trump, sad trade.

Hahaha, thank goodness for Joe Manchin, or the far left would be getting exactly what they want.
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I do recognize that the GOP may regain control of the house or senate in 22. But you fail to recognize that the capitol insurrection of '20 may be a trial run for '24 when biff loses again and he sediciously sends his minions on another war path. This illicit behavior needs to be reckoned with and it is. Say 'no one cares' all you want, no one is listening to you.
"may be a trial run"

I may be president of Mars, too.
I do recognize that the GOP may regain control of the house or senate in 22. But you fail to recognize that the capitol insurrection of '20 may be a trial run for '24 when biff loses again and he sediciously sends his minions on another war path. This illicit behavior needs to be reckoned with and it is. Say 'no one cares' all you want, no one is listening to you.
Only people paying attention to the J6 stuff is CNN watchers & everyone knows that is far & few in between.
Trump may run but it will be a bait & switch. Trump will gladly except all the sh!t the MSM can sling & keep them slobbering all over his wiener while another curb stomps the vegetable in the white house
It’s like they don’t even realize the GOP is using Trump and the Dem’s insanity over him against them. By Trump continuing to issue statements and stoking the fire, the Dems either have to focus on him or be punked by him. Meanwhile, their focus continues to be out of touch with the mainstream desires of Americans as you’ve pointed out, but they can’t stop. They have no choice. As soon as they try to get back on message, Trump takes them off. All they can do is push J6th to their demise.

Trump is just clearing a path.

I am pretty sure he knows his role. I also still do not think he will be the Republican nominee, whether it's his choice or our's.
I do recognize that the GOP may regain control of the house or senate in 22. But you fail to recognize that the capitol insurrection of '20 may be a trial run for '24 when biff loses again and he sediciously sends his minions on another war path. This illicit behavior needs to be reckoned with and it is. Say 'no one cares' all you want, no one is listening to you.

So if people care about it, why would they put GOP back in full control of Congress? Wouldnt that be hypocritical?

You said this was an issue all law abiding people cared about and the fallout would be huge...but you also accept the people will put GOP back into power - that doesnt make sense.

We are saying no one cares because its the absolute truth, you just don't want to accept it despite the proof all around you.

Insurrection is just the new media and liberal buzzword for anything they dont like...they are calling Canadian truckers insurrectionists now.
Of course people like you want this to go away but the truth needs to come out so that the people that the Repubs have deceived will finally know what happened that day (Dems already know) and in the days leading up to it. I'm amazed that you all think that this is all the Dems are doing. It's business as usual just with this much needed investigation going on as well. If the Dems were "kowtowing" to the far left then the left would be getting everything that they want but are they? of course not so that is a fail. I have no doubt that Dems will have some problems in the midterms but not for the reasons you give. I do like your take that telling the truth about Repubs destroys them, good call but it was you all that abandoned the truth for Trump, sad trade.

The only reason far left libs arent getting everything they want is because 2 moderate Dems stood against it and are now currently facing censure and harassment.

This commission is just a made-for-tv stunt. But unfortunately for them, literally no one is watching it.
So if people care about it, why would they put GOP back in full control of Congress? Wouldnt that be hypocritical?

You said this was an issue all law abiding people cared about and the fallout would be huge...but you also accept the people will put GOP back into power - that doesnt make sense.

We are saying no one cares because its the absolute truth, you just don't want to accept it despite the proof all around you.

Insurrection is just the new media and liberal buzzword for anything they dont like...they are calling Canadian truckers insurrectionists now.
You are debating with a guy who swallowed the Russia story like a fat girl & her last twinkie, he believes the fisa warrants was on the up & up . He has most on here blocked & believes living on government hand outs is a honorable thing.
The only reason far left libs arent getting everything they want is because 2 moderate Dems stood against it and are now currently facing censure and harassment.

