Another reminder that
how YOU play is only part of the equation.
WHO you play is equally important.
WVU didn't lose to Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Baylor and TCU because it is a bad team. It lost because it played the 4 best teams in the Big 12.
WVU didn't beat Texas Tech, Texas and Kansas (by a landslide, just like Alf Landon's election bid against Franklin D. Roosevelt) because it is a great team, but because it's playing the 5 worst teams in the Big 12.
8-4 would be least put WVU atop the bottom 5 heap. A bowl win on top of that would be nice, too.
That would let Dana match Bill Stewart's usual 9-4 every season he was head coach.
Crest showed the effects of rust and having backups on the line and in the backfield.
Dare I say it? WVU erectile dysfunctioned Kansas!!!
M ighty defense throttled Georgia Southern, 44-0
O utstanding defense obliterated Liberty, 41-17
U nilaterally decimated Maryland, 45-6, on defense and offense
N oxious offense & special teams against Oklahoma, 44-24
T urnovers lose to Oklahoma State, 33-26 in OT despite impressive comeback from 15-point deficit.
A wesome Baylor too much, 62-38.
I ncinerated by TCU, 40-10. Way too many mistakes, penalties, dropped passes.
N ifty rushing, defense take down Texas Tech, 31-26
E xcellent turnovers by defense against Texas, 38-20
E rectile dysfunctioned Kansas, 49-0
R oll past Iowa State
S lap down Kansas State