You mean the Death Panels are still in place?


Dec 7, 2010
Santa Cruz, CA
[roll]Keystone cops. The GOP doesn't know how to govern. It is hilarious to watch them implode led by their dear leader, Trumplethinskin. In other news, just be thankful that Hillary lost. Otherwise the country would be mired in investigation after investigation. #notwinning
[roll]Keystone cops. The GOP doesn't know how to govern. It is hilarious to watch them implode led by their dear leader, Trumplethinskin. In other news, just be thankful that Hillary lost. Otherwise the country would be mired in investigation after investigation. #notwinning
Wait a's friday....where's Biff's friday distractionary tweetbomb to take all our minds off his utter failures? Something about Hillary?!? Biggest boy scout crowd ever?!? Something?!?
Wait a's friday....where's Biff's friday distractionary tweetbomb to take all our minds off his utter failures? Something about Hillary?!? Biggest boy scout crowd ever?!? Something?!?
They're known as "Failure Fridays". Every admin has their 5 pm news drop on Fridays but Trumplethinskin's are the best failures. The best! What a clusterfuk. Wonder what happens today at 5? It's pretty much been without fail.
Wait a's friday....where's Biff's friday distractionary tweetbomb to take all our minds off his utter failures? Something about Hillary?!? Biggest boy scout crowd ever?!? Something?!?

We probably will bomb China or North Korea by the end of the weekend.....distract from all this health care debacle.
Speaking of level-headed, measured and rational....How the hell did we go from sorta schizoid Spicer to mega schizoid Scaramucci?
Did you see where he said something to the effect that Bannon sucks his own cock? Unreal the level that our govt has sunk in such a short period. It's hard to believe that this admin still has supporters.
Did you see where he said something to the effect that Bannon sucks his own cock? Unreal the level that our govt has sunk in such a short period. It's hard to believe that this admin still has supporters.
Saw that. How the bible belt supports this trainwreck is beyond me. If they ever turn this into a movie, they need to have Gilbert Gottfried play Mooch.
Saw that. How the bible belt supports this trainwreck is beyond me. If they ever turn this into a movie, they need to have Gilbert Gottfried play Mooch.

It's reassuring that we have such a level-headed, measured, rational President in charge of our military. #we'refuked
Let's see, Obama vs Trump on military and foreign policy.


I guess if the other half of the world descends into chaos then we might be able to make a comparison.

But but but but, Trump tweets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[roll]Keystone cops. The GOP doesn't know how to govern. It is hilarious to watch them implode led by their dear leader, Trumplethinskin. In other news, just be thankful that Hillary lost. Otherwise the country would be mired in investigation after investigation. #notwinning
I said we needed to let America see them govern rather than listen to their cockamamie conspiracy theories about Hillary for four years. Evidently hating her and Obama is the only things they agree on.
Let's see, Obama vs Trump on military and foreign policy.


I guess if the other half of the world descends into chaos then we might be able to make a comparison.

But but but but, Trump tweets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama tweeted too, it ain't just that Trump tweets! lmfao It's that he usually doesn't have a clue what he is tweeting about. Obama tweeted to everybody, Trump just tweets to feed his dwindling supporters bullshit. Ain't enough lipstick for the Trump pig, he was an idiot when he was a Democrat, but he knew who he could hoodwink into electing him so he crossed over to the dark side.
Obama tweeted too, it ain't just that Trump tweets! lmfao It's that he usually doesn't have a clue what he is tweeting about. Obama tweeted to everybody, Trump just tweets to feed his dwindling supporters bullshit. Ain't enough lipstick for the Trump pig, he was an idiot when he was a Democrat, but he knew who he could hoodwink into electing him so he crossed over to the dark side.
I enjoy when you post so much. I've really never witnessed a complete lack of awareness quite like you.