This commission is just a made-for-tv stunt. But unfortunately for them, literally no one is watching it.
Everyone has a theory. Was Jan 6 a made for tv stunt? just kidding around right?
Of course people like you want this to go away but the truth needs to come out so that the people that the Repubs have deceived will finally know what happened that day (Dems already know) and in the days leading up to it. I'm amazed that you all think that this is all the Dems are doing. It's business as usual just with this much needed investigation going on as well. If the Dems were "kowtowing" to the far left then the left would be getting everything that they want but are they? of course not so that is a fail. I have no doubt that Dems will have some problems in the midterms but not for the reasons you give. I do like your take that telling the truth about Repubs destroys them, good call but it was you all that abandoned the truth for Trump, sad trade.
You’re wrong about me. I think the GOP is making enormous errors for short-term benefit. In the long term they will be on the opposite side of the bloodbath.
Everyone has a theory. Was Jan 6 a made for tv stunt? just kidding around right?

Two distinct things:
  1. Trump and co. did everything they could legally attempt to do to keep the election from being certified on that date. It wasn't overthrowing the election. After certification, there was nothing that could be done, and the lawful transition took place.
  2. FBI, zealots, and morons took a parade through the capital.
And yet, you're still talking about it.
Everyone has a theory. Was Jan 6 a made for tv stunt? just kidding around right?

It was a protest. And a bunch of scared politicians hiding in their offices from an angry populous isnt something most folks lose sleep over. Normal folks shook their heads the same way they did all summer watching riot after riot.
It was a protest. And a bunch of scared politicians hiding in their offices from an angry populous isnt something most folks lose sleep over. Normal folks shook their heads the same way they did all summer watching riot after riot.

It's all about January 6th with these board leftists. How about board leftists tell us what was worse....January 6th or the years of rioting by leftists who destroyed government building, police stations, took over city blocks, killed people, destroyed local business, while their leftists leaders bailed them out and egged them on?

We won't get a peep from the bleating sheep.
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It's all about January 6th with these board leftists. How about board leftists tell us what was worse....January 6th or the years of rioting by leftists who destroyed government building, police stations, took over city blocks, killed people, destroyed local business, while their leftists leaders bailed them out and egged them on?

We won't get a peep from the bleating sheep.
At worst J6 was a warning shot to the government, not a very good one that we the people are getting pissed. A handful of idiots motivated by FBI stormed the Capitol & took some pictures & that's a insurrection, but thousands illegally crossing our border is not a invasion.....Democrats....
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At worst J6 was a warning shot to the government, not a very good one that we the people are getting pissed. A handful of idiots motivated by FBI stormed the Capitol & took some pictures & that's a insurrection, but thousands illegally crossing our border is not a invasion.....Democrats....

I think the trucker convoys have some potential...will be interesting.
I think the trucker convoys have some potential...will be interesting.
I agree. I truly hope every trucker in north America stops for 1 week .
Just imagine how simply scared to tears every politician will be .
Would be awesome, simply say , end the mandates or fetch your own shit .
Everyone has a theory. Was Jan 6 a made for tv stunt? just kidding around right?
It’s really ignorant to think Trump pre planned some secretive insurrection. What proof do you have of this? Other than libtard wishful thinking to “get him”? All Trump did was tell the American people to fight like hell, which meant to demand their voice be heard. That meant protest, which is legal and a right. That is all he did that is verified. You libtards have a hard time grasping innocent until proven guilty. You foolishly believe it’s guilty until proven innocent.
It’s really ignorant to think Trump pre planned some secretive insurrection. What proof do you have of this? Other than libtard wishful thinking to “get him”? All Trump did was tell the American people to fight like hell, which meant to demand their voice be heard. That meant protest, which is legal and a right. That is all he did that is verified. You libtards have a hard time grasping innocent until proven guilty. You foolishly believe it’s guilty until proven innocent.

At the same time, his leftist messiahs promoted leftist rioting accross America that destroyed government buildings, including police stations, killed people, including police officers and children and helped BAIL THEM OUT to continue their destruction on a scale that makes January 6th look like a bug on a windshield.

Not a peep from the bleating sheep. Leftists are destroying our country.

