WVU Themed Chuck Taylors


Mar 14, 2007
mountaineer fans here is a link for some cool Chuck Taylor type WVU shoes. Take a look. Sending some love from a Herd Fan Good luck this year.
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Sending love in that STD kinda way.

There's so much wrong with your opening post........
Sending love in that STD kinda way.

There's so much wrong with your opening post........
Wow, your probably the same guy the cussed my 8 year old for wearing a MU jersey in Morgantown at the last MU game. Regardless of your brilliant retort, I hope some of your fans enjoy the link.
Wow, your probably the same guy the cussed my 8 year old for wearing a MU jersey in Morgantown at the last MU game. Regardless of your brilliant retort, I hope some of your fans enjoy the link.

The link doesn't work (plus my virus protection program didn't enjoy when I put it in manually).... ....and I doubt I have any fans here.
I see what you mean. Not sure why but they do have a facebook page. It says the WVU shoe is coming out soon. Go through facebook and you don't have to verify the server.

Skicks on facebook.
Ummm...that's a no go.

How about a real link (without the virus threat) and no silly Facebook crap ??

....even an 8 year old child (who had a WVU fan yell at him) would know something stinks.......
Dude what ever. Not trying to scam anyone, just had a maryland friend post on Facebook and saw WVU had a shoe and thought I would post on your board. Not expecting a dousche like you to be such a tampon. Trying to be nice, but I'm sure your the kind of poster that corrects people's grammer and has overinflated image of your self. I guess that view from your trailer's front porch gives you a holier then thou perspective, making you the sherif of the board.

Thanks for keeping the WVU fan image Alive. For ll of you normal fans, check them out pretty cool shoes, I wish they had a MU pair.​
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