WVU vs. ????? at Bristol in future?


Sep 18, 2007
It would be cool if Bristol Motor Speedway officials would hold a game each year for teams from neighboring states. Since UT and VT are pretty much split by Bristol, would be also cool to match teams up that are just about the same distance from Bristol.

Which team would that be for WVU (again, total hypothetical)? UK? UNC?
I'm fine with Fedex field. Honestly this game screams gimmick, what's next playing on an arena football field?
WVU would never get invited because we couldn't fill that place....but since we are having fun with it....the correct opponent of course would be Georgia.
It would be cool if Bristol Motor Speedway officials would hold a game each year for teams from neighboring states. Since UT and VT are pretty much split by Bristol, would be also cool to match teams up that are just about the same distance from Bristol.

Which team would that be for WVU (again, total hypothetical)? UK? UNC?
That is the dumbest gimmick I have ever seen. Ok, you pack a 1/2 mile racetrack where a football field is hundreds of feet from any meaningful seat and think of it as something appealing? Please. It was just a gimmick because NASCAR is struggling and someone wanted a meaningless attendance record. I'd rather us keep a home game.
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Yeah...................go on down to Bristol and pay the big money to watch the game on the Big Screen. Heck, I got my own big screen HDTV with PIP and a whole lot more. I just gotta holler and wifeydear brings me a mansize drink along with the fixings. She knows her place and she don't talk back! But, I've had to tell her a few times to 'put down that phone, you ain't calling the law on me. I've done enough time in the state penitentiary.' Warez
Actually we we're the 11st choice to play UT. I was at a meeting in Knoxville where the UT AD at the time openly talked about it. This was during the RichFraud days. The owner of Bristol is a huge VT fan and fought the matchup.
Yeah...................go on down to Bristol and pay the big money to watch the game on the Big Screen. Heck, I got my own big screen HDTV with PIP and a whole lot more. I just gotta holler and wifeydear brings me a mansize drink along with the fixings. She knows her place and she don't talk back! But, I've had to tell her a few times to 'put down that phone, you ain't calling the law on me. I've done enough time in the state penitentiary.' Warez
You teach that woman to be the remote so you don't have to tell her twice and violate your parole.
That is the dumbest gimmick I have ever seen. Ok, you pack a 1/2 mile racetrack where a football field is hundreds of feet from any meaningful seat and think of it as something appealing? Please. It was just a gimmick because NASCAR is struggling and someone wanted a meaningless attendance record. I'd rather us keep a home game.

Most events are "gimmicks"......hopefully your degree wasn't in economics or marketing....if it was, shame on them for allowing you to graduate.....[thumbsup]
Perfect teams for that game to have 150000 unless we play Tennessee we aren't getting 100000.

We have a solid fan base of about 50 to 55 thousand for home games a game like that we might get 20k to go
Most events are "gimmicks"......hopefully your degree wasn't in economics or marketing....if it was, shame on them for allowing you to graduate.....[thumbsup]

I thought they only gave degrees in those subjects at ITT Tech?

If you want to learn business get a job and quit drivin' up the rent for real scholars!
I've heard this very thing is being discussed. WVU vs. UVA. You heard it here first.
WVU should go west to play BYU on the Bonneville Salt Flats. The MAC could sell exclusive hot air balloon tix to well-heeled donors. A true, once-in-a-lifetime spectacle.
Had a friend go and he said the atmosphere was great but viewing it was absolutely terrible. Even the big screen was too far away.
I was there. I had the best seats ever!
I don't care very much for these games. Part of the fun of a college game is visiting campus.

Gameday should have been in Pittsburgh for the PSU matchup.
It would be cool if Bristol Motor Speedway officials would hold a game each year for teams from neighboring states. Since UT and VT are pretty much split by Bristol, would be also cool to match teams up that are just about the same distance from Bristol.

Which team would that be for WVU (again, total hypothetical)? UK?
VIRGINIA. Talks have already begun using us and UVA. But it's still far from being a done deal. UK also makes sense though, that is if UK really has a football program. Do they?
Perfect teams for that game to have 150000 unless we play Tennessee we aren't getting 100000.

We have a solid fan base of about 50 to 55 thousand for home games a game like that we might get 20k to go

If it was correctly marketed I guarantee we could fill the place. It would probably be about 20% related to football and 80% related to the fact that it would be a 2 day long drinking event with a nearby fanbase with many mutual friends from people in our fanbase.

WVU vs UK, Tennessee, VT, or Ohio State on a race track would be a blast
We cant fill a 62k seat stadium. I cant think of a fanbase who can bring 90k who I would care to play there.
We cant fill a 62k seat stadium. I cant think of a fanbase who can bring 90k who I would care to play there.

