“This was a meeting to get information on an opponent” — August 5, 2018

Ok, that’s more like it. Been wondering where the Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy threads have been, go get’em boys.
There you go, Collusion/Obstruction/Conspiracy, ....... and Dumb/Low IQ Trump voters, ........All in the same thread. You guys are on a roll.
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the hillbag took $400M from Russia...


this Mueller scam is something else...
“We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children ...” — August 8, 2017

O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!

Although this was far from the first!
Trump Jr is obviously a target in this investigation. Muller will not touch him at this point, no reason to. His dad just locked up a perjury indictment. This investigation is much much bigger that Don Jr lying to a Judiciary Committee. There are conspiracy charges for all involved as well, If I were Trumps lawyers, I would have give Don a Twitter time out a long time ago.
Trump Jr is obviously a target in this investigation. Muller will not touch him at this point, no reason to. His dad just locked up a perjury indictment. This investigation is much much bigger that Don Jr lying to a Judiciary Committee. There are conspiracy charges for all involved as well, If I were Trumps lawyers, I would have give Don a Twitter time out a long time ago.
That’s the spirit, need to get this thread kick started again.
this is the libtard target this week...

next week, back to Stormy...

need to keep throwing that shiny object in the diving well...
His dad just locked up a perjury indictment. This investigation is much much bigger that Don Jr lying to a Judiciary Committee. There are conspiracy charges for all involved as well, If I were Trumps lawyers, I would have give Don a Twitter time out a long time ago.

What planet do you live on?

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