“Buuuuut…..Trump”…Democrats and Libtards


Aug 19, 2005
* Economy collapsing.
Democrat and Libtard response: “Buuuut…Trump!”

* Cost of living increased
Democrat and Libtard response: “Buuuuut…Trump!”

* US debt at 34 Trillion and increased by 1 Trillion since September 2023.
Democrat and Libtard response: “Buuuut….Trump!”

* Mortgage interest rates skyrocketing to 7-8%
Democrat and Libtard response: “Buuuut….Trump!”

* Flood of illegals pouring into the country at the wide open border
Democrat and Libtard response: “Buuuut….Trump!”

* Over 100 Billion already sent and pending Biden request for 65 Billion more to be sent to Ukraine
Democrat and Libtard response: “Buuuut…Trump!”

Going into re-election year, Biden and the Democrats have an answer for the American people; “Buuuut….Trump!!”
And someone responded to one my posts yesterday with a “but Hillary” comment, so it goes both ways.
And someone responded to one my posts yesterday with a “but Hillary” comment, so it goes both ways.
The difference, obviously over your head, is Trump had a plan for the American people to better their lives and country. You can deny it all you want, but Americans were better off and the country was back to being the country we love. The economy was better. The border was secure. There were no wars. The cost of living was better. And it all improved under Trump.

Now for Hillary. James Comey and the FBI admitted she committed crimes and chose not to charge. That’s a fact. Show us the crimes proven that Trump committed.
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Now who’s making the “but Trump” post…..?
That’s the Democrat platform. Is it not? What’s your policies to improve American lives? Hip Hop Task Force? Yes, that’s actually something your tribe came up with
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And someone responded to one my posts yesterday with a “but Hillary” comment, so it goes both ways.

Speaking of Hillary when do you think was the last time Bill hit that? I bet it's been awhile.
Speaking of Hillary when do you think was the last time Bill hit that? I bet it's been awhile.
Here 'ya go "slick Willie" ready for this?

That’s the Democrat platform. Is it not? What’s your policies to improve American lives? Hip Hop Task Force? Yes, that’s actually something your tribe came up with
Aw 'ya done it again! Stopped another Leftist dead in his tracks! Damn you're relentless!
And someone responded to one my posts yesterday with a “but Hillary” comment, so it goes both ways.
Don't believe it was a "but Hillary " it was a proven that Hillary was behind the fake dossier..... and that she claimed the election was rigged to every msm and no one pressed charges......and she made the whole thing up ...her and Obama.
Don't believe it was a "but Hillary " it was a proven that Hillary was behind the fake dossier..... and that she claimed the election was rigged to every msm and no one pressed charges......and she made the whole thing up ...her and Obama.
Plus the Obama D.O.J. lied and then used US intel to illegally spy on Trump's campaign as well as his transition team. That is a crime and no one has been prosecuted for it yet! :mad:
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Exactly @WVU82 ! Let me give an example of how preposterous this whole case is using my own line of work.

So we evaluate vehicles everyday, some on auction, some by our customers who bring them in to use on trades. If one of our customers thinks their vehicle is worth 15K but our trained aftermarket appraisers check it out and tell us it's only worth 8K guess what?

They're getting an offer for only 8K! It doesn't matter how much they try to inflate their value, if one of our aftermarket appraisers checks it out and tells us it's only worth 8K that's all they're going to get.... take it or leave it!

The prosecutors in Trump's case allege he "de-flated" the value of his properties and his overall assets in order to get more favorable loans. Well guess what? The lender's appraisers get to make that determination of the market value of his assets before they loan him one dime! It doesn't matter a hill of beans what he says the properties are worth, he's only going to get a loan based on what the appraisals determine they're worth as collateral!

Just as you pointed out in post #13, none of the banks or lenders felt Trump was being dishonest or understating the value of his holdings. None of them was defrauded, and everyone was paid back every penny Trump was loaned. If they thought he was a credit risk, why would they eagerly be willing to loan to him again, and again and again? They said he was a good customer, and no one missed any payments.

This case will be appealed, and should be overturned. Then if I were Trump, I'd sue New York State for falsely claiming he lied about his assets, and unfairly restricting him from doing business in that State. Better yet, he should sell off everything, and take his money to Florida. New York city sucks anyway.

