WVU vs. Pitt -- The Backyard Brawl through the years...


Nov 28, 2009...:smiley:

toronto, if you haven't noticed, V has recently activated a new Pro Sports Board......with that in mind, please be sure to punch that one up a few times per week......and maybe more often after the season kicks perhaps that's now the better place for us to jointly discuss the Pens.

And if you have an occasion to be exchanging with BEER and/or Euell and.or anyone else with League interest, please point this out to them as well as our new/better place to shoot the shit about the League.

toronto, if you haven't noticed, V has recently activated a new Pro Sports Board......with that in mind, please be sure to punch that one up a few times per week......and maybe more often after the season kicks perhaps that's now the better place for us to jointly discuss the Pens.

And if you have an occasion to be exchanging with BEER and/or Euell and.or anyone else with League interest, please point this out to them as well as our new/better place to shoot the shit about the League.
No I hadn't! Excellent....well done Vernon! Indeed I will check it out often and pass along the info...
WVU 24 Pitt 17 at Heinz with a brief snow storm & a victory led by WVU's Rasheed Marshall