WVU ranked 80th among 1275 4-year colleges by the Economist

Soaring Eagle 74

Jan 4, 2008
Highest ranked B12 college, 93rd percentile. VPI ranked 133. ND ranked 194.

OU next highest B12 school at 369. BU - 633. KSU - 740. TT - 804. KU - 830. UT - 876. OSU - 921. ISU - 969. TCU - 1114.

BC - 591
Marshall - 805
Pitt - 849
Penn State - 1045
MD - 1057
Ohio State 1265
Highest ranked B12 college, 93rd percentile. VPI ranked 133. ND ranked 194.

OU next highest B12 school at 369. BU - 633. KSU - 740. TT - 804. KU - 830. UT - 876. OSU - 921. ISU - 969. TCU - 1114.

BC - 591
Marshall - 805
Pitt - 849
Penn State - 1045
MD - 1057
Ohio State 1265

A link would be helpful but a synopsis would help too. What were the criteria and how were the metrics judged? Although I believe we are a "rising" institution of higher learning, I'm not certain we've jumped that far up the ladder just yet.

That's an interesting way to compare schools. Basically it seeks to measure how well a school improves the financial prospects of the students it attracts compared to how well those students would do after attending a hypothetical typical school.

The method seeks to reduce bias in favor of schools that attract higher percentages of
people who are from well to do families and intelligent and hard working. Further weighting of factors tries to account for the fact certain fields pay more than others. The rationale is smart people from advantaged backgrounds do well because of those factors more than which school they attend and as a group engineers, for example, are paid more than artists or literature majors.

WVU should really play this up. It's also not weighted by value so given our relatively low tuition, in a "bang for buck" comparison we would be even higher.
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