For big games our stadium is overflowing. A big game within driving distance of Charleston with a big novelty effect around it will have a massive turnout. VT's fanbase is about the same as ours and they did it.
For big games our stadium is overflowing. A big game within driving distance of Charleston with a big novelty effect around it will have a massive turnout. VT's fanbase is about the same as ours and they did it.
Vts fanbase was nowhere close to filling that joint. We rarely ever fill our stadium. We get close but not often. UT is the only team that can play there and fill it up and we are playing them in charlotte.
For those who comment that we have trouble filling up 60,000 at our home stadium.....evidently you were absent those big games. Probably on your couch, in front of your TV......and that's a shame. I can still remember the LSU game that night........unreal and OVERFLOWING.
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For those who comment that we have trouble filling up 60,000 at our home stadium.....evidently you were absent those big games. Probably on your couch, in front of your TV......and that's a shame. I can still remember the LSU game that night........unreal and OVERFLOWING.

^^^This. $100 a ticket an hour before KO. Like it or not the opponent matters in whether or not we sellout our stadium, but traditionally our fanbase has always showed up for big games home or away.
Hell yeah, we even show up for minor opponents like Marshall. Lord knows most of Huntington can't get to Morgantown in an old school bus and two '87 Ford Escorts. Even with a whole week to shuttle 'em up the interstate.
We should play a game on the beach. Fun, Waves, Sand. Hot chicks in bikinis waving their pom poms.

For those who comment that we have trouble filling up 60,000 at our home stadium.....evidently you were absent those big games. Probably on your couch, in front of your TV......and that's a shame. I can still remember the LSU game that night........unreal and OVERFLOWING.
I have had season tickets for 25 years and I havent missed a home game since 2003. We mighy sell out 2 games a year most years.
I attended our final four in Indianapolis in 2010. I paid over $600 per ticket to sit on the upper level and could not even make out the jersey numbers of the players without binoculars. I ended up watching the action on the Jumbotron. I would have had a much better view of the game on my 60inch HDTV at home. Although I enjoyed the atmosphere, I will never again attend a basketball game in a arena meant for football. Same goes for a football game at a ridiculous venue such as Bristol. In my opinion it's strictly a money grab at the expense of the fans.
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I attended our final four in Indianapolis in 2010. I paid over $600 per ticket to sit on the upper level and could not even make out the jersey numbers of the players without binoculars. I ended up watching the action on the Jumbotron. I would have had a much better view of the game on my 60inch HDTV at home. Although I enjoyed the atmosphere, I will never again attend a basketball game in a arena meant for football. Same goes for a football game at a ridiculous venue such as Bristol. In my opinion it's strictly a money grab at the expense of the fans.

Not sightline related but I went to my first NCAA tournament game last year in Brooklyn with high expectations and left disappointed. The atmosphere was a huge letdown and then there was a "no beer" blindside. Hilarious after all the sketchy crap the NCAA does, "no beer at NCAA tournament games" is where they randomly draw the ethical line, despite the fact that multiple schools now sell beer in on campus stadiums, off campus stadiums/arenas hosting games have always sold beer, and that this isnt the friggin Middle East. I would be tempted to go to the Final Four is WVU was in it, but there is a good chance I would sell my ticket in the parking lot and watch at a nearby pub rather than go in and sit shoulder to shoulder with strangers 1000 rows away with no beer.
Lol...and something I've always wanted to do 43rd....great time I imagine? Need to have a Mint Julip at least once in one's life...

Our alumni group in Atlanta meets at the same Tavern as we have for the past 16 years. At KY Derby time they serve "Hot Brown" sandwiches (made famous at the Derby and a historic hotel in Louisville) and mint julipes. Come on down!!
Most events are "gimmicks"......hopefully your degree wasn't in economics or marketing....if it was, shame on them for allowing you to graduate.....[thumbsup]
Actually my degrees (yes, multiple) are in something more tangible and provided much practice in critical thinking. You know, the critical thinking that allows to see how stupid of an idea this game was.

It astounds me how so many embrace ignorance and lack of common sense for the sake of cheap insults and brief gratification.
Actually my degrees (yes, multiple) are in something more tangible and provided much practice in critical thinking. You know, the critical thinking that allows to see how stupid of an idea this game was.

It astounds me how so many embrace ignorance and lack of common sense for the sake of cheap insults and brief gratification.

Yes....I think I saw must have been the one that came up with the idea for Burger King's Chicken fingers and cheetos combination......;)

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