The Party of Hate....That's today's left.
I agree. I truly hope every trucker in north America stops for 1 week .
Just imagine how simply scared to tears every politician will be .
Would be awesome, simply say , end the mandates or fetch your own shit .
Maybe, but the American people will be the only ones who suffer if truckers stop.
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Maybe, but the American people will be the only ones who suffer if truckers stop.
No pain no gain. I wouldn't like doing without many things I love , but I would gladly sacrifice 6 months of doing without to put politicians in their place
Show the government in a very peaceful way that the blue collar is the boss .
No pain no gain. I wouldn't like doing without many things I love , but I would gladly sacrifice 6 months of doing without to put politicians in their place
Show the government in a very peaceful way that the blue collar is the boss .
You should read “One Second After” sometime. This country couldn’t survive 6 months without trucking
It’s really ignorant to think Trump pre planned some secretive insurrection. What proof do you have of this? Other than libtard wishful thinking to “get him”? All Trump did was tell the American people to fight like hell, which meant to demand their voice be heard. That meant protest, which is legal and a right. That is all he did that is verified. You libtards have a hard time grasping innocent until proven guilty. You foolishly believe it’s guilty until proven innocent.

All protests have organization...just like this commission, they are mainly theater.

If you can get people to gather, then all it takes is some encouragement to get them violet.
No pain no gain. I wouldn't like doing without many things I love , but I would gladly sacrifice 6 months of doing without to put politicians in their place
Show the government in a very peaceful way that the blue collar is the boss .

Yeah I'm comfortable putting the screws to Biden and the establishment to show who really makes this country operate - because its not far left goofballs working in academia.
You should read “One Second After” sometime. This country couldn’t survive 6 months without trucking
Just 1 the end of 2nd day the mandates would be a thing of the past.
Had all workers who didn't want the shot walked off their jobs...
What will be next ? What will be the next mandate to keep your job ?
Yeah I'm comfortable putting the screws to Biden and the establishment to show who really makes this country operate - because its not far left goofballs working in academia.
Not just with our vote but we need to peacefully protest & I'm not sure marching in D.C is the answer.
Shut down the work force for a week. What are they gonna do bring Mexicans in to do it ?or ask the cartels for help like they are on the border.....
Just 1 the end of 2nd day the mandates would be a thing of the past.
Had all workers who didn't want the shot walked off their jobs...
What will be next ? What will be the next mandate to keep your job ?

Not all workers have actual leverage.

Truckers have all the leverage. The mob understood this...they have the power to shutdown anything.

And as we are seeing its not just delivering goods. When organized these guys can choke off everything in a city just by a few dozen parking in strategic ramps, ect.
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Not just with our vote but we need to peacefully protest & I'm not sure marching in D.C is the answer.
Shut down the work force for a week. What are they gonna do bring Mexicans in to do it ?or ask the cartels for help like they are on the border.....

Yeah I dont like marches...but these trucks controlling a city is an impressive display of force.
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Not all workers have actual leverage.

Truckers have all the leverage. The mob understood this...they have the power to shutdown anything.

And as we are seeing its not just delivering goods. When organized these guys can choke off everything in a city just by a few dozen parking in strategic ramps, ect.
Not all workers do , you are correct, but us all together sure as hell can pack a punch .
It was a protest. And a bunch of scared politicians hiding in their offices from an angry populous isnt something most folks lose sleep over. Normal folks shook their heads the same way they did all summer watching riot after riot.
What was going on at the Capitol that day? (when the violent domestic terrorists took over the building)
Ok @moe @bamaEER

Let’s pretend your January Pearl Harbor never happened. I want you two dweebs to compile all the deadly things the Trump administration did that had everything to do with; billions of dollars in damages in Summer 2020, unleashing a manufactured disease, border crisis, and Middle East and Russia. What do you think is more important to American citizens right now? This is a trick question.
What was going on at the Capitol that day? (when the violent domestic terrorists took over the building)

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy​

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy​

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
then you and moe and the rest of the sheeples should turn yourselves in...that's all you did for 4 years...BBBBBBBAAAAAAHHHHH

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