Wonder how many P5 schools deal with these nat-n-the -ass would be

My point here is you're suggesting that Moo U is better than WVU

in both sports just as CSU is to the Buffs? Hahahahahaha
I don't suggest that we're better in football....I flat out

unequivcally state it as fact! In baskeball there is no question that WVU is 3 points better, one cannot debunk history but I will " suggest" that both us will be proven to be irrelevant to the 2014-15 Basketball season! It's UK's world...they just let both of us live in it!
Re: I don't suggest that we're better in football....I flat out

Marshall's football team was proven irrelevant, last season, hypocrite...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Much more for football than hoops....NCAA tourny is for

the most part a fair process and indicator of who the best teams is!