Outrageous what they're trying to do to that Man, who's only crime is defeating Socialist/Leftists. He just picked up 10 more points for his landslide re-election win because of this sham case and unfair verdict. :mad:

Don't worry, we'll appeal...we'll win on appeal...then well sue the New York prosecutors for filing a frivolous lawsuit.

Keep on keepin' on DJT....they can't stop you or beat you and they know it!
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Exactly @WVU82 ! Let me give an example of how preposterous this whole case is using my own line of work.

So we evaluate vehicles everyday, some on auction, some by our customers who bring them in to use on trades. If one of our customers thinks their vehicle is worth 15K but our trained aftermarket appraisers check it out and tell us it's only worth 8K guess what?

They're getting an offer for only 8K! It doesn't matter how much they try to inflate their value, if one of our aftermarket appraisers checks it out and tells us it's only worth 8K that's all they're going to get.... take it or leave it!

The prosecutors in Trump's case allege he "inflated" the value of his properties and his overall assets in order to get more favorable loans. Well guess what? The lender's appraisers get to make that determination of the market value of his assets before they loan him one dime! It doesn't matter a hill of beans what he says the properties are worth, he's only going to get a loan based on what the appraisals determine they're worth as collateral!

Just as you pointed out in post #13, none of the banks or lenders felt Trump was being dishonest or overstating the value of his holdings. None of them was defrauded, and everyone was paid back every penny Trump was loaned. If they thought he was a credit risk, why would they eagerly be willing to loan to him again, and again and again? They said he was a good customer, and no one missed any payments.

This case will be appealed, and should be overturned. Then if I were Trump, I'd sue New York State for falsely claiming he lied about his assets, and unfairly restricting him from doing business in that State. Better yet, he should sell off everything, and take his money to Florida. New York city sucks anyway.

Outrageous what they're trying to do to that Man, who's only crime is defeating Socialist/Leftists. He just picked up 10 more points for his landslide re-election win because of this sham case and unfair verdict. :mad:

Don't worry, we'll appeal...we'll win on appeal...then well sue the New York prosecutors for filing a frivolous lawsuit.

Keep on keepin' on DJT....they can't stop you or beat you and they know it!
This case is so preposterous even to us lowly middle, middle class Americans. I over value everything I own if I'm trying to get a loan on it and as you said, the man will only give me what he says it's worth....
What burns my ass with this case is we all know every business person in real-estate over values his properties. Why are businesses in NY not fighting this do they not understand that if they can do this to Trump they will do the same to them if they no longer obey.... such fools
This case is so preposterous even to us lowly middle, middle class Americans. I over value everything I own if I'm trying to get a loan on it and as you said, the man will only give me what he says it's worth....
What burns my ass with this case is we all know every business person in real-estate over values his properties. Why are businesses in NY not fighting this do they not understand that if they can do this to Trump they will do the same to them if they no longer obey.... such fools
Exactly! Do you put your house on the market and try to get less for it than what you think it's actually worth? Hell no! You try to get top dollar for it or as much as you can. You can ask 400K for it, but unless someone makes you an offer for that and their lender's appraiser says it's worth that, you better take the first verified offer for it at 375K you get!

The whole thing just reeks of a political hit job. I have to believe on appeal those properties will get a thorough re-examination, and every bank that made Trump a loan will be asked to show their books both prior to and after the loans they made were re-paid in full. These Leftists are delusional, but they're really more Evil than anything else.
Exactly! Do you put your house on the market and try to get less for it than what you think it's actually worth? Hell no! You try to get top dollar for it or as much as you can. You can ask 400K for it, but unless someone makes you an offer for that and their lender's appraiser says it's worth that, you better take the first verified offer for it at 375K you get!

The whole thing just reeks of a political hit job. I have to believe on appeal those properties will get a thorough re-examination, and every bank that made Trump a loan will be asked to show their books both prior to and after the loans they made were re-paid in full. These Leftists are delusional, but they're really more Evil than anything else.
I believe on appeal they will be dismissed and quickly. Calling it fraud.... how is it fraud if the other party is completely happy and is educated and trained on the subject....impossible. it can't be fraudulent. What gets me is people don't understand is this tactic can and will be used on them when the time comes and I'd bet my paycheck that all those in his type of business has done it and doing it and will continue to do it .
I just bought a '75 f250 highboy very clean very good shape all numbers matching fully drivable truck for 5000.00 I put 25,000 insurance on it . No I can not get 25 at this time but in time I might be able to .... does that make it fraudulent of me to over value it to the insurance company?